Global #gtchat Powered by TAGT is a weekly chat on Twitter that takes place on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT and 5 p.m. PT in the U.S. For one hour, parents, educators, advocates and experts in the field of gifted and talented gather to share resources, links, authentic life experiences and insights about gifted issues.
Welcome to Global Gifted and Talented Chat Powered by the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented @TXGifted#TAGT ~ Thanks for joining us to chat about “Engaging Gifted Students with Depth & Complexity” #gtchat
I’m Lisa Conrad ~ moderator, advocate for gifted children, conference presenter, blogger and parent of 2 gifted adults from Pittsburgh, PA. Please take a minute to let us know who you are and from where you’re tweeting! #gtchat
Hi! I'm Chris Wells, PhD, researcher with the Gifted Development Center in Colorado and parent of a 2e son. I'm going to be mainly lurking tonight... #gtchat
Are you new to Twitter chats? We use the Q1/A1 format for #gtchat … Please remember to use the #gtchat hashtag to participate in the conversation. This will make sure that other chat participants see your tweets. #gtchat
Hi! I'm Chris Wells, PhD, researcher with the Gifted Development Center in Colorado and parent of a 2e son. I'm going to be mainly lurking tonight... #gtchat
I am Kelly from WA. I am elementary teacher (27 yrs), parent to homeschooled DS13, blogger & writer of Boost:12 Effective Ways to Lift Up Our Twice-Exceptional Children #gtchat
I am Kelly from WA. I am elementary teacher (27 yrs), parent to homeschooled DS13, blogger & writer of Boost:12 Effective Ways to Lift Up Our Twice-Exceptional Children #gtchat
Lurking to learn? Please say ‘hi’ and then view a livestream from Participate Learning at Enjoy the chat! All the resources and a summary of this chat will be posted later on our blog at
A1) Digging deeply into a topic rather than learning basic grade level information. Complexity can be added by dealing with complex concepts, multiple concepts @ the same time, & incorporating higher levels of processing like creative thinking and problem solving. #gtchat
Our first question is coming up; let’s get ready to chat! Please preface your responses with A1 Excited to collaborate and share ideas with you today about engaging gifted students with depth & complexity. #gtchat
A1 Depth- going further into the topic you are studying/presenting; not stopping at surface level; asking our gifted kids to look further
Complexity- asking our gifted kids to make connections across disciplines and look at things from many perspectives #gtchat@JTaylorEdu
I believe depth relates to diving deeper into the subject at hand, and covering more than typically would be taught. I believe complexity helps students to make connections with multiple disciplines using critical thinking #gtchat
A1) I would definitely anchor my understanding in qualitative and quantitative text such as the language used, the complexity of the shared ideas, and other attributes of the text, such as its structure, style, and levels of meaning etc. #gtchat
A1 depth is analyzing language of the discipline, big ideas, essential details, rules, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, and ethics which can be applied to literature and any content. #gtchat
I believe depth relates to diving deeper into the subject at hand, and covering more than typically would be taught. I believe complexity helps students to make connections with multiple disciplines using critical thinking #gtchat
A1 Depth and complexity in gifted education should be a natural extension of how teaching is approached; going beyond teaching to the test. It is about teaching how to think rather than what to think. #gtchat
A1: I like to describe depth to my Ss like a shovel in their hand. We have to dig deep, past the surface we all see, to deeper thinking and deeper answers that takes research, critical thinking, questioning, & reasoning. #gtchat
A2) Until they have practice otherwise, gifted students may be lead to believe they just need to memorize and remember new information rather than learning how to apply new knowledge in authentic ways. #gtchat
A2) #gtchat this depends on past experiences, good and bad. They need to see choice, meaning and purpose instead of busy work and/or jumping they hoops
A2) That “hard” and “large quantity” might actually equate to rigor..when in actuality tasks may or may not actually be complex, have depth, align with grade level/above grade level standards, require critical thinking etc. #gtchat
A1: I like to describe depth to my Ss like a shovel in their hand. We have to dig deep, past the surface we all see, to deeper thinking and deeper answers that takes research, critical thinking, questioning, & reasoning. #gtchat
A2 Some may think it's too easy if they grasp a concept easily, which may lead them to think it's boring. Because some grasp lessons with ease, the moment they do not, they become very frustrated & disengaged #gtchat
A2b) Then again perhaps some of the misconceptions our Ss develop may also be influenced by T, admin, and parent misconceptions and even biases as well #ProjectionIsReal#DisplacementIsReal#gtchat
A2: #gtchat many (not all) Ss think because certain things may come easier that everything will be easy, or that something easy cannot be turned into something complex where challenge and rigor and grit will be necessary to deepen understanding.
A2 Too often gifted students fail to dig deeper because they’ve always been the first to answer the teacher’s questions. Lack of challenge in the early grades gives them a false sense of the breadth of learning that is possible. #gtchat
Gold! And so true. As teachers we need to make sure that we're not in the way of complex learning but there to support and encourage/expect it. #gtchat
And sadly, their peers, teachers, and families are often the reason they have this misconception. There is a lot of pressure for them to be "Google" in the classroom.
A2: Yes! 4th/5th Gr math is more challenging than 3rd Gr math and so many Ss come to my class thinking they don’t have to try because it’s always come so easy to them. Then they are hard on themselves when they struggle b/c they weren’t putting forth the effort. #gtchat
A2 Too often gifted students fail to dig deeper because they’ve always been the first to answer the teacher’s questions. Lack of challenge in the early grades gives them a false sense of the breadth of learning that is possible. #gtchat
A3. Depth and Complexity motivates, engages and promotes ownership of the learning. Also the opportunity for students to become teachers as well. Shared learning and teaching. #gtchat
We are already half way through our chat! Thank you for sharing so many inspiring thoughts about engaging gifted students with depth & complexity! Please remember to use the #gtchat hashtag to participate in the conversation. #gtchat
A3 Increases engagement with gifted Ss, gives them more purpose behind what they are learning, forces Ss outside of comfort zone of knowing "correct" answer #gtchat
A3) #gtchat Because Gifted students need experiences with truly challenging work to develop grit for harder things. It’s hard when there’s no skills/ stamina when things get challenging
A3) I beginning to believe all Ss benefit from lessons grounded in depth and complexity! But, G/T Ss need these opportunities to increase their flexible thinking skills, dexterity of mind, & to simply grow. #gtchat
A3 GT students need to realize they are just scratching the surface in the elementary/secondary classroom; there are many disciplines where people spend their careers searching for answers to the big questions. #gtchat
A3 Fundamentally, we want to make best use of a learners abilities, to push them and expand their horizons. We short change students if we don't provide them with challanges and opportunities. #gtchat
A3 Depth & complexity can be applied & adapted to be used with anything & by using them Ss will become more analytical & learn more about the topic. #gtchat
A3: One reason I incorporate depth and complexity is because my students easily get bored if I’m not challenging them. They look like I’m torturing them if I’ve given them something too simple. #gtchat
Yes! Examining this concept deeply with my 5th graders. They will do an action project at the end of the year to teach others about dealing with challenges, failure, etc. SO important
A3: By nature their inquisitive nature & love of the question words "Why?" "How?" "Where?" "When?" & "What if?" are the best starters for the D&C lesson or autonomous exploration w/supported guidance! Fostering & guiding that need is so important in caring for our Ss! #gtchat
A3. Depth and Complexity also supports helping students make deep connections to their learning between the school learning environment and the outside world. Local and global connections. #gtchat
A4 According to Ian Byrd, carefully consideration should be given to scope and sequence; how much time are you will to commit and what’s the best order for undertaking the new subject. #gtchat
A4 Join Byrdseed TV and educate themselves with D and C videos, attend a D and C workshop, visit @JTaylorEdu to look for D and C materials and resources #gtchat
A4) #gtchat Teachers need to consider authentic, meaningful learning opportunities as best practice for all and that differentiation must be part of the culture
A4. Teachers can invest their time looking for different avenues that will suit the needs of their students. They can also introduce lessons that require their students to think but also help the students to enjoy the subject at the same time #gtchat
A4 Prompts for introducing depth and complexity into the curriculum can be used as early as kindergarten by simply asking students about what’s the ‘big idea’ or having them identify details in a story. #gtchat
That learning is tied to achievement, which itself is measured by grades. Some of the best learning comes from struggle and performing "poorly." #gtchat A2
We’ve been studying this topic all year. Here is a Padlet I put together for a professional learning experience with GT Liaisons. It includes introducing Depth and Complexity #gtchat
A4: It has been easiest to incorporate into my reading and math workshop model. Every station is leveled and connects to Blooms. The lower levels are more concrete/work with identifying/explaining. The higher level stations are abstract with students creating/evaluating #gtchat
A3) We want gifted Ss to be able to think complexly & in-depth so that they can apply these types of skills to creating new frontiers, engaging in myriad world problems & issues, and having the personal satisfaction of using their innate abilities in meaningful ways. #gtchat
A4 As students progress through the early grades, teachers can increase the use of more complex and deep questioning, modeling how to think about specific topics, and begin to differentiate the curriculum. #gtchat
A4 Use a well-known story like a fairytale or fable to introduce depth & complexity; can also ask students to apply D&C to themselves like a D&C autobiography #gtchat
A4) I would also consider whether one has an aligned curriculum, a deep understanding of the standards, and be willing to become intimate with one’s content as well..#gtchat
A5 Thinking tools can encompass determining which details are important, looking for patterns, contemplating what the rules are, and discerning trends. #gtchat
A4 J Taylor Education has D & C TV which has Byrd's complete videos which do a fabulous job of showing what the 11 elements of D/C look like in content using a hamburger, The Giving Tree, Solar Power, and The American Revolution.
A5. Socratic questioning and thinking, Habits of Mind, P4C(Philosophy for Children) are great places to begin supporting and encouraging critical and creative thinking. Also planning learning and teaching alongside and with Ss. Let them also guide the learning. #gtchat
A5 Tools to demonstrate a deep and complex understanding may include knowing the language of the discipline, considering unanswered questions, or looking at problems from multiple perspectives. #gtchat
A5 I found building/creating to be a big win. Van de Graaff generator, Tesla Coil, Mass driver, all lots of fun! Who doesn't want to throw lightning bolts? #gtchat
A5: I think the Q-focus strategy and Socratic circle are good thinking tools for students to show understanding of more in depth and complex ideas. Students must generate their own questions and develop clear arguments with evidence to support their claims. #gtchat
A4: A good place to start is w/ the components of differentiation. Pick 1 to focus a D&C task. Will in be in a Product creation, study of a Concept, a Process you will introduce, etc. Start small & build. Before you know it you will have a great toolbox for D&C content. #gtchat
A5) #gtchat teaching about critical thinking skills, organization with mind maps, and creating a culture where out of box thinking and taking risks is encouraged
A5. I think designing a website and presenting it to the class is a useful tool, as it encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and communicating their findings to the class #gtchat
A5 Tools to demonstrate a deep and complex understanding may include knowing the language of the discipline, considering unanswered questions, or looking at problems from multiple perspectives. #gtchat
Lurking to learn? Please say ‘hi’ and then view a livestream from Participate Learning at Enjoy the chat! All the resources and a summary of this chat will be posted later on our blog at
A4) They can compact information that Ss already know and then move them into more advanced curriculum. They can ask complex questions that require high levels of thinking & for which no simple answer exists... (1/2) #gtchat
A4) ...and they can engage them in orbital studies around the core curriculum that apply the basic content to related fields that might interest them on an in-depth level. (2/2) #gtchat
A5: A great resource to refer to which gives insight and tools on this topic is . Lots of great ideas here and is multi-disciplinary in presentation! #gtchat
A5 J Taylor Education's Q3 Cards are another fabulous tool for teachers and students (yes, Ss need to create ?) to use to generate questions based on the 11 elements of depth and complexity. 7-q3-cards-quick-quality-questioning-cards/ #gtchat
A6 Talk to them! Discuss current events and analyze ethics involved. Encourage them to identify details and patterns they see around them in the world - help them connect the dots. #gtchat
A6 Parents should model for their children how to pull out the important details when discussing specific topics and nurture their child’s awareness of trends in everyday life. #gtchat
A6 Focus more time and energy on critical and creative thinking skills and less time on memorization and "knowing" facts, play some strategy games, ask them Q to connect to the world, embrace CURIOSITY #gtchat
A6 The richness of the home environment can do far more than encourage the gifted learner - it is likely, in part, responsible for the existance of the gifted learner. #gtchat
A6: I think the first thing would be to let go of “how we were taught.” In the past I feel like many concepts were taught through skill based memorization. Now we teach to build concrete understanding and to reason abstractly. They could allow the kids to teach them. #gtchat
A6. Parents can encourage their children by helping them understand the benefits of depth and complexity. They can also find extra curricular hobbies/activites that promote thinking and learning #gtchat
Talk a lot about things -- about what's going on in the world, about issues, and ask them a lot of questions... and encourage their own inquiry and challenging what they hear. Model a lot of reading and self-guided learning. #gtchat A6
A5) Creative problem solving, independent study which requires a problem to be solved, critique & evaluation of current policies & solutions in the 🌍, asking Ss to produce products that approach those of professionals in that they use info gained in real & novel ways. #gtchat
We are nearing the end of #gtchat today. Please share your final thoughts and takeaways about using depth and complexity when teaching gifted students. #gtchat
A6: G/T kids often have tough questions or questions that I have no clue the answer to. Instead of shying away from uncomfortable or unfamiliar topics, parents and educators should encourage students to go more in depth with their questions and observations. #gtchat
Fight for time in an increasingly pressured system. Time for thinking. Time for questioning. Time for creative and critical thinking. Time for going deeper into issues, etc. Time for daydreaming - it's often where the big ideas happen. #gtchat
A6 Ask them Qs; have discussions; ask them what patterns & trends they notice; discuss multiple perspectives, how something relates over time, discuss ethics & big ideas when reading or watching tv #gtchat
Our next chat will be on Thursday, January 24th at 8E/7C/6M/5P US and Friday, 25th January at 2PM NZDT/Noon AEDT/1AM UK. Our topic: “Appropriate Reading Instruction for Gifted Students” #gtchat