Thank you for joining #mdeschat where we will be "Diving into Student Data". Let's start by sharing your name, position, and then complete this phrase: Data are...#mdeschat
Walt, principal at Cristo Rey Baltimore. Data are information used to determine the relationship between teaching, learning, and other school-related variables including instruction. #mdeschat
Thank you for joining #mdeschat where we will be "Diving into Student Data". Let's start by sharing your name, position, and then complete this phrase: Data are...#mdeschat
Thank you for joining #mdeschat where we will be "Diving into Student Data". Let's start by sharing your name, position, and then complete this phrase: Data are...#mdeschat
Thank you! Glad to be back. Too many things going in. I'm in my Admin 1 internship right now & examining data is an area I want to grow in. Glad for this convo. #Mdeschat
A1: Agree with @principal64's response. On the PE side...We also collect fitness data on students using fitnessgram. One of my colleagues calls it progress monitoring instead of fitness testing b/c many Ss have anxiety w/fitness testing. #Mdeschat
Have learned just how important attendance & behavior data is to me it's right up there with assessments b/c if i'm not present or I'm misbehaving, learning all around is significantly impacted. #mdeschat
Thank you for joining #mdeschat where we will be "Diving into Student Data". Let's start by sharing your name, position, and then complete this phrase: Data are...#mdeschat
A2: IStation for formative assessment. The attended audience is first the student than the teacher to inform instruction for small groups and then the parent #mdeschat
Currently, we are midway through the K-2 literacy assessment. Ts collect literacy data which is then shared w/ both Ps and Ss. Ss can track their growth, and Ps can see how they can support at home. #mdeschat
A2. Progress monitoring data is often used for various purposes and definitely used by Ts, not always shared with Ss and depending on purpose shared with Ps #mdeschat
I wonder how we can be more transparent with our assessment philosophies as we engage our community. Ps are our partners on this learning journey. #mdeschat
Having just finished the NBCT process last year...(whooohoo! Glad to be done and to have passed)..I got more practice with analyzing student data. To certify..I looked at behavior data, reading data all to understands my Ss better. #mdeschat
A2. Ongoing checkpoints during instruction. It could be a quick thumbs up if... or a Kahoot Everyone should be involved and adjust to meet all learners needs #mdeschat
You got this!! NBCT on the way! Keep pushing! If you need help, let me know. Soooooo glad to be done with the process! It was work but It helped to me to think more critically about my instruction & the why. #mdeschat
We have reading nights, math nights, we have data nights..where we give parents sample assessments, allow them to take them & help them to understand what their children are being asked to do? #mdeschat
I wonder how we can be more transparent with our assessment philosophies as we engage our community. Ps are our partners on this learning journey. #mdeschat
A3. Tricky question, good teachers make sure that they teach ALL of the content covered on the test; after the test is given they go back and check for reteaching opportunities #mdeschat
A3- Authentic assessment can show Ss their progress, how they have grown in knowledge acquisition and application. Can build goal-setting for Ss. Authentic assessment also provides relevant, real-time feedback for Ss to reflect upon and focus on areas of struggle. #mdeschat
A3: Ability grouping, determining entry point into the learning process, determining learning styles, determining external factors that impede learning #mdeschat
A3. Data for learning- lesson checkpoints to gear grouping decisions, reteaching or extension. Exit tickets, and often overlooked S self-assessment #mdeschat
A3- Valuable assessment can help focus instructional decisions. Where are the “big rocks” (areas of struggle) that may need extended focus? What areas were particularly strong? #mdeschat
A3: PE teachers sometimes use peer assessments to help students assist each other in the learning process. Also, when peers point what other peers did well or need to improve on, sometimes the impact is greater for the Ss who listen more to peers. #mdeschat
A3. To design flexible groups and allow students to make choices. If we combine T feedback and S self-assessments, goal setting and performance makes learning a reality #mdeschat
Indeed! My #English10 Team used the interim assessment to determine which standard needs to be retaught. #mdeschat Collaborative Planning is where it is at!
A3. Tricky question, good teachers make sure that they teach ALL of the content covered on the test; after the test is given they go back and check for reteaching opportunities #mdeschat
I think it depends on how it's displayed. At my old school I was told by a reading teacher that a parent expressed concern about having her child's data on display. How do Ts do data walls so that they're non-threatening but still rep growth? #mdeschat
We are definitely digging deep tonight and I thank you for bringing an inquiry mindset as well as the lateral exchanges to push the learning. #feedback#mdeschat
Yes, great point. The manner of display, and the type of data is important. Part of the interaction w/ the data wall requires pre-teaching in that the goal is to celebrate growth, and see progress. I wouldn’t use this for math assessment scores, for example, but... #mdeschat
I think it depends on how it's displayed. At my old school I was told by a reading teacher that a parent expressed concern about having her child's data on display. How do Ts do data walls so that they're non-threatening but still rep growth? #mdeschat
...sight word recognition would be a simple yet reasonable data wall. Ss celebrate individual and community growth. Rapport-building and elevating growth mindset. #mdeschat
Data is important and students need to know where we are in reference to a common goal. Data walls could use colors or numbers or something that becomes a code between your learning space #mdeschat
A5. Set goals and celebrate growth. WE all learn and assessments are just a tool to help use see the "learning" in something we can understand #mdeschat
Align data walls with the school-wide or district vision for data use. This can be a component of back to school night. Data should inform NOT degrade or isolate learners. Data wall could show the performance of a class at the standard level. #mdeschat
Pacing has been incredible tonight, thank you for engaging in learning about student assessment data. As an exit ticket, please respond to the PLEDGE at your own rate. #mdeschat
Yes! My Ss have portfolios that contain Ss work and serve as data folders. They get to track their growth, and Ps have access at any time. Encouraging collaborative conversation. Building, building, building. #mdeschat
I teach middle school. We have advisory pd where we give Ss their progress report & help them calculate their gpa & set academic goals. Some of the Ss get really upset about their grades. So, I can only imagine if their info was displayed. #mdeschat