#aussieED Archive
#aussieED was founded on the belief that all teachers, and students, should have unlimited access to Professional Development, on their own terms, to improve their teaching, their schools and change the lives of the students they encounter. Since then, we have embarked on a mission to reach educators, not only in Australia but, all around the globe. We want to smash the barriers that prevent teachers from easily connecting and learning with each other. To that end, we have developed a regular Ed-chat each Sunday on twitter at #aussieED. The chat allows all teachers, leaders, administrators and all those connected with education to meet on an unbiased platform and discuss the real issues that effect what happens in classrooms everywhere. Our chats are authentic because we are real teachers walking the same walk that so many do everyday.
Sunday May 22, 2016 6:30 AM EDT
Rebuilt my blogsite from scratch, sick of templates! Stuart from Auckland, NZ
<- Asbjørn, the digital viking from the nort, MA in learning design. Last thing hacked was another ikea product.
Struggling through this year's AFL season. Matt from Perth. Freo Dockers tragic. Sad really, I know! Hack recipes always!
Eleni from Melb here. I love to do things differently Conference & 2 things I have done to transform edu!
Completely hacked my Year 11 English class this year, huge amount of student agency now.
never adapted? modified? taken apart? repurposed anything?
Hi everyone - Leanne from Sydney here. Madly trying to mark and tweet at the same time :-) h why even pretend. I won't be marking
Hi, Anna here. Hacked something…um, life? Always hacking things. :)
Hi Ines from Germany, for today's topic I'm a learner. So I'm reading and hope to get inspired! 😉
Nicola from Brisbane - utilsing with teachers this year.
Not a huge fan of the word I prefer transform/change thinking/redesign. Hacking reminds me of chopping and destroying...
Sounds like my gardening attempts! LOl
Sounds like my gardening attempts! LOl
Hi . Looking forward to my first chat in a while. I hack a lot of things but if I told you I'd have to kill you. ;)
Thanks so much for sharing Jen :) so passionate about encouraging kids to read from a young age https://t.co/i70cE7c1qY
Carl from Avonsleigh Victoria
Back in the 80s I had a holiday jumping testing computer security by hacking them
A1. Jodie from Mackay, QLD. I’ve adapted expectations from above 2b more dev apron 4 EC Ss
Rachel from mid North coast NSW
A1 I just hacked my entire Maths program - teach topics not textbook. This week is Sherbies math!
Cass from Melbourne hacked together a poster in 15 minutes on Friday when we were 3 metres short of completing a display for mass
Lynne from Merredin WA looking forward to hearing about others hacks
Loretta, principal of an all girls high school in Canberra. Hack things all the time - changing little things to suit our needs.
Oh! Do that all the time! Instantly thought "computer hacking!"
Catherine from Darwin - hacking planning templates and organising systems all the time.
Zeina from Sydney, this is my definition of hacking. I hack my thinking all the time! Perspective is good
Hi, Graham Andre from the UK, I hacked my hair several weeks ago, looked awful :-)
Good evening , Linda from Melbourne. ‘Hack’ in which context?
Hack your marking experience with tweeting! https://t.co/6GIDycPaqM
Hi everyone - Leanne from Sydney here. Madly trying to mark and tweet at the same time :-) h why even pretend. I won't be marking
Cameron from Melbourne, being able to "hack" or share with others to constantly improve my learning and teaching
Hi, Lux from Sudney. Last thing I hacked was the old AP office - turned it into a collaborative working/ meeting space...
hi from Scotland where I am always hacking policy 😋
Thank goodness I got the meaning right. https://t.co/fbfxwtXlVw
never adapted? modified? taken apart? repurposed anything?
Scott from Sydney, I've hacked my PD by enjoying some wine, cupcakes & chatting abt learning design https://t.co/OzxXvldNOR
I think Ts are great adapters and modifyers, why reinvent the wheel? Just give it your own spin
Bronwyn from Country Victoria, queen of hacking always looking for new ways to inspire my students
my PL everyday with so much learning and sharing
Bern from Melbourne - haven't hacked anything yet!
You need to get in contact with He's 3d printing a robotic version of himself!
Hey feeling a bit under the weather this evening, looking forward to reading while lurking and drinking some lemon tea!
LOL. Definitions can be individualised!
Karen from Sydney Also trying to do more than one thing at a time.
+ We don't teach subjects, we teach hearts and minds. This life colour occurs in my design class daily. https://t.co/baU35KeYeC
Designing and hacking a necessity for today's creative teachers !
Also hacked my desk- replaced with a shared computer hub/ learning space with Ss- much more fun for them and for me!
Hi - Kelly from Sydney here - HS Science teacher who usually hacks her lessons & pushes the boundaries to boost engagement
Ange sunny Qld hacked our sch fair with class full of Caine's Arcade inspired games, queue out door Ss worked flat out
Bob MS Principal from the Great State of Maine in the USA, Good morning all from a typical spring day by the Atlantic Ocean!
Jon her from the Perth Hills! What haven't I hacked lately is a better question!
Great way to put it! So many better words... https://t.co/jyvmHRvXIs
Haha I'm the same!!! Hacking up a piece of meat like a butcher...
feel better soon! google flu hacks for some inspo :)
Hello ... Dione from SE Qld. Hacked a few experienced teacher's ideas about teaching reading to 10-11 yo sts this year.
hi Eric. You're up early for a Sunday
Popping in and out tonight busy planning
Better still get Ss to do the hacking in a
Fiona, Year 1 PYP teacher in Canberra. What haven't I hacked lately? Constantly adapting and modifying - what better way to learn?
Come to the LIVe event, there will be a few 100 Ts there
Welcome to bob! https://t.co/zCzpQNQMko
Bob MS Principal from the Great State of Maine in the USA, Good morning all from a typical spring day by the Atlantic Ocean!
A1; was thought it by some of my first teachers 20 years back,learned it was called then i took my MA..
A1. Last yr did a unit on designing learning spaces for my Masters- lots of talk on design thinking still feel I need to learn tho
Hope you're better soon Ben
Oh yes! Glad to be here, my friend!
One of my many mottos, Kendall. https://t.co/PFYMEty70j
I think Ts are great adapters and modifyers, why reinvent the wheel? Just give it your own spin
A1 I first got an inside view of design thinking through at the Google Teacher Academy. Rad experience!
A1. Design thinking 2 me is about solving authentic problems 4 a personalized context. Learnt on job = authentic Lrn
A1 Does design thinking stem from the design process?
A1: it's deeply empathic and human centric, learnt studying design & multimedia, art
Hi from Cairns. Our team made it back from Melbs despite learning overload and capital-city weariness. Does that count as a hack?
I have my way around a golf course latest, and I have tried to#hack my faculty meetings.
A1: First I was confronted with this term was on the internet. Thought it was strange combining this topic with education.
I did too with https://t.co/N7Q58mtH6Y
A1 I first got an inside view of design thinking through at the Google Teacher Academy. Rad experience!
+ Design Thinking is at the core of Visual Communication Design. You can view my class page on https://t.co/qDT7huq7oN
First heard of from and . We are now working with them as they support us on a school journey.
that's right study buddy!
The event runs from 6pm to 8... PD with drinks in hand
q1 don't know enough to define it - that's why I'm here
A1: teacher facilitates opportunities for students to be challenged by not being given a direct pathway to the answer
A1b Design thinking is approaching a problem with divergent thinking and solving it with convergent thinking.
A1: I want to think design thinking is about developing solutions to problems. Have learned it through the IB MYP design cycle.
A1 - Design Thinking is all about building a curriculum based around engagement for the Ss and encourage them to try new things
Looking forward to 's keynote at in November - hoping to learn more then!
Sorry I don't want to miss this one but reports are really calling!
A1 design thinking provides a process for developing ideas & prob solving skills learnt via brother - engineer & intrapreneur
+ A1. Design Thinking is a human-centered methodology that allows us to quickly identify, build, and test our way to success.
A1. Thinking critically, thinking creatively & personalizing 4 context.
A1 DT - inquire, analyse, do something, evaluate -> make it a real world problem and get some real ppl involved!
A1: teaching scientific process through the design process
A1 I assume(?) design thinking is thinking through every aspect of an activity 2 come up w/ th best result, just picked that up!
Maree here - Slow off the mark tonight...must have caught lurgies...LOL brain is in go slow mode.. will try and keep up
I think there will be loads in the same boat tonight.... Lots of learners here on https://t.co/2kHNh2jh4U
q1 don't know enough to define it - that's why I'm here
All about solving real problems with solutions that may spread.......
Ahh, darn it - looks like I am bowing out already - apologies, the kid needs me. Will catch up later.
Me too ... a number of years ago at . For me, still lots to learn.
A1c Design thinking tools help you get from A to B but its really "anything is possible" and "let's break things" that I like
A1: it provides a framework to solve problems and provide solutions. The process is critical
A1; Design thinking is also a fancy word for old fashioned "lets make something and see if it works"
A1: At conference in 2015. It's important because it's human-centred. I learnt more through and
do share! :)
Jon her from the Perth Hills! What haven't I hacked lately is a better question!
Anyone learn about from Stanford Design School? Comments about the experience???
Oh, there's always lots more to learn!!
A1 - An iterative process which addresses a problem/challenge, involves the users without preconceived answer-learnt from
A1 To me design thinking is problem solving, collaboration, challenging thinking, trial and error
A1 trying to use with Year4 to create Rube Goldbergs introduced last year with
does this process facilitate empathy as a core feature?
A1- problem solving via risk taking.
I agree, isn't it project-based learning in simple terms?
A1 - I am here to learn about Design thinking
Design thinking is important to provoke wonderings and develop skills for future problem solvers
A1: The best design thinking comes from developing ideas for others (clients). What client thinks matters more than what I think.
I like that is so totally empathetic and that it fosters curiosity and creativity.
A1 Only recently learned about from and am here to learn more from you folks too!
A1d Design Thinking is user centred and that's why empathy is its key driver
A1 in 1 way it's an organic process leached out of us as not long after the early years
Did more of this when I was at school than what most of the school's I have taught in are willing to do. :-(
+ A1. A big part of the Design Thinking concept involves empathy for those you are designing for.
A1 but does one always have to go thru the stage?
A1: allows kids to solve those ungoogable Q's
A1: What type of thinking did you say.
Great explanation! https://t.co/oyxfsARxSG
A1; Design thinking is also a fancy word for old fashioned "lets make something and see if it works"
Nice Joanna, for me, it's working back from a challenge/problem and solving it through stages. A1
And they are the best types of teachers!
There are such questions??
Is design thinking involved in creating new knowledge?
A1 all sorts of ways to think.. design is more problem solving I think? with an "out there" solution
- are you a satisfied teacher? What are the main things that promote your work satisfaction?
A1 Desginthinking is about getting Ss to engage their grey matter with real world problems they can relate to.
I love the ungoogleable Q's
Hi sorry, time got away from me. Getting ready for camp tomorrow
that's it! Ts must model risk taking for Ss to understand it's ok
Hi Viv from GOld Coast here I don't know enough about this so I am here to learn :)
because the testing is as important as the making! Did it work? Yes! How can I improve...No? How can I improve!
is a framework w tools to support collaborative divergent & convergent thinking
Definitely, you just need to think outside the box :)
I don’t think we always realize when we R going thru a stage.
A1: creativity and freedom in learning where every solution is valuable and you want to be thinking everywhere but in the box
problem solving strategies are so varied - I like hearing how people approach a problem in different ways
What do we mean by "hack"? I have visions of Anonymous group
A1 Stanfords online crash course is a great place to start
A1 DT is a great vehicle for driving student innovation and encouraging agile learners and critical thinkers
Start with How might we.........create, design, make, change
Yes It should start here with a real problem. Ss get a gr. sense of achievement https://t.co/1Ka9lYWFDd
+ A1. A big part of the Design Thinking concept involves empathy for those you are designing for.
then you ask yourself, did i use enought ducktape :P
Me too! Hope I don't forget to pack everything! Guess I'll find out in the morning...
Think of the kind of Ss we could develop if we embraced the idea of at the earliest levels of edu and thru the yrs
making for who? how do we decide it will work?
I really like Mindset, toolset and skillset approach to
DT is working through a process where your reflections and the steps you take is just as important as the final solution.
Q2 I think prototyping and getting initial feedback is important to facilitate
A1: So is it responding to a challenge by literally "designing your thinking?" Help me out if I'm totally off the mark!
Can you Google a list of UnGoogleable questions or do I have to go to Bing?
we always talk about creativity but why not design thinking and innovation?!
Ha! Not much use for ducktape in food. Normally its a bad thing!
Nice, the danger is Ss get pushed into one design process and originality becomes less visible!
Our 3/4s are designing earthquake proof houses for Japan. Construction begins after camp this week
doesn't that go with anything in regards to good learning/teaching?
To support future innovators, gives teachers a framework to promote the outlook needed
It's a mindset for everything, why am I doing anything? what is the 'experience' for the end user https://t.co/UA11NYh7G3
This should be the way we look at the start of all curriculum discussion
A2. Ideate and prototype and testing… usually repeat these 3 a lot with failures until success = lots of learning
A2 Flashback to the design process I taught in 90s when I taught Business Studies. Language changed a bit https://t.co/vUYswanc2q
DT my 3/4's wonder, question, research about things they are passionate about. Creating calls of actions to solve big problems.
Awesome work Tracey your first Twitter chat post!!! https://t.co/M1B1oVuHGj
A1: creativity and freedom in learning where every solution is valuable and you want to be thinking everywhere but in the box
because in basic tearms it the same thing..
This is an EXCELLENT site. Thanks Pip. You can always be relied on to provide great resources. https://t.co/ffOAPBtF7q
Nice! Let us know if you want to skype with my class in Tokyo to show them off when you are done!
It is what ever inquiry should be build upon.
is that then just inquiry? bc is more than that
A2. Class design and build a letter garden at school a few years ago. Great experience. Hardest part, testing, then adjusting.
+ A2. The Design Process used in my class which requires empathy, reflection, trial/error & creativity. https://t.co/bE5PgHtBku
Design needs to empower the wondering IMO. Great post!
A1: The best ideas come from the space between inside the box, and creation of new and novel ideas.
Hells yeah! The science Skype request didin't really work out, but we'd love to talk to you guys
Great topic, sorry but have to leave! Thanks
Like this graphic never forget the spiral - Bruner 1960
We use it in our ACCORD Pure PBL subject with Stage 5 students. I'm trying to Instill the metalanguage https://t.co/f90fR1IaRm
A2: We used design thinking to re-design differentiated teacher professional learning with tech tools. It worked a treat.
A2 would SOLO taxonomy come into this - just asking as I'm trying to connect dots :)
A2 The feedback process of design/project thinking is vital for any other step to take place or progress
A2 the diag needs a throw solution out stage, as well as a oh crap i forgot something important loop. I like the prototype stage!
A2 I've used to transform school system w leadership teams to enhancing PBL experiences, empathy is key!
A2. I was teaching this several years back within the technology curriculum thru a consumerism unit Yr 4
A2 this is a simplified enquiry approach
A2 Global 5 Chair Challenge we had success & F.A.I.L on the day but Ss kept coming back @ all breaks 2 keep working on the designs
A2: Design Cycle - MYP. If I had $$ for every S that told me they couldn't improve, I'd not teaching! Improve does not mean wrong
For all who are involved: learners and educators!
I agree George, needs to be seen as circular in nature and ongoing IMO.
Q1 DT allows Ss to lead their learning and use learning styles that suit individual needs.
Thanks for sharing Brian! Can't wait to get to Sydney in July for on July 22 - going to be amazing https://t.co/cCfBcPJWTE
the creative learning spiral, is based upon Bruners work :)
Q2. This model looks like most of the lessons I teach at the moment. For my Ss, teach it, see if it works, come back reteach it...
+ A2. Within these Design Thinking steps, problems can be framed, questions asked and ideas created. https://t.co/mEe2VWOekj
A2 I had Gr 2's last year design their own amusement park rides (about 1mx2m). The ideate stage was collab highlight of the year
No it goes beyond inquiry thru 2 action & reflection, trial & error, until find the design that works
A2 challenge 4 me has been Ss wanting to rush process not spend tm # the tweak & test, love this graphic https://t.co/vMSzQcJU7O
Hey just jumping in quickly to say hi and support the amazing as I put my Daughter down here in Singapore :)
Used to disrupt school structures, Ts PD, Ss learning
A2: Mistakes are the best part of learning. Every time I cook something it works or needs improvement. Best thing ever!
With experience we may have done this & then someone comes up with a methodology!
Yeah, that was a shame. But let's make it happen this time!
Important to have framework which is well used beyond c/room provides a common language for collaboration https://t.co/MnhpdMTqll
To support future innovators, gives teachers a framework to promote the outlook needed
Test and tweet is a new process in learning in schools. Tech gives us the ability to do this https://t.co/pLNErIQHYS
A2 challenge 4 me has been Ss wanting to rush process not spend tm # the tweak & test, love this graphic https://t.co/vMSzQcJU7O
We used it to transform our Ss' digital experience, was easy working blue-sky down than from present.
Mine too, we didn't make 5 chairs, ss were too engrossed on perfecting 1!Engagement was v high&explanations, fantastic
I love the "Pit of Learning" concept the taught me https://t.co/vuxIvVLQSd
A2: Mistakes are the best part of learning. Every time I cook something it works or needs improvement. Best thing ever!
A2: the other thing i most tinkered with around design thinking, is the term itself and the "in" factor it have in education
And she comes through with the GOLD! Luv your work lady!
highlights authentic learning aspect of PBL https://t.co/n3eaMScRWx
A2 Playing with integrating the DT framework in an effective PBL model
I can’t agree more! Failure should always be an option!
Everything worth doing should be part of an ongoing and repeatable process/disposition, including design and thinking
People who stop making mistakes stop learning
A2 w/ PBL in History the groups had 2 create game show based on history of food tried diff. formats then tried out, changed etc
You can't do 'out of the box' thinking until you realise, there is NO box
yes, key is to fail rapidly so Ss don't become attached to particular idea which isn't going to work
I agree Jodie. Failure must be seen as part of the design plan and realisation.
A2: Design Thinking greatly increases student's engagement in editing/feedback stage of their work. It has a real sense of purpose
mistakeability and failing up is when we learn best - not sure when we stopped okay-ing this in ED
A2 - I mainly focus on the empathy aspect as I believe that nailing the relationships help Ss engage easier
I've seen the SOLO Taxonomy in action but never in edible format
When the test said it was wrong...And we listened!
It was when we valued grades over learning, destinations over journeys.
sometimes there is no final product - only prototypes w critique & feedforwarding, process trumps product https://t.co/J5j2QILgts
A2. Ideate and prototype and testing… usually repeat these 3 a lot with failures until success = lots of learning
I have that on in the background too and heard their comments about failing and learning https://t.co/kBVa8SYZRI
People who stop making mistakes stop learning
I am just endorsing the graphic based on confirmed research
ha! mute the test and let's disrupt assessment!
art, science and design come together for innovation towards futures thinking.
Unfortunately as a community we don’t support failure as learning & Ss crumble when they do fail
teachers need to be the facilitators of the learning, providing models & scaffolds & allow Ss time to Wonder, lead and reflect .
Absolutely. And the papers told us to stop learning and start looking at test scores!
No worries. Have a great time at camp.
A2 Using 8ways as a pedagogical model - story sharing & linking to land and community - fits really well with the DT model
Or let's make assessment who can dare and design great!
Until we tell them something different! Parents, Teachers and Students need to work it out...
Watching Ss tackle video games or skateboarding is obs at its purest. Lots of attempts and fails toward success.
art, science and design come together for innovation towards futures thinking.
And regurgitating over originating! D
can you unpack this - sounds interesting
Yep we need to change the world :) One student at a time - one failure at a time
As someone told me last week; WD40 - 39 failures before getting it right the 40th time. Great example of prototyping & iteration
check out for more on 'pit learning'
+ A2. Design Thinking is at the core of Visual Communication Design. You can view the process via https://t.co/qDT7huq7oN
Good point, that's why students need to learn resilience and that failing is learning.
Teaching students to be critical friends in the prototyping phase is essential
And one teacher at a time too!
do we actually give students time to design thoughtfully and reflect well in a crowded curriculum? *NEXT TOPIC PLS*
Interesting. We hope our isn't guided inquiry, but Ss travel their own path from our question https://t.co/BqhAWRsAR4
Yes definitely, the only way it should be encourage for all Ts https://t.co/MAu8eWrON8
It is what ever inquiry should be build upon.
Ts need to teach their Ss to think critically. All Ss can think we just need to provide them with the opportunity to do it.
The very act of prototyping is a powerful one.....giving and receiving of feedback another.
A2: I find design thinking always needs reflect/evaluate space. Only through test and evaluate can we improve
A3 designing learning xps with authentic opps for empathy is challenging for me at times
A3; the most challinging thing about DT is the people who think its the new holy grail of education.
A4. Honestly I think Ss interpretations of the challenge 4 design challenge my thinking constantly.
Or Edison - 999 ways not to invent the lightbulb! It is always in the last place we look - then we stop looking!
too often the bell rings and we move to the next silo for learning that little or no connection to last. https://t.co/ttdVLRtd8e
do we actually give students time to design thoughtfully and reflect well in a crowded curriculum? *NEXT TOPIC PLS*
A3 I find convergent thinking very difficult. Divergent thinking comes much more easily to me (I'm an INFP personality type)
The empathy stage, what if the idea is so original? A3
A3: Thinking outside the box to extend my thinking. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part I find
But what if schools don't change and they fail? What then?
A3. Honestly I think Ss interpretations of the challenge 4 design challenge my thinking constantly.
Feedback, data and then challenge through the relational and abstract aspects of SOLO https://t.co/FbOZ1P5t8b
A2 would SOLO taxonomy come into this - just asking as I'm trying to connect dots :)
The process needs to be fluid and non-linear, don't get caught up with giving Ss structures
. school libraries and TL's handy in assisting in thinking and similarities in
That's where teams are so helpful! A3
Challenging - as teachers many of us think we have all the answers to problems or that we should have.......
A3 the timetable in Sec schools - limited to a 52min lesson - not having the same space/classroom to set things up in.
A3 Giving time to observe, think & learn from the user is challenging & often rushed, empathy map helps https://t.co/9d4mjxJVJZ
A3: DT is much more complex than ppl think. Skipping steps or shortcutting = unusable product Hard 2 get agreement on Define stage
+ The use of a design brief can overcome this ensuring Ss return to the "needs" of the brief throughout the process.
A3b Convergent thinking during design thinking is so hard, because I just want to do all the things! https://t.co/z68y6XJ4Cn
Great Q. I guess the learning is the hardest part! We've always done it this way...
I'd argue Khan Academy etc is showing how some schools are already failing!
amen... would love to have so much more flexibility, but timetable is a killer
Is this an option? Failure isn't final, move on w/what the failure taught and get better! maybe? https://t.co/XwclPjOifJ
But what if schools don't change and they fail? What then?
A3; the unknown is the hardest part, it's ok though if we don't know the answers
Likewise, do we rush this? or do they need more practise thinking like a designer? I wonder too... https://t.co/KIjgS2NLfJ
A3. Honestly I think Ss interpretations of the challenge 4 design challenge my thinking constantly.
I’d hope they will be then forced to rethink reimagine their design, & try a new approach
A3 - always getting started on new projects is the hardest, but also wanting to learn new things extends my thinking
Many teachers most comfortable with structure and linear work flow and demands otherwise.
D./A so why do we have so many students struggling and disengaged then?
Same idea, that line btwn coaching and prompting to define the problem. Let them find their own way
A3 Like it but can lead to superficiality, not taking on hard engineering, computing & business issues. Design can be distraction.
A3 wondering about the parts of the process that are more important than others.. In class and/or school? https://t.co/cKr8HjSKIB
A3 I struggle giving students freedom (or trust) to carry on, when I can't see the connections to learning that they do.
A2:flowchart used in Science brilliant because it has a cycle where S have to be critical of their design https://t.co/NQqTpMWF7G
A3. When a team have multiple soultions - which do you test first???
A3 - spending time at the end of a unit reflecting always challenges me. Remembering that it's not over when the product is made.
love it! Interested to know? How do y juggle both til the sys catches up? Time gets me!
That's when you need structured teaching to guide the brainstorms https://t.co/iIJXGfw3FW
A3: Thinking outside the box to extend my thinking. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part I find
A3- time, time, time, and not jumping in with solutions/suggestions!
A3 framing the problem or giving early childhood students enough structure to begin
Don't let the system catch you. Teach in spite of the assessments.
A3. Where I am, the curriculum is so compartmentalised, challenging to find ways to integrate and have teachers and admin happy
Yep. Maybe schools are re-invened so that students are prepared with enterprise skills for the world which awaits them
Failure is not a final destination, it's one of the many experiences https://t.co/xofPIYPpYQ
Is this an option? Failure isn't final, move on w/what the failure taught and get better! maybe? https://t.co/XwclPjOifJ
But what if schools don't change and they fail? What then?
I think we do rush this. There should be time 4 Ss 2 discuss their interpretation & negotiate their assessment task
A3 - another challenge is holding students back from ideating until they have empathised deeply
A3 - For me, finding the time to do the process justice
A3: Other challenge is getting UX right. You MUST spend time with users if you are designing for them. Empathy is easy word to say
Concern with any design plan is that it's often presented as being linear when learning is never like that https://t.co/N2qh2a93MU
A3: I had to change my "scientific method" mind-set to embrace design thinking and to be comfortable being a learner in class
A3 As teachers, stopping 'telling' students and starting 'questioning' students.
now you really have me intrigued
and relevant for their futures too!
A3 enough time for reflection & evaluation particularly time to step back from the design
a passionate teacher to help drive the discussion is also key
A3 Silos of curriculum content and an overcrowded curriculum - competing priorities
Yeah. But initial teaching of how to define a problem sets Ss up for the future? Workshop that!
Agreed, if you don't get the empathy right, the whole process seems pre-determined and in-authentic https://t.co/qXlS6orDTq
A3: Other challenge is getting UX right. You MUST spend time with users if you are designing for them. Empathy is easy word to say
I agree, if the learning is for the future, the test becomes a thing of the past.
Because everything we do is application of learning, not teaching to the test?!
Because we still have not 'let go' of control to allow students to drive their learning
A3. That there needs to be time for an organic dev't of ideas..not pushing through the process bc there is a timeframe
A3: constantly love playing with/ learning in the ideate phase - so much awesome learning happens here from me as well as students
Empathy is key, it's gives the learning process - ideation is collaborative & prototyping = experiential https://t.co/m9L4Aocikk
A3 wondering about the parts of the process that are more important than others.. In class and/or school? https://t.co/cKr8HjSKIB
No, we haven't! Look how students play, that's how learning should be designed IMO.
more people appreciating the that occurs in the pit! https://t.co/kw364q5Ir4
I love the "Pit of Learning" concept the taught me https://t.co/vuxIvVLQSd
A2: Mistakes are the best part of learning. Every time I cook something it works or needs improvement. Best thing ever!
It’s a sad fact. Ts must let go of control & embrace adventure of a learning community
DT works if you know your Ss. Relationships key to how Ss learn. Today I left these messages for my class https://t.co/XDFX6zLaky
DT works if you know your Ss. Relationships key to how Ss learn. Today I left these messages for my class https://t.co/keRURUAG1H
... is awesome. I was 'introduced' via 😊
If 'time' is one of the constraints to using DT , perhaps we need to apply DT to lesson structure?
yes! Little kids need a launching pad!
thanks Rob and Danielle, much appreciated :-)
S need to dev their empathy w the project 1st. Excursion looking good https://t.co/HMVQ6ZnSW0
Agreed, if you don't get the empathy right, the whole process seems pre-determined and in-authentic https://t.co/qXlS6orDTq
A3: Other challenge is getting UX right. You MUST spend time with users if you are designing for them. Empathy is easy word to say
Q4 let's start with the familiar, ideation is powerful brainstorming - share your ideation strategies 👇🏻 https://t.co/OoprbOn4tv
Absolutely! I’m all about
Done! Calling all Innovators and Disruptors to transform PD/PL through DT and eduprenuership
Nice Jodie. Ts need to realise that the power is and always has been with the students.
Ryan's keynote was very inspirational, so knowedgeable and passionate
But often we are scared or our schools scare us into being scared. Shouldn't happen!
Sorry all - got to go - thanks for the chat. Have a fabuous week!
is THE process for agri/sci/tech solutions for developing communities to sustain livelihoods.
It's actually a very cool career in itself and is becoming part of a lot of others!
A4. is a great way to collect ideas from lots of people in lots of formats quickly & easily
. important to remember thinking across the curriculum NOT just Science or tech can also be English
does that lead to, when to end? are you restricted to a time frame/ curric/ kids engagement? ideas may keep coming
A4 Padlet, all voices accessible and equal! A4
A4 Padlet, all voices accessible and equal! A4
Yes. Making complex easy, is hard. Making simple complex, is easy
A3:challenges teachers in my team because they don't have answers and they want to give all the answers for this I love it
Qs to consider: does it past So What test? Epic/big not tiny or fake. Is it accessible & feasible to every learner?
+ A4. Design Thinking attempts to inspire creativity, the ability to take an abstract idea and create something with it.
That's where safety and power comes in numbers and clear vision and learning design!
Q4 We tried Crazy Eights the other day - drawing a picture every 40 seconds - with a view to ideating rapidly.
A4 Ask an open question, allow thinking time, have students ask one another in pairs, then have students who are ready share.
agrd, had burden of assigning a-e ' s today & it grates on my idea of ed, feeling urghhh
Q4 Lots of post-it notes!
It is so important to involve other industries another point of view
Only key test is life. Design with this in mind.
Connect students' thinking to the intended authentic purpose. What problem are they solving?
Does more harm than good in my opinion!
A4. The good ol' butcher's paper works well when you want quick & sharp ideas without tech distractions
A4. No limit 2 possibilities - throw them all down - worry about limitations of reality after u’ve explored ideas
A3: I like that teaches student's backward design. Start with end goal in mind: practical, real-world application.
A4 Postit notes always good and then narrowing down or colourc-oding from there
Like design processes just not convinced by platitudes around 'creativity'. I blame Ken Robinson! https://t.co/h1J3hru15u
yes - you share the Padlet link and anyone you share the link with can add to it :)
True, but systems, schools, principals & teachers who are doing this are in minority.
A4 time not expecting a great answer/response in 5 mins. Thinking and responding meaningfully takes time!
thinking involves empathy, ethical practice, moral purpose and desire to improve the lives of others.
A4 ideation similar to open with visuals, newspaper images, clips, anything that stimulates curiosity
Good reality check! That's why teams need be across schools, not just within.
+ A4. Connect students to authentic and real world contexts or clients to define the needs which influence the idea generation.
A4 give time for the obvious - then ask 'what if...' No rules, no restrictions, no budget. Craziness https://t.co/2X6x11hgXB
Q4 let's start with the familiar, ideation is powerful brainstorming - share your ideation strategies 👇🏻 https://t.co/OoprbOn4tv
Fear of change holds educ back as 1 of last profs 2 evolve. Ts need 2 let go of fear
A4 Post-its as well - one idea per post it....then can be arranged to show common ideas
A4 Qs:
What isn't it? What else could it be? What could we remove? What could we combine? If that, then what?
May I ask what does convince you?
I use it extensively now.
Shoutout to peeps who live in Sydney - don't miss this year on July 22 https://t.co/5XhoAmEMgI get tickets before sold out!
A4 100 Ideas in 10 minutes - used by our community think tank to support our young innovators https://t.co/hX34fPwotM
Moving from prototype to build is often a necessary but risky step for a complex product
A4: We love and use for a huge variety of purposes and have recently started using too.
Great opportunities are missed. Issue with explicit teaching vs DT, trying to show they are not mutually exclusive.
Absolutely. I always let learning guide my time, not the system
well put, Joide. Yet our prof could do so much gd with no fear & great design and vision.
Leaving chat early tonight thx for awesome chat and ideas...
Me too! I need to trust the process. https://t.co/goBvndxsej
A3 I struggle giving students freedom (or trust) to carry on, when I can't see the connections to learning that they do.
A4 In The Frame thinking routine relevant ideas inside drawn (or real) frame, less relevant ideas on frame https://t.co/s0pQaDoTvl
A4 - Love using oldschool whiteboard for brainstorming as well as using the interactive whiteboard, would like to learn more tech
Use post it notes to organise in themes
Q4 We expose our Ss to Look to Learn task, build critical thinking skills, 123 Samples lesson to look at https://t.co/BQ093Pqr7S
IMO schools, ed is becoming more about compliance than creativity.
Q4 We expose our Ss to Look to Learn task, build critical thinking skills, 123 Samples lesson to look at https://t.co/PTeR7cTNzE
That's what we work with as well as whiteboard markers on desks painted with whiteboard paint
Agreed. We need 2 support the minority 2 have their voice & practices heard & recognized
Q4think, pair, square, share
Love this, such a great idea.
A4: We use concepts the Ss can connect with and ask them to develop further. A recipe! This works, how can you adapt and improve?
I prefer to use post it notes, Ss move around at the same time
I love sticky notes too.. I then use Plus app to digitalize it :)
Often we find late that the minority was actually right all along!
A4 (part 2): There are no bad ideas. Writing down what didn't work and how it might have is also useful.
Woohoo, made it back for the last bit!
If I had my own room I'd be pushing for that!! My dream is to have control over one room for all my lessons
Ass'ment = proof you've travelled in a straight line like everyone else
Q4 another from - Hexagonal Thinking is also great for ideation
A4 I find Ss struggle to persist through the ideation phase. They usually like their first idea and want to run with it.
If we help each other within minority have voice heard - more will join the movement & tipping point may be reached.
presenting at a conference this week will use to collect ideas in real time
you guys have done well chatting in 140 chtrs bout a process that is obviously not straightforward thanks for allowing my lurking
sooo true!! https://t.co/piyPLHogQg
A3 As teachers, stopping 'telling' students and starting 'questioning' students.
RT : I love sticky notes too.. I then use Plus app to digitalize it :)
A4b No idea is too outrageous or useless. It’s OK to build your idea on a team member’s idea but don’t discuss it. Just write!
😓 Sad and crying because it's true. https://t.co/XZPtWN2w4b
IMO schools, ed is becoming more about compliance than creativity.
have you used the app PostitPlus great way to capture and digitlize the post it notes
Amazing how many students find this difficult, takes time for them to be ok with no 1 right answer.
I'd rather be Robert Frost 'road less travelled...:
Me too, I use sticky notes as personal reminders as well
my kids call this a brain vomit write down every idea, good, bad or ugly just get it down.
absolutely, it's the disorganised learning - trust the process, Ss develop creative confidence frm
Because compliance is linked to funding? Do this and you get this...but if you don't?
Because the system is comfortable, safe and familiar. It’s scary to move into the unknown - but that’s where growth is
have used post it notes with staff too - just make sure they are very sticky!
A4: If digi, then padlet. If need more movement, then post its, butcher paper or similar. Depends on level of involvement.
it's a mindset for all learning, in school and beyond https://t.co/ha6E8qdJ7F
. important to remember thinking across the curriculum NOT just Science or tech can also be English
A4: Use to record all their wonderful ideas students could work in the collaboration section and give feedback
Never heard of Google Keep - maybe a topic for next episode?
Keep pushing! I'm all over the place too, teaching in 8 different rooms All our classes have mini whiteboards as well
We know that, but not all do! You'll have to make your own this week!
Nothing beats students calling out ideas left right and centre to get some excitement about a new project happening
ideation - do it through providing phys. examples to create ideas from eg. Design a present for mum, get eg. of mum's fav. things
A4 Re: "build on ideas of others” Jack Cox is my inspiration for teaching
And its because we are never given permission to get it wrong. We should be.
Only you Jen could have "brain vomit" in a tweet and make it sound valid! LOl
Lurking from VA and learning!
A4 Convert post it ideas to Word Cloud as a visual representation of ideas
Yes funding has become a form of manipulation & blackmail. Rather than an issue of social service
Use this to capture digital artefacts of those sticky notes of awesomeness Post-it® Plus by 3M Company https://t.co/qWiHv6MbhG
Fear could also propel to brilliance "my fear is my only courage"-Bob Marley https://t.co/LwktetIJuT
Fear of change holds educ back as 1 of last profs 2 evolve. Ts need 2 let go of fear
Q3 getting unfamiliar young ppl into the process authentically is a challenge for me, always bits they want to rush to
I'm always surprised how long it takes some to get silly and creative - like it's not allowed. https://t.co/eixiJppD2W
Amazing how many students find this difficult, takes time for them to be ok with no 1 right answer.
Read an article today saying that there is a 'post it note' art war happening with artists in NYC https://t.co/s3SSpjByYt
I think we are allowed to get it wrong, but we have to wear the consequence of no funding - so it’s a false choice
They've had it taught out of them!
Good old fashioned group conversations with note takers also works well
we used it in a staff PD looking at Differentiation, stuck all over the staff room windows with window chalk! very cool
it's like following a recipe isn't it?
A4 post it notes - can move things around and be flexible to see relationship between ideas
A4 - Using different methods to record ideas. Padlet, Popplet, Paper (real), Post-its (Noticing a trend). Ss share ideas w peers
A5: there is an opportunity to rethink education with design thinking in all areas -let down your guard & open the doors to change
Q4 don't forget to take photos of those precious paper post-it's!
A5 Design thinking supports students in project based learning of many kinds. It can be geared to different needs and contexts
A5: Imagine Ts saw themselves are designers rather than teachers? Designing authentic learning experiences! Awesome...
I did this in a PD, and have never used it in the classroom..a great activity!
Sad. That's like cutting R & D because of dead ends!
A4 Use string to construct a physical spiderweb of ideas and find connections
thinking outside the square takes guts and risk but promotes invention andnew ideas
RT : A5: Imagine Ts saw themselves are designers rather than teachers? Designing authentic learning experiences! Awesom.
A4. Try a webpage called versoapp. Students share and can then comment on others ideas as they appear on screen
A5: So far, it has immense potential for better collaboration and consultation wherever processes benefit from this. Anyone can DT
A5 we are reviewing the curric - so can be very useful.
you'll have me flooding Twitter soon. 😥😢
Have a great week Thanks again for allowing me to learn from your experiences! See you all next week.
Loving the food ref! Yes it is. but also adding my twist!
A5 Personalized, contextualized learning based on Ss, Ts, Ldrs needs - has the potential to do this
A5 can be used to solve any prob in edu,if it starts with empathy for the user (Ss)playground? Curriculum?Assess?
Funny when they get there, like they are doing something they shouldn't be. Often so proud of themselves.
A great way to introduce to a new class, start with Robert Frost's "Road Less Traveled" https://t.co/ReubPyZP2R
I'd rather be Robert Frost 'road less travelled...:
A5 can work for regardless of the outcome due to the reflective process
Sorry! But WE and the students are fighting back, this story's not done yet!
a5b If leaders aren't using a design thinking approach to educational improvement, they're not considering all the possibilities
Did you know we've been using Post it notes wrong? Check out this way to make them stick better https://t.co/okk1n5H8sF
+ A5. Schools could use DT when they implement change through the process to define, test & realise. https://t.co/Qj6JyAZyhi
A5 DT is effective to consult w Tchrs & wider community, collaborative & human centred approach to solving problems
role of design thinking in ed? Maybe rethinking allowed!
A6 Design thinking can be used as the process for change management in schools
A5 All as learners, all as designers, all as problem finders and prototype makers.
A3 Absolutely allow not to be dictated by outside agencies but create for one’s Ss & stakeholders
u cld try 'first cut 2nd cut' Adrian. All first ideas get 'cut' so ss need to come up with a 2nd idea
A5: Rethink & redesign what we're currently doing for the future Involve all from Ts, Ss, leaders, Ps to really make a difference
A5 can be applied to deconstruct, disrupt, innovate and transform the traditional models of schooling
Have to say goodbye for now. 😒 Thank you for great ideas and inspiration!
sadly society has a perception of what 'real learning' looks like, apparently fun isn't one of them
A5: DT can be one of the multitools of a teachers workbench in education
Imagine Bill Gates, Colonel Sanders or Henry Ford being told, you get one shot or you've failed!
A5 imagine using something we try to teach in the real world for real world problems!
A4: Scaffold for students show what you expect this is a brilliant example of design thinking https://t.co/V2DrJvFJZs
A5 - Constantly looking at ways to evolve the way we teach, the way we and the Ss learn and encourage Parents to be involved more
successful change implementation always involves pilots. Ie prototyping. This makes me feel DT is essential in whole school change
RT : A5 can be applied to deconstruct, disrupt, innovate transform the traditional models of schooling
Sorry still have broadband issues! Just managed to load up twitter! Catch y'all soon!
Great idea! I'll use this tomorrow! Thanks!
A5 in leadership and from leadership requires more with whole learning community vital
I can't wait for your next gem!
aim for 100ideas - spark comp & rate ideas, repeat process as necessary prototyping helps this too
A5 fully agree needs to engage and empower Ss & stakeholders whether they be employers / charities
we as in asmall working group - Me, the DP teaching & learning, and few other keen , passionate teachers.
And make their own cuisine!
Yes, Have 1 in admin who makes a joke - no time for fun, teachers are now saying it ... makes me cringe.
yes I came across it in a PD too! Such a great visual for students to organise their thinking!
If we R truly brave has potential 2 create an education evolution.
And they do! Sometimes raw is better than cooked! Depends on the S...
Empathy, enables social ed as well as academic learning.
Yes. Ironically every other prof has realized that we need space 2 fail in order 2 learn, yet Educ hasn’t caught up
A6: and I will be hacking our staff with SAMR. They know its coming. Just not sure when!
A6 Maybe at our parent 'buy in' Weds week. But how? Suggestions welcome!
A6 I'd like to see much more empathy building ..... as a step in the process to posing solutions.
a small working group at school - the learning & teaching DP, myself & few other passionate teachers, about 6 of us
A5. DT could transform the way the 'system' works with disadvantaged students in particular areas, the possibilities are endless.
A6: I am I picking my time, slowly hacking away bit by bit. Don't want to frighten them all at once. 😜
Has to now or schools will become irrelevant in the learning process and journey.
Hexagonal thinking goes really well with SOLO Taxonomy
+ Thanks for an awesome Design Thinking chat tonight . My students say thank you.
yes though sometimes the best ideas come slowly https://t.co/wnoVmTiSn3
aim for 100ideas - spark comp & rate ideas, repeat process as necessary prototyping helps this too
A6 will use to prioritise dept goals & select one to ideate etc
is most relevant with real-life need. Find them in your community & give students opportunity to be empathetic.
- Have you seen the 'Han Solo Taxonomy' created by
A6: I want our parents to live the life of our Ss. Maybe even our other Ts?! Design thinking is not easy. There's no textbook!
oops - didnt realise I replied twice.. thought I lost my first reply! LOL.. brain not working 100% LOL
I do this constantly in my work Constantly throwing wild ideas out in order to try something new 2 innovate & create
Yes, obstacles are opportunities for us to take risks, to grow, to learn.
A6 More time to focus on what's really important and more time allocated to immersion at beginning of a process
A6 - would like to build empathy at the start of my new unit which will increase both for Ss and my own learning
Thanks for a great chat Sorry I was in and out!
A6. This chat has reignited my will to keep pushing this agenda in my school. Will hack my planning day on Tues!
A6 staff meeting - problem - I have to assign grades but don't believe in them let's apply some design thinking to this bad boy!
I try not 2 use word revolution, because it implies we hold onto some aspects - I think we need to evolve
Can I "hack" this to use in my classroom
Wanted to do a chat but internet thwarted me. Doing a PD sesh tomorrow. Top tips?!
A6 I'd like to see it used to assist us to question the way things have always been done.
A6: I want Ps to understand that Ss are not the same as we were at school. Its a new world. With a new understanding of literate!
Registrations open this week for our Learning & Teaching Conf in Cairns. Pretty stoked about our lineup. https://t.co/gVB3OxMs3V
Empathy = getting parents to understand that a letter or a number doesn't say much about their child as a learner
A5 When we fuel our thinking & learning w , we open so many pathways https://t.co/SIGPKFbTSW
A5. DT could transform the way the 'system' works with disadvantaged students in particular areas, the possibilities are endless.
Let the students lead the activity and outcome design?
A6 I'd like to run more PL sessions this year with educators taking the reins through design thinking approaches
Great chat tonight keep prototyping
A6 And to push us to go further than we thought possible.
to generate more creative ideas, punctuate ideation with short tasks e.g. Tidy desk it works!