#edumatch Archive
The mission of EduMatch is to connect educators around the world, along similar topics of interest.
Sunday July 3, 2016
6:00 PM EDT
Checking in for a little today. Topic?
Kristi, AP from Texas! Glad to be here!
Kris from Southwest Florida
Paul from NJ here. Dean of Behavioral Management/ Special Education teacher What's our focus today?
Yay! Glad to see you again!
Scrolling down I saw a question from earlier. Shall we answer it?
Is on for tonight or offline due to holiday?
Kerry here--teacher in San Diego. What's the topic?
Q1: how do we get more "want to " out of our students?
Thanks for sharing, Cynthia.
A1: It depends on the student. I believe you must find what DRIVES them and go from there, HOOK! EVERYDAY/lesson
A1: to motivate we must give them a reason to learn. It needs to be relevant to their lives and learning styles!
A1. Build relationships. Give Ss --all Ss--an opportunity to shine. Help Ss to see their potential!
We must also be even more genuinely excited about the process or they will see right through it
Love it Kristi, if they find content irrelevant or unrelatable you will never move forward. https://t.co/FiiHVQAPE5
A1: to motivate we must give them a reason to learn. It needs to be relevant to their lives and learning styles!
Jesse PA guy, Jersey T, aspiring principal. A1: Most important, get to know them, create rememberable experiences.
bahahaha unofficial moderator
Love it Kerry. Everybody has the chance to shine. That's an awesome practice. https://t.co/3RwZMa1PpI
A1. Build relationships. Give Ss --all Ss--an opportunity to shine. Help Ss to see their potential!
Q2: How do we get reluctant parents to "want to" ?
A2: Many of my Fs cannot (income, lack of edu., no transportation) I call home to celebrate Ss and share w Fs. Build relationship
Tough one! We must make them feel welcomed and comfortable in the school and classroom. Invite, communicate
A2: Communication (easier said than done). I let parents know that we are all on the same team. Cliched-but it takes a village!
how do you specifically make parents feel comfortable?
Personally I think parent nights and the like are overrated...they need to be at the schools way more than a few times a year
A2: (2) I am also extremely involved in the community and my kiddos play sports. The families see me EVERYWHERE and we talk..not
just about school...about everything and anything :)
I'm a huge customer service provider and expect all staff to do the same. Smiles, eye contact, handshakes
Parent involvement must be purposeful and genuine not dictated by a calendar date or tradition.
That's a pivotal piece most educators miss! Great job!
Build trust & offer opportunities family fun, learning, & relationship building opportunities. Parental involvement paramount!
Q3: how do we get reluctant stakeholders such as community leaders to have more "want to"?
We must model the behavior we expect. https://t.co/ha0bUED6am
I'm a huge customer service provider and expect all staff to do the same. Smiles, eye contact, handshakes
A3: We need to ask! Community members want to be involved. Also, start w/ parents. They are part of the community!
A3: I believe PARTNERSHIP need to be established. Invite them in to speak, make connections, bring events/Ss to their location
how do you specifically engage parents?
I am a teacher parent, and as both a teacher and a parent I know it's the right thing, but it sounds exhausting!
Love this! We need to BUY IN! We can't buy in if we're NOT AROUND!
We can't ask more of others than we are willing to put out ourselves :)
What is the vision of your district and to what degree is parent reception/involvement?
It is! I understand! But we must be proactive and involved as much as we can to set an example!
A1 Get Ss to plan, organise and deliver a community project and ensure it relates to assessment
thanks for joining. Do you have a specific project you've used to accomplish this task? What was the outcome?
A3 Stakeholders are diverse one area I engage are charities with a Ss project to raise funds on their behalf
excellent. Is this attitude contagious in your school? How have others assisted in your efforts?
Hi health promotions - and we deliver these to hospitals, primary & secondary schs, in house & in health centres
feed back from organisations and visitors is highly positive
excellent area to focus on. There are many branches in the health industry that could lead to future employment.
do you archive feedback for future reflection?
Teaching SpEd I found many businesses in the comm. would come in to speak/ lessons 2 the class 1) Banks!They have so much to share
keep the faith. With positive energy and resilience, parent involvement can improve.
Finances, how to balance a checkbook, different savings plans, interest rates, loans, etc
Agree these Ss progression route is on to do degrees related to nursing and health care professionals 1/2
Love this idea! And the students could also visit the places of business as well! I
I've had managers from various comps. come in to discuss what they are looking for @ interviews, how to dress/present themselves
Yes...bc I will be persistent in my efforts!
Talk about win-win. Do these organizations collaborate with your T's and S's inside the school building also?
2/2 after completing their degree they have a 95% chance of gaining employment in that sector
Many guest speakers: 1 was HS athlete who took the wrong path, lost his scholarships and now disabled. Ss begged to hear his story
does your community offer job placement opportunities in those fields?
Homeless coalition, family planning, military recruiters. There are so many ppl in the comm that are honored to come in an talk
I agree this has been my experience as well.
they do We liaise with the centres, local universities & with the NHS - the latter have held career fairs with us
all essential skills that are must haves for our S's. Excellent!
that's essential. Some S's have never tied a tie or have sat in an interview before.
Now with technology we can connect with practically anyone. It is great!
love love love when they are left wanting more.
At a previous school, my c. and I had clothes donated and they did a fashion show "what to/not to"wear for job int
a network without boundaries. We can travel to unimaginable places because of technology.
Ss that participated kept the clothing- Most of our kiddos def do not have that type of clothes nor the resources
these are available too thru volunteering & the NHS offer work shadowing opportunities
we have a Profesional closet with clothes donated for interviews and formal occasions. It's awesome!
Basic skills all Ss should have access to!
OMG! Stealing this idea! No idea why we never thought of that!!!
does your district employ a job coach?
this is key and what makes you a strong leader.
Not anymore-- cut funding and that was on of the cuts
the phone call home is an amazing yet sadly underutilized tool.
we must be present and accountable to our buidling and communities.
Strong leaders have sleeves rolled up ready to do work with their staff.
No - tutors guide Ss the best they can