A1: It is extremely important to use S data. How else will you know if they are learning it, how to improve, and what to change for next lesson? #edpiper
A1: I believe data has a purpose, but it is not the "be all end all"...it is one data point, but certainly many other areas to consider holistically. #edpiper
A1: It depends on the method of collecting data-are you over assessing? Student data is important to make instruction more individualized, relative, and meaningful for our Ss #Edpiper
A1: Scores are important to assess growth, but ultimately the things that students remember are the bigger life lessons - not the tests and quizzes! #Edpiper
A1: All instructional decisions should be made using student data. Quantitative and qualitative data. Students are more than one test on one day. If instruction is top notch, the test is not an issue. #EDpiper
A1: Ss data is vital...I think the key is to remember that data is more than just test scores...observations, student convo, emotional reactions, disciplinary incidents, all data. #EDpiper
A1 - Efforts to formatively assess...using low-stakes quizzing, or retrieval practice, immediately let’s Ss and Ts know what they know/don’t know. #EDpiper
Good! We are trying to get a winter going. haha
My daughter is super excited that we are flying to Minnesota in a couple weeks so she can see snow! :-)
I agree! I think some sort of formative assessment is necessary every day whether its a quick reflection or "hold up a finger 1-5 if you are with me" #Edpiper
A2: I think that by providing a portfolio of assessments (formative & summative) papers, projects, etc. ss are able to look back and see their growth. Also, reflection is key! #Edpiper
A2: Paper assignments I make sure to get back to them 24 hours within collecting it so they have the opportunity to learn/grow with it fresh in mind. #edpiper
#EDpiper Q1: Student data is essential in designing programs that meet the needs of our students. This also scales down to the individual classroom where data of student learning is used to make instructional decisions. Must also use multiple forms of data.
Definitely! I think that teaching students to ask questions also assists with this. We need to teach students to question us and their world to empower them! Also helps us check in with their learning & understanding #Edpiper
I think this is so important!! As a current college student, I still get annoyed when professors take so long to grade that the assignment becomes irrelevant #Edpiper
A2: our district has built in formative assessments through TRS, I use quick quizzes kids can retake in Canvas/online tests Ss can see & track results, and I send out frequent google form surveys to gauge student needs. #EDpiper
The @STEAM_MS teachers do some great work with learner tracking of standards mastery. #engage2learn Standards aligned rubrics with learner goal setting provides a structure to enhance student understanding. #EDpiper
I think this is so important!! As a current college student, I still get annoyed when professors take so long to grade that the assignment becomes irrelevant #Edpiper
#EDpiper Q2: This is a challenge that we are trying to solve at my school now. We plan to use the data from assessments to help Ss create learning goals. We plan to put a timeline in place for periodic reflection and assessment of progress. Also, using pre/post assessments.
A2: A combination of formative assessment data in a student portfolio coupled with Ss individual goal setting that are adjusted and modified throughout the year. #Edpiper
Several of our teachers are now using @Seesaw or @Schoology or @Google to have Ss turn in recordings or written pres. of responses to aid in efficiency. #EDpiper
A3: Allowing students to discover their passions for learning & taking ownership for learning are both intrinsic motivators for those that are stellar students-tapping in to interests beyond content. #edpiper
A3: We have an amazing 3rd grade Ts who is consistently encouraging Ss to compete against their best selves...it doesn't matter how good your score is there is always room for improvement. #EDpiper
A3: I will sometimes have Ss help me write a new rubric and make their own choices for their outcomes. I gather new ideas and challenges via feedback from class surveys. #EDpiper
A3: I like to have my 4th gr. Ss design projects that cultivate and explore their passions. An aspiring fashion designer may create a business plan inc. budgeting/advertising/sale and material cost etc. and let it grow organically #Edpiper
If you set up a collaborative environment and remove fear,Ts will feel comfortable when data is compared. It’s not personal. It’s the right thing to do because it will benefit our Ss. #EDpiper
#Edpiper Q4: We designed data analysis protocols based on Dufour and Eaker PLC model. Teachers have used the protocol to began analyzing common assessments and identifying instructional strengths and challenges, as well as next steps.
A4: Recent PLC conference focused on analyzing Ts data using a specific data analysis protocol. Which Ss? How? Plan to extend/enrich? Area where my Ss struggled? Strategies by teammates? Area where OUR Ss struggled? #EDpiper
It is really tough at times to get individuals to break out of their comfort zone and try something new and create common assessments/compare data then. #edpiper
A4: Recent PLC conference focused on analyzing Ts data using a specific data analysis protocol. Which Ss? How? Plan to extend/enrich? Area where my Ss struggled? Strategies by teammates? Area where OUR Ss struggled? #EDpiper
It is really tough at times to get individuals to break out of their comfort zone and try something new and create common assessments/compare data then. #edpiper
A5: Building trust and risk-taking through culture at the campus to help teachers feel comfortable having collaborative discussions regarding data. #edpiper
A5: Leaders should model and cultivate teacher vulnerability. Every teacher runs their own race to becoming the most effective teacher that they can be. #EDpiper
A5: Speaking as a future teacher, I hope the emphasis for data is put on empowering my voice and experiences to HELP my students, not punish me #Edpiper
#EDpiper Q5: We must establish a culture of learning, collaboration, trust, and growth mindset. Once people begin to let go of their fear of failure, they become more comfortable with being vulnerable. #createacommunityoflearners
Here are the titles (Pt 1 of 2):
Learning by Doing - Dufour
School Improvement for All
Instructional Agility
Using Technology to Enhance Writing
You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them
#EDpiper All avail on Amazon
If it is used effectively, teacher data will help teams realize in what areas each individual teacher strengths can help serve our students best. It also shows us where we need to grow as practitioners. #EDpiper
A5: Speaking as a future teacher, I hope the emphasis for data is put on empowering my voice and experiences to HELP my students, not punish me #Edpiper
Here are the titles (Pt 1 of 2):
Learning by Doing - Dufour
School Improvement for All
Instructional Agility
Using Technology to Enhance Writing
You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them
#EDpiper All avail on Amazon
Here are the titles (Pt 2 of 2):
From Pencils to Podcasts
Transforming School Culture
How to Coach Leadership in a PLC
Now We're Talking: 21 Days to High Performance Instructional Leadership by @eduleadership#EDpiper
#EDpiper Q7: 21st Century Instructional Design, Development of Collective Teacher Efficacy, Empathy in Leadership, Using Design Thinking to solve problems at the site
Here are the titles (Pt 2 of 2):
From Pencils to Podcasts
Transforming School Culture
How to Coach Leadership in a PLC
Now We're Talking: 21 Days to High Performance Instructional Leadership by @eduleadership#EDpiper
A7: School branding is always a great topic. It’s neat to see how other schools are getting the positive messages out there about their campuses. #EDpiper@FOTPSLeslie
I appreciate everyone for joining #EDpiper tonight. We will not have a chat next week due to #thanksgiving. Everyone enjoy your time off and we will talk to you in two weeks!