#MasteryChat is a weekly chat with a growing family of educators from around the word focused on teaching better and reaching more students. Topics cover an array of challenges and solutions for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, admins, and support staff.
#MasteryChat occurs every Thursday at 8:00pm eastern.
The chat was created by team at @thegridmethod, but is hosted by guest moderators each week. Our primary moderators are @techieteachott, @raehugart, and @jeffgargas.
Welcome to #MasteryChat!! We’re rocking out a team-lead chat tonight with @raehughart, @chadostrowski, and myself! We’re super excited to be hosting tonight! Introduce yourself and where you're from! #MasteryChat
I’m Chad from @teachbetterteam and creator of #thegridmethod! From OHIO! I love working with teachers, schools and districts to increase achievement and reach ALL students! Ready for a fun #MasteryChat
Welcome to #MasteryChat!! We’re rocking out a team-lead chat tonight with @raehughart, @chadostrowski, and myself! We’re super excited to be hosting tonight! Introduce yourself and where you're from! #MasteryChat
He #masterychat I am Rob Breyer proud principal of Cameron Elementary and I am chatting this evening from Broadway, NC. Looking forward to the conversation tonight!
Bill from STL. Very excited about this topic. My dissertation for my EdD is involving PD so I’m very interested in hearing everyone’s thoughts. #masterychat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
A1 - PD can be large or small but it is anytime you are growing as a professional and improving your practice. #masterychat could even be considered "PD" if you view it the right way.
Welcome to #MasteryChat!! We’re rocking out a team-lead chat tonight with @raehughart, @chadostrowski, and myself! We’re super excited to be hosting tonight! Introduce yourself and where you're from! #MasteryChat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
Hi everyone. Luis Fernando from México. Principal in a 700 ss k-12 school in Villahermosa, Tabasco. Southern México. 20 years in education. #masterychat
In reply to
@jeffgargas, @RaeHughart, @chadostrowski
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
A1: For most of my teaching career I associated PD with sitting in the school library while someone else "professionally developed" you. I've since had a shift in thinking - anything that you do to grow yourself as a teacher could be considered PD. #MasteryChat
A1) Growing and sharing knowledge together! I have spent a lot of time going to of to grow and presenting because I love sharing and learning from others. This Jan institute I’m presenting twice! #masterychat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
I absolutely believe that Twitter chats can be effective professional development. Professional learning can occur in all different formats. #MasteryChat
A1: PD: learning to become better educators. Often school directed to meet priorities, but self-chosen is often more interesting & fulfilling. #MasteryChat
A1 Teacher PD needs to be changed to have a lasting impact. Too often it is seen as a burden with no benefit for those REQUIRED to attend. #MasteryChat
Some PD should be mandatory because we are members of a professional community that need to grow together, but there is much more to PD than just the mandatory experiences. #MasteryChat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
I absolutely believe that Twitter chats can be effective professional development. Professional learning can occur in all different formats. #MasteryChat
I've thought more about what people talk about and share in my Twitter PLN than most in person PD I've attended, plus it's just soul filling to know you are all out there thinking hard and working your butts off for kids! #masterychat
When it’s not targeted and seems to be out of place or out of touch with what we currently need. Wen it’s not relevant or connected to us. #masterychat
We had focus groups of staff discuss things and this has come up. Trying to offer more personalized ones but no one knows how the sessions get picked. #MasteryChat
Key from this is PD cant just check a box but needs to be rooted in data informed decision making that's going to impact (positively) outcomes.
Our district PD tends to be ineffective. I’ve been a part of some great PD on my own.... through different summits & conferences I’ve gotten to go to. Those have been areas I’ve gotten to grow professionally and do some serious reflecting & learning! #masterychat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A1: I have found that too often school leader ship does not take into account the different and various personality styles of the educators in their building. Professional development needs to be tailored specifically to the learners in the space. #masterychat
Absolutely. So maybe we need to first talk with our teachers and find out what the want to learn, where they feel they need growth, and then make those things the boxes! #MasteryChat
New challenges are always good, but sometimes PD can be a time to realign to the mission, reevaluate direction, and recharge our batteries. #masterychat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
Professional development is become more actualized in your profession- content and pedagogical knowledge- learn and grow in the ability to facilitate conversations, practice empathy and compassion and relinquish control #masterychat
A2: I think an hour to an hour and a half is a perfect amount of time to learn something that can be applied in the classroom. It should be actionable. #masterychat
A2: It depends on one’s interest level. I try to personalize and tailor my PD to meet my needs. I’ve grown as an educator immensely as a result. #MasteryChat
A2: Perfect PD length:
Enough time for learning, discussing, reflecting and perhaps even implementing.
No drive-by PD. Saturation makes it stick. Two hours? Half day?
A2: #MasteryChat Depends on what you are learning about. I've spent countless hours searching for the best learning. 45 minute sessions with time to decompress & be able to return to that topic, maybe?
Oops forgot to introduce myself! Ann or Annie from Ontario. Facilitator of dreams and master in training of the three ringed circus at your service. #MasteryChat
I've asked my district if we can offer CPDUs to staff who participate in chats. The asst superintendent is open to it, but I haven't gotten enough interest from teachers yet. #MasteryChat
Ongoing support and follow up is key! We see it all the time when the @teachbetterteam works in schools. 1day workshop? Some change. Full year follow up implementation? Transformational change! #masterychat#pd
I don't think there is a perfect length for PD. I've had great PD in 20 minutes, I've had great PD over 5 days. It's as long as mutual interest is sustained. #masterychat
Can you elaborate on that? Where in the process did you get stuck? When you say no one knows how they get picked, what do you mean? Logistically, or too hard to narrow it down? #MasteryChat
A2 Time spent depends on personal goals, whether we are being taught "tactics' or whether is it a stepping stone to true professional ~learning~ #masterychat
A2. Tough question but sometimes our audience will let us know how long the PD needs to be especially if it’s for a large group with a specific goal in mind. . The PD could be anywhere from an hour to ongoing during the year. #MasteryChat
A2: I believe the length of a professional learning session is depending on the topic. I don’t think there is one exact definition. Professional learning can happen in 30 minute blocks or a two hour full-blown session. #masterychat
A2: I think PD should be done in a workshop Model- some learning and some applying. The learning should be about an hour and 2-3 hours of discussion and practice. #MasteryChat
A2 - I'm a fan of longer 1 or 2 day PD's so I have time to work and develop ideas...BUT...if I'm not getting to work during the PD I prefer shorter content driven sessions so that I can take the information and APPLY it. #masterychat
Q1 Professional Development (aka PD) is used across the world - but what is it? Share your understanding of PD in 5 words. THEN, use a Gif to illustrate your personal experience being a part of PD. #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A2 just because you took some time to learn about it doesnt mean you know how to do it/use it until you practice with it many times (& fail a bit)
A2: there is no one size fits all like w/ students. I think good pd has extensions that allows educators to dive deeper if they decide and has layered support for those who need it.
A2: The perfect PD length is under an hour, however; if the topics are relevant, timely, and meaningful the time doesn’t matter. Continuous learners don’t wait for PD they seek it out on their own.#masterychat
Completely agree. All of the literature on professional learning states that teachers need to be invested in the topic for any real change to manifest. Professional learning sessions must also be tailored to adults and not students as often it is #MasteryChat
A2 I believe it depends. I had a math PD I never wanted to leave. We were all engaged and learning so much. We are having 4 one hour sessions. #masterychat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
Depends on my comfort with the thing I’m trying to learn. #flipclass took me relatively little time (couple hours) because I figured it out before learning about it. #sbl took longer b/c more was involved. It’s not the timeframe but the relevance of the topic #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2 Length , I feel varies. What matters is how it is presented. If the presentation of the info is engaging, I'll sit there all day working, learning,& listening #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2 nice having options, Twitter chat, webinar, book study or reading blogs, listening to podcasts, the right amount depends on your goals, a quick conversation on @voxer with PLN #4OCFpln#my53s works great! #masterychat
In my mind, PD is only part of professional learning. We tend to treat PD as the end all be all without asking ourselves how it helps us reach eventual personal and professional goals #masterychat
A2) I think no longer than an hour or two on any subject. I love Ed camp situations where I can go from one idea to another. I hate sitting and learning about one thing ALL DAY! 😑 #masterychat
A2: Tough question. If it's something in my wheelhouse, not much time is needed, but if it's something truly new, esp. tech, I need tons of time to practice & process.#MasteryChat
A2) the perfect length of PD is opportunity to learn new practice, time to go back and implement the practice, time to reflect on practice with others #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2 I don’t think you can peg a perfect PD length because it depends on the PD, where you are in the process, and wether you’re open to it, and format. I prefer something meaningful and interactive (not sit and get) that allows for extension later thru communication #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2- for me, the best PD is a purposeful cultural shift towards increased effectiveness in adult talk, content, methodology, etc. and it happens over a long time. In service days, informal convos, and everything in between. #masterychat
A2 If PD is to make a difference for student learning it needs time - time to process, time to try, time for action, time to reflect, time to know & understand, time to collaborate, time to develop efficacy, time to discuss, time to debate, time to learn and grow
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2: If the PD is specific to the subject that the person teaches, I think day or multi hour long sessions can be helpful. I'd like to see more PD that is flipped - read and research at home and then come to the discussion w something to contribute.
A2 30 min seems perfect- enough time to dispense a "lesson" with time for Ts to go off and reflect during remainder of that planning period #masterychat
A2 Perfect length? Definitely NOT a marathon of 1 day then done. I prefer a solid intro with modeling and practice (maybe 3 hours), followed by much shorter coaching sessions and embedded support for at least a semester. #masterychat
In my mind, PD is only part of professional learning. We tend to treat PD as the end all be all without asking ourselves how it helps us reach eventual personal and professional goals #masterychat
I totally understand your point. I would suggest that those leading PD need to move it beyond content and focus on teaching and learning skills that apply to any aspect of schooling. #MasteryChat
A2 I like extremes. Give me a 10 minute idea for me to further investigate on my own or give me days long intensive work with follow-up. #MasteryChat#pd#edchat
A2: I think it depends on the interest level of the audience, relevancy of the topic, and personality of the presenter. I would sit through a good one for a couple hours! If not, give me my free mug or lanyard, send me an email, and we’ll see you later. 🤷🏾♂️ #MasteryChat
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2: I feel like length of time in one session should be responsive, however in order to bridge the knowing-doing gap, it must be revisited in a variety of settings. We must stick with something until we are really good at it. And then we work to become even better. #MasteryChat
Contrary to what many believe, teachers don’t really get summers off. They spend that time on PD and preparing for the following year. They also don’t “get out early” (teachers actually work an average of 53 hours per week) — they just start the day earlier than most.
A2: Most effective model is the workshop model- I do, we do, you do. Currently working with staff on the E+R=O, above the line mindset, as well as moving into a trauma informed school and self-care for staff/students, mindfulness. Needs to be woven into the culture. #MasteryChat
A2: length of time can be varying, instead it’s how the time is spent! We know how after 20 minutes our kids lose focus well we do too! So one filled with great info but brain breaks, interactive demonstrations, more info, hands on activities just not hours of words #MasteryChat
A2: For a brand new topic - PD has to be more than a one-and-done presentation for me to successfully implement the new strategy/program with my students. #MasteryChat
I've suggested this at my site and even tried to implement this type of conversation, but Ts don't either want to engage or are afraid to be honest #MasteryChat
In reply to
@jeffgargas, @FbellomoB, @TheStephenKeys
A2: You need time to learn, assimilate through practice (action), adjust through feedback & make it better. Hard to say a specific amount of time - depends on the individual! #masterychat
We put forth an idea and a district principal (instead of group) decides. It’s whatever they want from staff ideas. I put in two ideas for a Feb in service but haven’t heard anything about them yet. Baby steps I guess. #MasteryChat
A2: Depends on the PD. An hour and a half seems perfect. Learn something new, apply, and collaborate with others on how it could be implemented in different situations, or in different ways. Too often PD is SIT and GET! Not good for kids, and not good for Ts. #masterychat
A2 If PD is to make a difference for student learning it needs time - time to process, time to try, time for action, time to reflect, time to know & understand, time to collaborate, time to develop efficacy, time to discuss, time to debate, time to learn and grow
Q2: Choosing to develop and grow can happen in an instant or over time - similar to the type of PD you may experience. When learning about a new topic, what is the perfect PD length? Be specific. #MasteryChat
A2: Depends on the magnitude of the subject. We took two whole days to learn RCD and the Give ‘Em Five program, and every minute was worth it! @EricClark_5#masterychat
Q2: I’d say the 20 30 60 rule works best for me. 20 minutes to learn. 30 minutes to reflect and discuss with my team. 60 minutes to create a plan of action for myself or my team. #MasteryChat
Q2. Ummm. Hmmm. Isn’t that going to depend on who is in the learning audience? Everyone’s take away is going to be different just like our students? Provide extensions, get feedback and then revisit if needed? #MasteryChat
Exactly. Professional learning sessions cannot be a one time thing. It is completely useless to introduce the topic for a session and never revisit it again or even have any follow up on the topic. #MasteryChat
A2: I think the length of PD is individual to each person. People need time to reflect & implement what they learn. That time may be different for everyone. It’s different fir our Ss, it’s different for adult learners as well. I am a jumper. Others may not be. #MasteryChat
A2: New topic PD is like Ss learning a new topic. Give us time to learn it, then work on it, apply it and then follow up to make sure we understand the topic, its uses and the facilitators fix glitches, if any. For me, it's less about time and more about the how. #MasteryChat
A2: Self-directed can be any length of time that suits your purpose & goal. Madated, or school directed PD needs to be long enough to engage in learning new info, discussion, application for students, etc, but not too long that Ts become bored/overwhelmed & tune out. #MasteryChat
A2: Most effective model is the workshop model- I do, we do, you do. Currently working with staff on the E+R=O, above the line mindset, as well as moving into a trauma informed school and self-care for staff/students, mindfulness. Needs to be woven into the culture. #MasteryChat
My current school does this well, on the school and district level. ?s sent out about what they want to learn and then breakout sessions usually led by Ts on the different interests. #masterychat
I think a lot of times it's the second one. For too long, voices have not been listened to, so there's this hesitation to not speak up, unfortunately. #MasteryChat
In reply to
@MrsBarnett_Tchr, @FbellomoB, @TheStephenKeys
A2: Hard to be specific about a perfect PD length - really depends on what is being learned. For me, I might need 15 minutes or I might need 3 hours. It's not the size of the time that counts, it's the quality of how the the time is spent. #masterychat
A2) I need lots and lots of time. I’m a slow and deep thinker. The first 95% of a task I do in my head. The final 5%, the reified constructs of those thoughts, then typically happens quickly. I’ll read a dozen books and email as many strangers along the way. #MasteryChat
I'm in Illinois, too. Districts are authorised PD providers. As long as evidence can be presented that there was PD aligned to state-mandated criteria (the CPDU form), it should be allowable, shouldn't it? #MasteryChat
A2. The best amount of time would be based on an individual’s ability to master the topic. Some educators may need more time while others may need less. In other words, differentiated PD. #MasteryChat
There is no single perfect length of time for PD
Twitter chats can provide as much professional learning as a two-day conference It just depends on what the goal the purpose & the setting is
Learn by asking questions observing reading talking and just listening
A2: Of course, this depends on the depth and breadth of the topic/learning. For more "doing" versus "deep thinking", I prefer 20-30 mins with regular coaching. But at times,I like to do some "sit n' git" and internalize a new concept and engaging presenter. #MasteryChat
PD needs to deepen our understanding of why we do what we do - educators need time - in their day to day work - that is where the real learning of our craft takes place - learning focussed & student focussed #masterychat
A2: Ongoing...hahahaha
I prefer reading and then intentionally working the procedure/process/method into my teaching. And assessing how it went, tweaking it as I go
A2 I'm offering 4 week online courses (1 hour + 20-30 homework that is fun): TRANSLATE ANY KIND OF FEEDBACK INTO SUCCESSFUL WRITING using comics, media and a narrative throughline #masterychat
Exactly. We need to see who are the learners in the room and what is their level of comfort with the topic and their level of prior knowledge. #MasteryChat
A2: The “Hit & Run” PD (30 minutes or less ((also known as the Rachel Ray)) is great to introduce or quickly share a new idea; the “Sit & Simmer” PD is great over a half day if you get a chance to include guided practice #MasteryChat
A2: I think PD should never be a one time thing and then never talked about again. I also think you should have time to discuss what was taught/talked about & then time to create and use the material! #masterychat
A2: My favorite also! I love having time to learn, practice, and create. I also love when resources are available online to use later in case I missed something! #masterychat
I'm in Illinois, too. Districts are authorised PD providers. As long as evidence can be presented that there was PD aligned to state-mandated criteria (the CPDU form), it should be allowable, shouldn't it? #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A1/A2 time is so different because there are diff PD's... just getting info, discussing new idea, learning new tool, learning new skill.....
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
Heading out early, the wife and I have have a netflix date while the little guy is with the grandparents. Cheers and Fuller House for the win. #MasteryChat
Absolutely. PD needs to be constant and consistently implemented for any real positive changes to occur. We need to make positive strides in our practice to move the education needle. #MasteryChat
A2: The perfect length of relevant and meaningful PD is a monthly gathering focused on learning, inquiry, and application, with each meeting lasting 90 minutes. #masterychat
A2. I think 40 minutes sounds good. But I would like a little interaction in the middle. Not a lot of interaction (I'm introverted), but enough to keep the blood flowing.
A3: A majority of the PD I have attended actually modeled interaction and differentiation.
I also provide PD this way for others (I hope!).
A3 - Because sometimes people need to sit and listen to the expert talk about the gadget or strategy.
Sit and get is not the enemy. Bad sit and get is the enemy.
Too often it feels that PD is not connected to prior work or district initiatives and it creates frustration for educators that they keep getting more added to their plate. We need to communicate the connections better so they don’t see it as something ‘new’ #MasteryChat
A3: I think the assumption is that Ts are the exception to learning experiences. But we are all Ss, and want it to be engaging and RELEVANT to us! #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3 We constantly reflect on this at @teachbetterteam. There is a fine balance between interaction/discussion/work time with content delivery. Work time is a focus, as well as discussion. I think logistics force some PD to be more "sit and get" than Ts would like. #masterychat
A3 I think too often those providing the PD fall back on what is comfortable for them as presenters. PD needs to be learner-focused just like our classrooms should be, and that is hard work. #masterychat
A3: every guru has their magic formula in their special packaging to sell it. Teachers know a lot and can share alot they just need the structured opportunity to do so.
true...I went to a 2 day PD and was surprised how great it was - sooo...I would say that the way the PD is presented also needs to be taken into account #MasteryChat
A3: Admin like the "sit and get" model as it is easy. When we are "doing" it can be messy and questions can arise...not so easy for admin. #MasteryChat
A2: I also like having follow up sessions. This allows us time to collaborate on what is or isn’t working well. Don’t waste my time on PD, if we are never going to talk about it again or use it more than one month or year. #masterychat
Because we are adults seems to be the rationale. Best PD I have had I picked for myself or was done for science content where we got to play with @3DMolDesigns science models for various topics. We learned how to use the stuff by playing and having open discussion #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3: PD is “sit and get” because there is a knowledge gap for the school leader in the PD planning process. Personality of the educators in the room is also not taken into account. Professional learning is not designed specifically for each type of learner #masterychat
A3 Sit and Get kills me 😬 I have far less patience for it after all the quality PD I’ve experienced in the Digital Summits, Online Webinars, Great books and Twitter Chats #masterychat
A3) My personal opinions that district admins look at it as easier, they don’t want to sit down and figure out another way especially if there are a lot of educators in the district. Also cheaper... #masterychat
A3 This is an interesting ?? Not all presenters are there to share their info with #bestpractices. Sometimes we are learning from 1st responders and community members. #masterychat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3 I think that even the people who are "doing" the PD are presenting the best way they know how. They have to be given the chance to be a little weird. #MasteryChat
A2: The perfect PD length would be 30 minutes with a 10-15 minutes debriefing afterwards. If it’s too long, we lose focus (like our students) and I like having a chance to discuss the relevance and application with peers #MasteryChat
For me, it really depends on the topic but generally, at least a couple of hours. Personally, it really helps when I’m given an opportunity to collaborate with my fellow teachers so that I can compare notes with them as well. #MasteryChat
A3: Sit and get has always been the tried and true method. It needs to be more interactive and immersive. Admins need to use Ts to lead some of the PD. #MasteryChat
Absolutely! We need to remember, a lesson is still being delivered and the audience needs it to be engaging. Great connection to best practices! #MasteryChat
A3-I am cool with a little sit and get...but I am also at the point in teaching where it's like that is a cool theory bro...but show me it in action! Love a PD session where I can jump in or see it played out. #masterychat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3 I think that there is a narrow understanding of PD. Just like when I think of the word "teacher" I think of someone standing in front of Ss who are sitting and listening. But if the goal is learning, that happens in lots of ways.
BTW, sit and get isn't bad.
A3: Too often it is a time issue. We try so hard to protect Ts time, that too often we overlook the importance of the interaction & collaboration part of the PD. We must make PD relevant, show ideas for implementation, & provide time to talk about it as a team. #masterychat
A3. PD should be learning from experience-reflection and sharing (learning) w/ others. Challenge is the vast levels of knowledge of participants. PD needs to be more personalized. #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
Better teaching, as described, typically is based on common experience....students having been together and developed trust with each other. That's not the case for teachers who rarely see each other work or have any common work experience. Sit-get is "safe." #masterychat
A3: I think that this is true about district provided PD because it is often set up to check off a box for the state. We haven’t advicate for meaningful professional development and not settle for only what a district or school provides. #masterychat
Q3 I would love to try a Flipped PD to introduce the topic and then really get to dig into the concept once people have a chance to digest and investigate on their own. #MasteryChat
A3: Maybe it's seen as easier to plan/prepare? Or as the only way to get the volume of information across? It's comfortable for the presenter? It's thought to be more practical/manageable for large audiences? #MasteryChat
A3: “PowerPoints are not great tools for learning. Next slide.” 😂 PDs often seem behind the times. A shift is necessary, even for the adult learner. The most powerful PDs are never sit-and-get. #masterychat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
Great point, Blake. So it comes back to figuring out what they need, right? We need to communicate and collaborate to find out what works for them, what is best for each situation, topic, teacher, student, etc. #MasteryChat
A3 Time constraints and the desire to expose Ts (not always a literally captive audience) to all facets of the planned PD; I've mostly seen more interactive PD so I can't really speak to the 'sit and get' approach #masterychat
#MasteryChat A3- this is because not all of us are kinesthetic learners, although I am. Perhaps, PD should be given in different formats for different learners.
Better teaching, as described, typically is based on common experience....students having been together and developed trust with each other. That's not the case for teachers who rarely see each other work or have any common work experience. Sit-get is "safe." #masterychat
A3 The same way many Ts turn to direct instruction when faced with "too many" Ss in a classroom, PD-givers default to the way they were taught/the way they think they will disseminate the info to the most people, b/c sufrace level is better than nothing I guess #masterychat
#masterychat a1 There's the PD I pick which is emoji 💪👈👈 and then there is the been there done that PD that one school unnamed offered. Why, because apparently all teachers are the same 🤔
A3: I don’t think there is a good answer to why other than teachers/educators have not used their voice enough to say we want it done differently 🤷🏼♀️ #MasteryChat
A3 Trying to get as much info as possible out as efficiently as possible. We all hate taking days off and stress about our classrooms when we are out. #MasteryChat
A3: Because memorization is incredibly important it needn't be a dirty word, or a boring process. That is not to say that many PD sessions are poor and embody a bad take on "drill and kill"
A3 Educators need the opportunity to ask their own questions about their work - we need opportunity to work with others to find the answers to our challenges, issues, difficulties - we need to collaborate with our colleagues in teams - we need to promote inquiry #MasteryChat
A3: I think often it’s because those in charge of PD are offering it up the way it was offered up to them. We are educators, but some are stuck in the way “it’s always been done.” That’s why I am grateful for my PLN on Twitter! #MasteryChat
Yes! And the fact is, so many district initiatives ARE connected. Explicitly identifying and celebrating these connections is critical for ongoing buy-in. #MasteryChat
A3: a great keynote, with humor, passion, engagement can keep me listening & taking notes for an hour, no engagement necessary, storytelling too #masterychat sometimes it feels good to be inspired
A3: Depending on the topic, sometimes lightbulb moments come best from sitting and listening to someone who just simply flips a switch in us. I don't like this as a teaching mode, but for professional learning, it can be a bit like reading an enlightening blog post. #MasteryChat
I think we plan & participate in PD because we have to or because it's a regulation or a requirement & there is a mindset about how the delivery should be & exactly how it needs to be presented in order to be relevant and meaningful
We should change that mindset
A3: I find that the way we teach adults tends to be far different than the way we tell adults to teach children. We tend to take for granted that adults can sit through long lectures and still retain information. Learning differences don't disappear at age 18.
A2: The length of time it takes to make sure the audience has practiced, discussed, and communicated understanding. Same as expected when presenting to students. #MasteryChat
A2: Learning a new topic a perfect PD covers the What? Why? and How? What is this new concept? Why do I need to know it? How do it integrate/implement in my classroom? #MasteryChat
I love sessions that give me opportunities to follow up later. With the exception of @SoulbalmSays, I've yet to meet someone at any conference I've attended over the past decade that I've connected with later! #MasteryChat
A3: Sometimes in our quest for teaching, we forget about learning. There’s vulnerability in anything but sit and get because we are unsure what the outcome might be if we aren’t in control. We need to let that go. Sometimes the unplanned is exactly what we need. #MasteryChat
A3 - presenter comfort?Trying to squish in too much content? Also, building interactive, cooperative community takes time and knowing your students, which presenters may not have access to. My favorite PD uses discussion protocols and models effective teacher talk #masterychat
A3 Because often times PD planners aren’t in the classroom & don’t understand how people learn today. “Sit & get” is the easy—but marginally effective—format...and some don’t realize when it’s packaged in digital format it can be worse. Thank Goodness for Twitter PLN #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A.2 Depends on the topic being introduced. Honestly, as long as there is time for discussion (Q&A), collaboration with others (scenarios/group work) and documents & references to take home, the length of the PD doesn't matter too much to me.
A3: To truly change practices, PD should occur over time & be ongoing. Research shows when PD describes a skill to teachers, only 10% usually transfer it into practice; when teachers are coached over time through implementation, 95% typically transfer the skill #masterychat
A3: Most of us learned this way so for many it's how we know how to learn. My hubby is a High School math teacher. He has said many of his upper classman want to still learn this way. They don't know any other way. It got to be a process.
Flipped anything is a risk, & w risk comes failure. Are districts afraid to take the risks w PD that they ask us to take in our classrooms? #MasteryChat
Q3 depends on who is leading the PD. Sometimes it seems as if we as teachers need to be “ seen” as teaching. If it’s anything less than an extended lecture would we think less of the presenters? Ever teach a concept using a skit? 5 and done. #masterychat
A3: I honestly think it’s because those who are in charge of running PD are from that world of “sit and get” and are stuck in it. Solution? Involving younger peeps (as far as years in the system) in those kinds of trainings. #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3: It takes effort. Being Intentional. Our #FutureReady Curriculum Coach @katie_enneking is really good at this. Uses engaging tech. and easy “tips” for educators. Builds confidence and starts conversations. Let’s take any intimidation factor out of the equation. #MasteryChat
Our district has gone to this method and practice. We choose something to grow with for the year and get with like minded people though-out the district to grow together in our own ways for the school year.
A3 Educators need the opportunity to ask their own questions about their work - we need opportunity to work with others to find the answers to our challenges, issues, difficulties - we need to collaborate with our colleagues in teams - we need to promote inquiry #MasteryChat
A3 As admin, we forget to ask ourselves the following question: "How are we vulnerably modeling what we expect?" PD must reflect expected instructional best practices. #masterychat
A3: Usually when I'm in a "Sit and Get" PD - there is a great deal of information covered in a short period of time. Honestly, I don't know "Why?" - everything I know about good teaching tells me that this is wrong. #MasteryChat
A3: I think the answer falls with who, exactly, is providing the PD. Is it an administrator? I hired consultant? A fellow teacher? What is their experience in the classroom, & is this how they teach/taught? We need trainers who can model the classroom experience. #masterychat
A3: We just don't practice what we preach when it comes to PD. Mentality-it has always been done like that, we're adults, we don't need bells and whistles. #masterychat
Just make the connections explicit! I know I need to be reminded because our jobs are so complex and I can only juggle so much in my working memory. #MasteryChat
In reply to
@TechieTeachOtt, @EdTechHappens, @teachbetterteam
One of the most disappointing PDs I ever sat through was a Skype lecture from one of the leaders in field who is an ardent advocate for differentiation...smh #masterychat
A2: IMO, the most effective PDs are not delivered once and then checked off, so 45 minutes would likely be long enough. I think PDs should be an on going development, often based on the needs of the adult learner. #masterychat
sorry to hear that.... many ppl i meet at conference are part of my twitter PLN... and that twitter PLN gives me ppl to search out face to face #MasteryChat
A3: I think it's bc the people who are presenting the PD have been so far removed from the classroom that they don't get it - It's so easy to say what Ts should be doing but don't understand what teaching looks like anymore - So the PD doesn't reflect #MasteryChat
School Leaders/Admin need to see that growth for all in a learning community is central to what we need to be doing & plan accordingly - differentiate between training & learning in PD #masterychat
A3: "Sit and Get" PD exists when someone feels pressure to check off boxes instead of actually leading growth and learning among all staff. #MasteryChat
So true re time constraints. I can't tell you how many pd's I've sat in that say. "This is a full days worth of training that we're giving you in an hour." #MasteryChat
A3 Time constraints and the desire to expose Ts (not always a literally captive audience) to all facets of the planned PD; I've mostly seen more interactive PD so I can't really speak to the 'sit and get' approach #masterychat
A3. Most PD is “do as I say & not what I do” because it is easier to prepare. It takes effort to plan engaging activities which uses differentiation/transitions for example. It is exactly what teachers must do for their Ss! Sit & get/worksheets are easy. #MasteryChat
A3: I might not have been in the field long enough to have a good answer. Possibly bc it’s easier to plan and get it out of the way, often there are guest speakers, or there is the mentality that it’s fine since we’re older and don’t need the engagement to understand #MasteryChat
Q3 I don’t know about you, but every time I learn about teaching, memorization or "Sit and Get" mentality is out the window and interaction is in. But PD is not always demonstrated this way. Why? #MasteryChat
A3- The person delivering the PD is usually considered the expert on the topic. However, the best PD that I’ve attended usually allowed time for collaboration between teachers and it was always so helpful. #MasteryChat
Sit and Get to me, is a one size fits all type of PD. We share the information, and expect everyone to find it helpful and figure out how to use it. We don't allow our Ts to use this with Ss, so it can't be okay for presenters to due with educators! #masterychat
A3: Presenters get paid whether they do a good job or not. So they don’t always practice what they preach. Presenters that volunteer are usually engaging and fun. They present to teach versus to get paid. #MasteryChat
A3: Also, seems to be that Ts are poor audiences at PD - tend to resist having to participate in the very engaging learning experiences we provide our students (here in 🇦🇺 anyway). Not sure why 🤔 #MasteryChat
#masterychat a2
#PD to spotlight a resource 15 minutes
PD to reflect and apply 30 minutes
PD to make and create irl 60 minutes
Like @christinepod breakdown too
A3 I think the reasons we often still see the sit-and-get approach to #pd is the same reason we still see it in classrooms. Interactive learning is harder to plan for an manage. It requires time and significant effort on the facilitator's part. Not easy! #masterychat
A3: Also, as admin, when it comes to PD, we must consistently ask ourselves: "How can we involve teacher leaders in PD facilitation?" That way, together, admin and teacher leaders are modeling instructional best practices, unity, and communal trust. #masterychat
My favorite thing to do during the day in sit in on a class in a classroom now that I teach gym... I still miss teaching math and love watching it be taught, I still get excited about it!!! #masterychat
A3: Complainers. There are some teachers who wish for PD to be a lecture. They are exhausted and ready to go home, sometimes the mentality is just “tell me so I can go home.” Sad. So sad 😭#masterychat
We often teach adults the same way we teach children and there is a ridiculous amount of literature saying that is absolutely the wrong thing to do! #MasteryChat
A3) Well, it is an efficient means of conveying lots of information. Also, we’re (ahem, in theory) primed to take away as much as possible. Perhaps they’re banking on that. #MasteryChat
A4 - I've been to so many great PD's and I now get to work with my amazing @teachbetterteam to create them! I think @techieteachott and @raehughart always teach me something when I get to see them present or co-facilitate a PD with them! #masterychat
A3: Interesting question. Lifelong learners (teachers) may not need a high level of interactive learning like students may need, but we’re not just learning for ourselves. We’re learning to teach those who likely do need the interactivity. #masterychat
A3: PD has to be relevant and differentiated. We have a wide spectrum of learners in the education field. Experience, age etc. Some can sit and get and go learn through doing. Others need more in person time. Sometimes learners need one on one like Ss. #MasteryChat
@chadostrowski#MasteryChat A2) When it is something new, shorter is better. No longer than 30 minutes, but with intentional follow-ups to help with true growth and accountability. Longer than that can be overwhelming and the message can be lost. Small chunks over time.
A4: @Wes_Kieschnick when I was a part of my district’s digital cohort last year & when I saw him keynote at Model Schools conference this summer. Super engaging!! #masterychat
Exactly. And I don’t know about you but I have never seen a learner just like me before. We are all different and professional learning should be tailored for each style of learner. #MasteryChat
A4: Best PD= A full day of workshop in literacy with @ctovani Cris Tovani this past fall. It created thinking and what-if ideas to be considered... #MasteryChat
A4: I have to say Edcamps and #KTI because it was so personalized and eye-opening. I could easily apply what I learned and connected to others. #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A4 #PodStock is a educator "family reunion" conference of ppl that want to be the change...15 mins between sessions to hve a convo, convo in sessions & after hours conversations (& karaoke & dance
A4: Best PD?
Present for part of the time from an enthusiastic expert. THEN, time to turn and talk locally.
My big favorites: NCTE, ISTE and ASCD
My local favorites: adjunct conferences
A3: Also, as admin, when it comes to PD, we must consistently ask ourselves: "How can we involve teacher leaders in PD facilitation?" That way, together, admin and teacher leaders are modeling instructional best practices, unity, and communal trust. #masterychat
A4. I think when @MisterMinor came to our school and we had a 4 day workshop. We actually got to write throughout the week which was an amazing experience! #masterychat
A3 I think the reasons we often still see the sit-and-get approach to #pd is the same reason we still see it in classrooms. Interactive learning is harder to plan for an manage. It requires time and significant effort on the facilitator's part. Not easy! #masterychat
Deep not wide is the way to go in professional learning - great start for 2019 - I would also look to professional reading & support from knowledgeable sources to support the learning - looking forward to hearing how it is going.
A4 I have had the pleasure of being part of many PD sessions that made my teaching better including #educhats, District PD, site PD, and #ISTE#MasteryChat
Got to present about @MetaverseApp at an Edcamp. We did instead of me telling. As the participant, courses @MSOE CBM. They are science course about using models. Nothing about how to teach with them specifically, just playing and discussion among Ts #MasteryChat
A4: also @mrmatera and the #hivesummit over the summer was FABULOUS PD! All of the presenters have relevant information and kept their presentations short and to the point. #masterychat
I agree Tiffany...It all comes down to planning and being willing to put the time in to creating a learning opportunity that people want to participate in. #masterychat
Perception. No one wants to be the nerd in the room. But I find myself being that nerd bc the more questions I ask & ideas I get, the better my classroom becomes. We're just as bad as the kids we teach when it comes to social status sometimes. #MasteryChat
I love this research! And 18 minutes is a just right length of time for me to sit & get! Unfortunately, our #PD options aren't often18 minutes and are certainly not as engaging as a #Tedtalk is! I think we CAN get there, but it takes commitment to PD that is awesome! #MasteryChat
A4- @KellyGToGo was probably the best PD I have been to. Guy is an arsenal of literary strategies. His PD was all about trying out different lit strategies. Love a PD that I can leave and have a handful of strategies I can use in my room the next day. #MasteryChat
I was at a conference. At the very end I decided to go to a quick class on MIT App Inventor. I tried to figure it out in my own a yr earlier. I still use it. #MasteryChat
@edtechteam high energy, presenters who are doing what they are teaching, time to dig in and ask questions and contact info to reach out later. #masterychat
A4: To build a spirit of community, collaboration and strengthen our culture our @LakotaDistrict went to a new model last year where staff had choice from a catalog and peers infront of their peers as experts. It was stimulating and changed my mindset!! #WEareLakota#MasteryChat
A4 Action learning projects that are well supported by district & university across 1-2 years within schools I've worked have been the most amazing - support with off-site PD as well on-site PD - planning with teachers in focus area & supporting their development #MasteryChat
A4: the best was how trauma impacts the development of students brains. It was interactive and taught in a way that allowed for peer communication & collaboration.
A4: I'll never forget when we brought Idaho National Labs to Nenana, AK. They brought a TEAM of educators, scientists, & business people. They provided multiple sessions where everyone was doing something. There were trips, and "toys," & intense learning for 3 days! #masterychat
My favorite PD was going to @ronclarkacademy and being emerged in their school culture. It was unforgettable and amazing! It shaped everything I do even now! #masterychat
School Reform Initiative Training taught me what effective teacher to teacher conversation could be like. It's amazing how smart we are when we talk professionally.
A3: Maybe PD failure should also included the participants (pointing the finger at myself). A shared ownership of the failure - poor delivery from presenter and overall lack of engagement/participation from me. It’s a vicious cycle that leads to missed opportunities. #masterychat
A3: Let's take "sit-and-git" and recast it as standard/skill-based by-need or by-interest small groups with immediate collaborative and individual application. In that setting, a 5 to 8 minute "lecture" has a better chance at being meaningful. #masterychat
A4. Last year I attended Cultural Diversity training at our local ISD. I had about five 1/2 day sessions with speaker, Huda Essa @culturelinksllc and this was great eye opening information. It was relevant to everything we do in life. #TeachUsYourName#masterychat
A3 I chuckle sometimes at PD. As teachers we want and often attend PD to be more engaging for our students, yet the PD teaches it in a non engaging way. Shouldn’t it model what it suggest? Thoughtfully we are just big kids and need to be engaged too! #masterychat
A4 Last summer, I was asked to "hang out" with a local university writing camp team for 3rd-8th graders, and I earned PD hours and was able to earn some admin intern hours. I didn't even agree to it for the hours; I just wanted to see the magic in action. Ss focused! #masterychat
A4: Hands down the @HUMANeX Impact & Legacy Summit - they bring great speakers, share great stories, and the breakout sessions allow for interactive time with national thought leaders. #MasteryChat
A4: The Best PD I have ever attended was the @NCState Triangle High Five Math Summit. The speakers were on-point, I CHOSE the topics I wanted to learn about and every session was hands-on. I wish that schools could model this more often! #MasteryChat
A4: Best PD I've been part of is of my own choosing - Twitter Chats, connecting with PLN, reading, listening to podcasts, online like #DitchSummit. We don't have big conferences here that you have in the US. #MasteryChat
A4 I can't narrow it down. I have been to great workshops, faculty meetings, twitter chats, blog posts, and read great books that were just right. One size does not fit all.
But the more the person delivering PD connects with the audience's needs, the better.
A4 SCFLA I used almost every idea I heard about at their last conference. World Languages are a tricky area to nail down advisement-wise and in my district it's even more complicated. PD within my own content-area is always valuable #masterychat
A4. I participated in an ASCD conference in Houston a few yrs ago. It was well organized & provided many many choices of topics. I attended the sessions I was interested in & was not forced to attend any session. “Choice” means a great deal to me & most adults! #MasteryChat
At our new teacher orientation, the admins included a panel of students. We got to ask questions about what students looked for in teachers, what helped them learn, what they loved/didn’t love about school. Best pd I’ve ever been a part of. @tdilg@milenagarg#masterychat
A4: Here’s a shoutout...can’t remember the last PD we had.
For those unaware, I’m a teacher of religion to the youth in HS, and those who put on the “PD” of the religious teacher world focus on how to teach gospel principle, not how to be a good teacher to students #MasteryChat
Q4: Our instructional coach @ENassis planned #hawthorneignites where our teachers ran 30 minute sessions for our staff and teachers signed up. It was so applicable and meaningful to all involved. She does a great job of building the capacity in everyone! #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A4- the best one this year was Amanda from Karyn Purvis Institute @RSScrew it was inspiring! It was interactive. I also went to one years ago by @drchagala -that was awesome! And @ajjuliani was fantastic!
A4: One and done sessions are not veryhelpful. I think the best PD I’ve been involved with I was the #hivesummit. This was over the summer and introduced me to a variety of topics that were timely and immediately applicable. #masterychat
As a presenter, how can we ensure that our PD is tailored to meet all the learning needs in the room? Worse part is big conferences where you don’t already have the relationship piece built in. PD is tough, but one of my favorite things to do! Love the challenge! #MasteryChat
A4 part 2: I attended some great sessions at NCTE18 as well, but they were short sit and get sessions. What made them great? Their relevance to today's classroom! #masterychat
A4: JOCO does a 2 day PD each year called IGNITE. I enjoyed being with middle and high school teachers in various sessions lead by classroom teachers and county leaders. It was nice to be able to see the future and share my present.
A4: I was trained in the Tristate evaluation process. This allows me to look at at others' work but also reflect on my/our own work,elevating all of our work. Now I am excited to be part of the evaluation of other schools in the consortium. https://t.co/ikuX4KiYCn#MasteryChat
@BRIT_org has an amazing PBL based training for science teachers that is just amazing. We heard from scientists, collaborated with our fellow teachers and walked away with ready to be implemented ideas for our classrooms. Best PD ever! #MasteryChat
Q4. Best PD days were part guest speaker and part experiential. Either getting into the other departments’ worlds doing something unfamiliar, school based projects or literally experiential team building events. #Masterychat
A4: online PD during summer. I had down time to focus and engage. Went at own pace. A variety of learning methods used. Videos, Used @Flipgrid to respond to Q’s and interact with classmate’s responses. Amazing b/c I could implement first day back to work. #Relevant#MasteryChat
A4b: They were research based, provided instruction, hands on practice with thinking time and feedback. What I learned almost 20 years ago is still relevant today.#masterychat
A4: #KTI in PA. Surrounded by like-minded teachers for a full week of teacher ideas & support w/o judgement. Also, @EdCampAdams & the other EdCamps I've been too. Personal, meaningful, & moving! #MasteryChat
AMAZING! All you read and hear is true. I learned so much in those four days that I still use today. Completely changed my way of thinking about some@things. #MasteryChat
A4 IDK if I would classify either as PD b/c they both shifted EVERYTHING I knew and believed about ed, but @WISSIT_DC and the #DeeperLEarning2018 conference kept me in education when I was ready to walk away #masterychat
And with choice comes voice! Different approaches offer different ways to empower different people! And I like that networks like Twitter give even the quietest educators a voice. #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A3) PD still has that Sage on the Stage feel because WE haven’t made the switch yet. Don’t get me wrong, I love to listen to an inspiring lecture; however, I get more meaningful and longer lasting work done when working with great minds on the problem in front of me.
A5 - The PERFECT PD has TIME. SO much of PD is about the info, now go do hours of work! I think PD that offers work time, with an expert and the ability to collaborate with your colleagues is invaluable. It also makes it more likely that the PD will be applied! #masterychat
A4: One of the best PDs I've been to was through @UCRiverside and @cascience
STEM for elementary teachers - We not only worked in appropriate grade levels but the hands-on portion was presented by @JurupaUSD teachers!!
Truly loved the 2 days #MasteryChat
In reply to
@teachbetterteam, @UCRiverside, @cascience, @JurupaUSD
A4: I was BLESSED to visit @ronclarkacademy. It was a truly life changing experience! The Spring Teacher’s Retreat in Indiana is also great. Local, meaningful PDs are usually based on what I feel I need - not one size fits all. #masterychat
A4: Our new teacher orientation, included a panel of students. We asked questions about what students looked for in teachers, what helped them learn, what they loved/didn’t love about the school district. Best pd I’ve ever been a part of. @tdilg@milenagarg#masterychat
A5: The perfect PD for me is the ability to attend and have discussion with like-minded peers in order to digest and try-on the PD while we are getting it. Too often there is too much time between learning and debriefing. #MasteryChat
A5: variety of selection in topics, a presentation on WHY its important to implement in the classroom, HOW to implement, & availability to resources! Let us recreate it during PD to understand and work out the kinks! #MasteryChat
A4: My hat goes off to the people over at the Flippen Group! I had the pleasure of attending a few training's by them & each time I left inspired, & ready to implement some new ideas. They were full of energy, engaging conversations and activities that were relevant. #masterychat
#masterychat a4 My theory is that people think they are giving you more bang for buck by talking more. Is wrong but that is my 2 cents worth ( even though we don't have 2c in Oz anymore lol)🤣
A4 - I've been to several great PD's! A couple of my favs were fraction boot camp with @mathbarb. This training completely changed the way I teach fractions. Also, being introduced to the grid with @chadostrowski. My kids LOVE the grid. #masterychat
A5- 5 minutes hook me into the topic...10 minutes explain and justify it....14 minutes let me collab, play around with the idea, reflect on the idea...then let me go...let's call it the 5-10-14 rule of PD...#MasteryChat
A5: since we are dreaming a PD that gives us the secret to reach every kid and spur them to future success through a passion for life long learning.
Agree with this! Our setting offered Ts the opportunity to submit an area of interest to pursue as part of PD. I chose student choice and voice and worked with a small group while others worked independently on other areas of interest. #masterychat
Traditional PD is often ineffective bc it doesn't support Ts during implementation. Like riding a bike is more difficult than learning about riding a bike, engaging Ts w/ a strategy in PD is more difficult than learning the strategy itself. #masterychat
A4: I attended several awesome sessions at #NCTIES18. I also loved that our staff did breakout boxes during the first week back to school. This was a great way to show teachers how to effectively use them in the classroom. #MasteryChat
A5: A PD that mimics the best teaching strategies for students. Choice, creativity, passion/purpose-building, student-centered, community oriented! #masterychat
A5: strategies or concepts I learn or re-learn can be implemented the next day in then classroom. Meaningful to Ss learning or makes a more connected, engaged classroom environment. #MasteryChat
Jean, This is an amazing and very "self-aware" and reflective point. You get what you put in! and there is accountability and ownership for the success of PD from both the presenter and participant standpoint! awesome point! #masterychat
A5. Perfect PD is PD developed for teachers by teachers w/ professionals (engineers, medical etc..) included and student feedback involved. #MasteryChat
A5: Free coffee! Honestly, though, it would grant lots of free time to work, and let it be personalized to the needs of each T. Not every T is the same, and that’s okay! #Masterychat
A5: Educators representing different disciplines sharing and modeling best practices with the opportunity to try it out and receive useful feedback. #MasteryChat
A5 The perfect PD includes Ss participating and facilitating. It has inquiry practice, collaboration. It makes me want to learn more. I can apply it, purposefully, with my Ss immediately. #MasteryChat
A5 Perfect PD would be personalized for teachers and would allow them choice in what they learn and how they demonstrate it in the classroom. #MasteryChat
Coming in late.... A5: any PD that I get to choose, have time work & connect with others and practice. Also- I recently started a kindergarten meet up in my district and it’s been fun to meet other great teachers and share ideas. #Masterychat
A5) Ongoing and adequate amounts of time allocated. Established goals known early, and benchmarks to move us towards success. Fits into the larger narrative of the school’s vision. And if it invokes all faculty, then commit even if you disagree. Unity is critical. #MasteryChat
A5: A PD that mimics the best teaching strategies for students. Choice, creativity, passion/purpose-building, student-centered, community oriented! #masterychat
A5)Hey, #MasteryChat! Was scrolling on @Twitter and saw this question. Had to stop in and answer. The perfect PD includes time to plan how to incorporate what we are learning. Helps me navigate the possible pitfalls and give me a wealth of resources to use beyond the training.
A2: Depends on so many things such as time of year and how heavy my workload is. I like quick 2-hour-ish sessions at times. If I want to explore more, I can. But, I also appreciate full-day @carcpd sessions to dig deep into my learning and growth. #MasteryChat
I was heartbroken - straight out of college where I had spent so much time learning about their ideas and innovations. I felt like I had been duped and entered into an entirely different profession!! #masterychat
A5 time to explore, choices in place and format for learning, online, Traveling to conferences, support in finding opportunities for educators to share their learning too #masterychat
A5: the perfect PD is where you can choose your own learning track/session(s) and it be things I can immediately take back to my classroom!! I want to see kids learning from it too ;) #masterychat
A5 Perfect PD is the PD that I collaborate with colleagues & this makes the difference not just to my learning but makes the difference for children's learning - I see it, I hear it, I know it - I see the evidence in children's growth and development #MasteryChat
A5 Being able to choose from any number of much-needed areas of training - not just "professional", but in the personal arena of teaching as well #masterychat
A5-well facilitated, lots of different modalities of learning for us and an atmosphere of mutual respect, risk taking and true collegiality where we push each other to grow. Then follow-up! And opportunity within the logistics of school to actually use the learning! #masterychat
A2: The perfect PD length depends on the topic. Ideally PD lasting longer than a day can seem drawn out, yet intentional. I prefer a full day of training that’s intensive and hands on. #MasteryChat
A4: I wrote my dissertation on impactful PD. It has to be interest based and teacher led in order to transfer to instructional design. When a leader desires change that will require PD, he/she has to gain that "tipping point" of his/her staff to ensure movement. #masterychat
A.3 It could be due to lack of resources or timing ...but PD should incorporate various teaching methods to include and embrace all learning types. There isn't one way to teach, nor is there one way to learn. #MasteryChat
A5 - No icebreakers. No fluff. Just great instruction from someone who knows the subject well. Immediately applicable to my classroom. Improves instruction and learning in my classroom.
A5: Multiple individual and collaborative options for teachers to engage with PD in person and online. All PD options directly connect to self-identified areas of growth or focus areas. PD also supports teacher annual growth plan and connection to district goals. #MasteryChat
A5: Either an environment that discusses relevant issues to your school/learning about new technologies to incorporate in classes. Or led by high school/college students and hear some of the newer methods, issues or technology! #MasteryChat
Wrote a blog post after one of my Flippen Group training sessions. https://t.co/fe1hj1g4nD I always want to leave a PD session inspired and ready to try something new! #masterychat
Great answer Gary. We've found that the follow up support piece is crucial. Providing Ts with that implementation support can be the difference between the concept of that PD being utilized, or forgotten. #MasteryChat
A5: Perfect PD for me is giving me choices (maybe ask before it’s scheduled), allow me to choose based on my professional needs. Our journeys are all different. One size fits all has to go! Then give me time to reflect & ask Qs, implement, ask again. #MasteryChat
I agree! Seeing someone implement a strategy, trying it myself, receiving feedback and trying again with the support of an experienced educator has really helped deeply develop aspects of my teaching #masterychat
A5 Musts: a topic in which I am interested and need/want to grow, and time for discussion embedded with colleagues and PD leaders. I love attending conferences with mini-sessions where I can pick and choose what I need the most. And please don't crowd me! #masterychat
A5 I forget when it was but someone once jokingly floated the idea of an @dbc_inc cruise with all the authors from the books—Pirate themed of course. Still hoping that @burgessdave actually makes it a reality because it would be epic. #tlap#MasteryChat
A5: Comfortable setting with a passionate speaker - a true expert whose heart is all about the kids. Solutions based with loads of practical classroom applications. #MasteryChat
A5: The perfect PD for me is chatting, playing & learning with like-minded people, with plenty of time for reflecting and planning how to use what I'm learning. #MasteryChat
A5: Topic that relates to me, snacks, energy, inspiration, reflection time, put into practice time, more reflection, and did I mention snacks? #masterychat
A5) A PD that opens with a great engaging speaker, then choice of learning experiences led by people who are strong leaders with these tools in the classroom, followed by hands on practice...oh and snacks #masterychat
It could be the absolute best PD ever, but if it's not interesting and useful to me it won't be meaningful to me
PD should never look the same
It should be personalized meet your learning goals be relevant be current and help you grow
A5: Choice based on needs of Ts to improve practice, delivered in a sitting w/ comfortable chairs & healthy snacks led by a facilitator who will engage the participants w/ practical strategies #masterychat
Knowledgeable presenters who have been or are in the classroom. A variety of topics offered to fit individual needs and interest. Small groups that allow collaboration and discussion. I would like follow ups throughout the year and time for reflection with peers. #MasteryChat
Agree! Time to make the info work for your unique situation is critical. This is where an instructional coach can help Ts. I love attending with my teachers and following up after the PD. #masterychat
A4: To build a spirit of community, collaboration and strengthen our culture our @LakotaDistrict went to a new model last year where staff had choice from a catalog and peers infront of their peers as experts. It was stimulating and changed my mindset!! #WEareLakota#MasteryChat
A5: I love the huge set-ups with a mix for all learning needs. #FETC and #ASCD have always been exceptional for this. That said, I really don't think there is more ideal learning than via with Twitter pln. Seriously regret not learning this earlier. #MasteryChat
A5: PD I chose to attend with perfect room temperatures, comfortable seating, plenty of snacks, catered lunch, all of the materials on hand to complete the tasks we are working on, and an ample amount of time to digest and practice the skill.
A5: Well, selfishly, the PERFECT PD for me is where I am learning something that is Relevant to my current needs & passions, gives me the Time I need to both learn & practice, follows up with Feedback that helps me improve my practice, & makes me better for Kids. #masterychat
Q5. Provide the base ahead of time so we have time to think about things. No PowerPoints I can read in an email. A really good speaker to kick things off or something that really makes us pause and think. Move! Do! Treats are nice too #MasteryChat
A5 Short (10-15 min) intro sessions facilitated (not "led") by peers/trusted people to start us thinking followed by longer #edcamp style session to discuss and ending with deep dives based on ideas/interests generated from the previous two segments #masterychat
A3: I don’t think every PD is driven towards a sit in get, but it may be what He presenters are comfortable with. PD that is hands on and interactive is often more engaging because it’s how we as educators present it to our students #MasteryChat
A2. Perfect PD length is 45 minutes in multiple sessions. I look for theory in practice & practical tools to work on such as learning about restorative circles. It’s purposeful, actionable, & peer reviewable. #MasteryChat
A5: The PD is relevant to what I’m doing. It’s innovative and immersive. I can see the connections to improve and impact student learning. And most importantly, it’s filled with humor. #Masterychat
A5: I think of windows&mirrors. Do I see myself in the PD I receive?We talk about differentiation for our Ss. My journey and path are different from my peers. A perfect PD sees me for who I am and where I am and helps elevate me to my highest...#masterychat
A5. It would include teacher/participant choice & would utilize all learning styles to accommodate all participants. It must also be engaging where everyone contributes. It can’t consist of a straight lecture. Also, the presenter must be knowledgeable about the topic.#MasteryChat
I think time to discuss and talk is super important especially with other educators in the district even when it comes to lessons or tools! #masterychat
A5: Recipe for the Perfect PD:
1. Choice or input for topic
2. Snacks & Beverages
3. Engaging presenter
4. Relevant research
5. Time for Collaboration
6. Follow Up
A5: Recipe for the Perfect PD:
1. Choice or input for topic
2. Snacks & Beverages
3. Engaging presenter
4. Relevant research
5. Time for Collaboration
6. Follow Up
You don't know what you don't know & this is why it is so important not only to hear but also to see what others are doing in the world of education - that leads to great learning for educators #masterychat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A4: The BEST PD I attended was over the summer in regards to Response to Intervention (RTI). It was driven and learner focused on how we can truly reach ALL children! #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A4) The best PD I have ever been to was a New Leader worskshop in our school system run by Stacy Parson @ALCHEMIEaromas. It was so good bc she partnered us up, made us talk, had us share and problem solve. She also had us FOLLOW UP with each other on our progress. 🤗
A6 - @teachbetterteam has been playing with a lot of new ideas with our PD recently. I'd like to commit to striving to be innovative and constantly applying the great feedback we get from PD we provide. #masterychat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A.4 Very new to the PD world but the best PD I've attended so far was a full day event that @uOttawaBEd@nick_ngafook organized called "Taking up Diversity, Equity, & Inclusive Education" Insightful,inspiring, & impactful. #MasteryChat
In reply to
@jeffgargas, @uOttawaBEd, @nick_ngafook
Two years ago @henleyhornets teacher leadership teams determined that #SEL w @originsonline Developmental Designs was our schools' path. Over 75% of our teachers opted into the PD and everyone else has learned from them. We are a stronger school b/c of their work! #MasteryChat
I am still pursuing PD on virtual reality and furthering my own presentation opportunities on literacy, writing and student-centered classrooms.
A4: A webinar: From Chaos To Confidence. It was simple, engaging, funny, and used normal everyday relatable examples. I was able to save the webinar so that I could review, pause, or rewind as needed. #MasteryChat
A3 Sit and Get I think is another way of learning. Listen to the people and their understanding gives me a path whether to work or not therefore I make it point when I teach in the class this approach will have a great benefits to the students #masterychat
A5: The PD is relevant to what I’m doing. It’s innovative and immersive. I can see the connections to improve and impact student learning. And most importantly, it’s filled with humor. #Masterychat
A6: I am deep into the study and use of: Building self-regulated students AND using standards-based grading through well-designed rubrics. #MasteryChat
I completely agree with your recipe. I believe the reflection and follow up pieces are missing or forgotten a lot of the time. I believe coaching can be helpful for this. #masterychat
May I just say, this has been one of my FAVORITE chats. PD is a passion of mine. I serve on our building & district committee and tonight’s chat has given me so much to think about. Thank you so much!! #MasteryChat
I am still pursuing PD on virtual reality and furthering my own presentation opportunities on literacy, writing and student-centered classrooms.
A5: The perfect PD would be geared towards student centered learning, and provides us with intentional tools to take back to our classroom to implement. #MasteryChat
A6: How to change entrenched attitudes & behaviors of teachers toward professional growth. Teachers who dare to teach should never cease to learn #masterychat
I’ll be spreading the word for standards based grading in my district and looking forward to learning science content for gene editing with an ethics twist through the CBM at @MSOE this summer (and next). #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
I would like to work on reflection for the new year
I would like to help teachers be more reflective and help students use reflection as a learning tool
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
Great PD authentically engages participants in a way that allows them to make meaning using existing knowledge and experiences. It brings participants together in pursuit of common learning—even if for only one day. #MasteryChat
A6: I am going to begin listening to my students more. Writing down what I observe. Continue empowering my students, and start a blog to share my journey, successes and failures! #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A5: An audience who is willing to learn, grow, and implement. Vulnerability. Staff members who are excited and engaging, not complaining and finding excuses not to try something new! #MasteryChat
A6: How to sketchnote. I really want to learn how to do it, so I need to just sit down and learn. Also, more effective methods for teaching others how to use #edtech#Masterychat
A5: The perfect PD for me is the ability to attend and have discussion with like-minded peers in order to digest and try-on the PD while we are getting it. Too often there is too much time between learning and debriefing. #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A6: I’m looking forward to being able to use more strategies for Guided Reading Groups, and use of Book Clubs to further build my students love of reading #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A5: The perfect PD for me is the ability to attend and have discussion with like-minded peers in order to digest and try-on the PD while we are getting it. Too often there is too much time between learning and debriefing. #MasteryChat
A6: Still working on incorporating tech across subject areas and want my 3rd graders to see how tech enhances their learning #MasteryChat (there's just so much to know and learn :)
A6: there year is all about getting far out of my comfort zone and making waves in and out of the classroom...growing as a person to become an even more effective educator, leader and learner #MasteryChat
A6: I am always looking to improve myself as a school leader! I owe it to my staff and students. I want to continue to learn more about engaging students in the learning process through STEM/STEAM, Project Based Learning, and Learning Through Play. #MasteryChat
A6 Since I am pondering switching a math class to group-based, station learning, I have been and will be searching for info. on implementing that effectively ASAP! #masterychat
A5- 5 minutes hook me into the topic...10 minutes explain and justify it....14 minutes let me collab, play around with the idea, reflect on the idea...then let me go...let's call it the 5-10-14 rule of PD...#MasteryChat
Q6- I'm going to implement single point rubrics in the classroom.
I'm also going to learn how the stage lights actually work in our local town hall so I can set up lighting myself if my help falls through. The show must go on! #masterychat
A4: IELOL from @OLCToday! The content was great, but what made it the best was the schedule. My introverted self was forced to participate and now I have an awesome PLN of leaders. #MasteryChat
A3: Unfortunately, I'm not experienced enough to provide an answer; however, as a pre-service teacher, I do sometimes appreciate Sit and Get as I don't feel comfortable enough to participate in all convos - YET. :) #MasteryChat
A6: self paced learning is my biggest goal for the new year. I dipped my toe in it the first semester, but I need to jump in with both feet now. I just need people who get it to brainstorm with. #masterychat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A6: I commit to building our school reading community; how to give Ss more voice; how to best support our Indigenous students; and learning more about trauma informed practice. #MasteryChat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
A6: I am very interested in introducing a student blog. I also would love to get more information on using a Genius Hour and ways to let students show what they know in ways other than a traditional paper pencil assessment.#masterychat
Q6 It’s commitment time! As we approach the New Year, what are some topics/ideas/strategies/etc you are looking forward to learning in 2019? #MasteryChat
Q6- I'm going to implement single point rubrics in the classroom.
I'm also going to learn how the stage lights actually work in our local town hall so I can set up lighting myself if my help falls through. The show must go on! #masterychat
A6: More getting Ss to learn to code in all content areas. VR/AR and just became a #TeachSDGs ambassador for 2019, so definitely want to learn more and focus my efforts on the Global Goals. #masterychat
A6: I don't necessarily want to do anything new, but I want to do everything I am doing more efficiently. I am going to explore @classcraftgame and @AlludoPlay.
A6. One word....equity! Equity in discipline, AP/GT population demographics, state assessment results, grades, extracurricular participation, & the list goes on & on! I want to increase my ability to impact equity through meaningful PD. #MasteryChat
A6: 2019 goals - continue to develop meaningful technology intergration, continue to improve daily writing instruction, continue to build relationships with and support fellow teachers, keep my Ss at the center of decisions, and... HAVE FUN 😀 #MasteryChat
A6 I'm hoping to begin a Doctorate of Education - am waiting to hear if I got into course - so my focus heading into 3 years of research is play-based learning in elementary - a forgotten aspect of learning for our children #MasteryChat