#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday January 20, 2016 10:00 PM EST
I'm Kathy 1 of the co-moderators of . Many this week. Had a great Teacher Leader Network day w/area coaches today!
Hi all! Amanda, math/tech TOSA in CA. This wk's was getting lunch time club started at one of my sites!
Shira from NY; an co-moderator; my ; great trip to this week; lots of learning from passionate, creative educators
Hi ! I'm Jennifer, a district math coach in Oregon. : going to a STEM workshop & teaching problem solving in 4th grade.
Cool! What platform are you using?
Dan from St. Louis. Business teacher. My win was making my 4th PD presentation in 2 years.
number 2 was meeting some more of my PLN in person last night!!
Barb in Minnesota Data wall process underway in PLCs to meet all Ss' needs
spent the day coaching principals and coaches facilitating PLCs
Kim from Michigan, part time middle school instructional coach
Hi! Lauren, K-5 instructional coach, Indiana. My is data meetings w/PLCs & more Ts committed to videotaping instruction.
. We're excited! Going to use and have Ss move into creating with
Dan, business teacher from St. Louis. Bouncing between and chat tonigh. Eager to learn more on Google apps.
Excited to model lessons using cross curricular comprehension strategies in MS SS & ELA
Ooh tell us more; I'd love to participate
Glad you are here; happy bouncing
Registration to 21 Days of Heart Centered Actions for Educators will open Mon., Jan. 25 and begin Feb. 1.
Just a reminder: we will be discussing Chapter 2-3 of Better Conversations by on February 10.Happy Reading!
Kathy from Kansas. My was having three resistant teachers approach me for followup on a PD I did yesterday.
Helping facilitate our school's first instructional rounds tomorrow with Hoping for a
Lorinda, PLC Coach, Indiana. was having Charles Person, an original Freedom Rider, speak to students & staff.
Let's get started ... Q1: What experiences have you had with peer walkthroughs/learning walks?
enrolling can one of the most challenging obstacles for a coach but that's exciting to find that entry point!
I'm Katie, an IC from Iowa. is being a part of this chat to further my knowledge
Wow! Tell us more. How have you prepared?
A1: during my first year in the district I'm in I had to observe a fellow teacher and they had to observe me several times.
Aww, that's nice; and so mindful of the present moment
SOOO glad to be back! I'm in PA, Instruction Coach for K-5!
A1:I haven't done lrning walks just been visited as a T; TOSAs last yr went out on walks
A1: I've just heard about them.
This has become a big part of my role. We call it Peer-to-Peer Learning.
A1: Both observational rounds and peer observations have been supported in my bldg
A1: I'm excited to lead instruction rounds with teachers to share the excellence of teaching in the building. Opening doors! :)
A1: more success with established protocols and purpose for walkthroughs; made it more intentional/actionable
I have participated as a visiting T, visited T and as a facilitator. Great experience from all sides.
find most successful when focused on obs student learning behaviors
A1: we use them often. Admin created a schedule. Facilitators created resources. Ts gave feedback. Such a valuable tool!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!!!
A1 my district has PD walkthroughs to help determine PD needs.
Nice! In which role did you find the most learning?
Agree. And another success feature is allowing for debriefing time between Ts. https://t.co/ApBi92CVnQ
find most successful when focused on obs student learning behaviors
Hi everyone! Eric, an IC from Erie, PA at an urban preK-8. My : great PLC conversations!
-----> Q2: What are benefits of peer walkthroughs?
Are instructional rounds a formal process? Do peers observing peers count? Don't know much abt term but used in my district
A1: We will be looking for moments of student learning to identify practice that facilitates learning. style!
A1: our elementary coaches are helping facilitate these this year. I am trying to have them pick up steam in our building
agree-the debriefing can be just as powerful as the actual observation/walkthrough
A1) We look for strengths based on evidence of student learning. Share the evidence & ask Q's to lean in to learn.
Hi & all, Andrea, Sydney.
How long do you think the debriefing should be?
When I see student behaviors I want then explore with teacher what she does to generate educoach https://t.co/KYidmSIwtL
Agree. And another success feature is allowing for debriefing time between Ts. https://t.co/ApBi92CVnQ
find most successful when focused on obs student learning behaviors
Yes, the anonymous feedback and debriefing is very pivotal.
A2: allows you to see how others teach, tips to pick up, and provide feedback to them as well. Different than an admin in there.
Ooh Andrea; so glad you are here. What time is it in Sydney?
A2: benefits = showcase great Ting, expose Ts to variety of T techniques, build instructional excitement
A2:Love peer observations Great to see how Ss respond to different styles of teaching/instruction
A2: too often teachers become isolated w/in their own classrooms; allows to break the boundaries and grow/learn together
So glad you could be here at
A2: This opens the door to DEEP PLC conversations and collaboration that otherwise wouldn't happen! OPENING DOORS!
A2: peers esp. benefit from seeing others teaching followed by opp. to question and provide feedback to better understand strategy
So much to learn Shira. Appreciate all the sharing
A2: getting non-evaluative feedback from peers
A2: Peer walk throughs can build teacher capacity to reflect together and coach each other on instruction
A2: Benefit can be opportunity for non-evaluative feedback - similar to coaching observations, but shorter.
Q3: What are potential challenges/obstacles to implementing peer walkthroughs?
Q2 Helps to really see fidelity of implementation; gives some great creative ideas; closes the instructional practice gap
depends on purpose for obs-I'd say at least 20-30 min. Debriefing is when action oriented next steps surface
A2) They build relationship, reflect on strengths, & each plan a next step based on their learning for continuous improvement.
A3: Creating the "judgement free zone" needed for a safe peer to peer relationship to thrive. Lots of upfront convo's needed!
A3:I find that quite a few Ts in my district are still hesitant to have visitors, even if peers
feedback is so important!!
A3: a walk through without a focus is a misguided learning opportunity
Focusing on student outcomes of initiatives implemented this year.
A3: Some Ts are uncomfortable/nervous about being observed.
A3: finding time during an off period. Developing certain bias bc of friendship. Making sure that there is effective feedback.
A3 "Time" is a factor. Important for admin to assist in figuring out room coverage, etc... Need to remove barriers.
Q3 Important to have a pre-determined and narrowed focus or the net could go to wide for effective change
A3. Trust must to there to allow observations and all stakeholders possessing a growth mindset. https://t.co/55zaStrAgi
Sometimes they've had bad experiences. Hard to build trust and get them to open up.
We call it a conversation. As long as their curiosity to learn continues.
I run across the same issue. Tips for encouraging those Ts?
Yes observations build capacity of PLCs https://t.co/nNo0mUVyWW
A2: This opens the door to DEEP PLC conversations and collaboration that otherwise wouldn't happen! OPENING DOORS!
A3 Remember to start small. Blank statements and approaches tend to backfire.
A3: Lack of established focused; going in blindly; entering with fixed mindset-resistance in taking action
A3: A culture of learning, risk-taking and trust needs to be in place for peer walkthroughs to succeed
Q3 Work well in an established collaborative building...PLC
Is feeback always given anonymously?
Q3 Works well in a collaborative building...PLC
Interesting suggestion... Will have to try this
We show a Dylan Wiliam video in our training!
Let them observe others first, build their trust in the people and process
would love to hear how that goes for you!
Q4: What steps might a school take to prepare for peer walkthroughs?
My thoughts exactly! It's a missed opportunity! https://t.co/aEbo32OszW
A3: a walk through without a focus is a misguided learning opportunity
A3: challenges come when Ts are not engaged in the art of teaching.Walk throughs become threatening!
A3: T perfectionism, and/or sensitivity causes some hesitation inviting other Ts into classroom
One of our purposes is to enrich the life of the teacher we visit.
Or encourage them to try to record sound - less intimidating than video.
a4: glad to say that my admin is allowing for sub coverage and time for training...couldn't ask for much more! :)
A2: Getting out of comfort zones to learn from colleagues and help one another refine practices and student outcomes.
GOOD! is a great guy/coach/friend. Some day I WILL get to Australia!
PERFECT! https://t.co/Hc6ep9RQ8a
a4: glad to say that my admin is allowing for sub coverage and time for training...couldn't ask for much more! :)
true-teaching is a personal craft; how do we help Ts feel more open to sharing and being comfortable?
Words matter. We changed our wording to "visits." Each person learns. Focus on growing strengths.
What resources are there for defining learning walks/instructional rounds? Are they the same/different?
When full grade/department we give observations not attaching names. Looking at data more than specific Ts.
A2: Also beneficial to build trust among staff.
Roll it out at a staff mtg and have other Ts share how it has helped them. Build a buzz! https://t.co/foLtb14kBS
Let them observe others first, build their trust in the people and process
Great question! Let's share resources! https://t.co/JIRcnvoezZ
What resources are there for defining learning walks/instructional rounds? Are they the same/different?
It's tough! We can start by modeling - let them watch us. Model reflection. Takes time to build trust.
Q5: How can we ensure staff has a voice in the development of peer walkthroughs?
Peer observation can be what creates culture of learning, risking, and trust https://t.co/BHBf27kLRQ
A3: A culture of learning, risk-taking and trust needs to be in place for peer walkthroughs to succeed
A5: Involve them in the planning process- developing focus
I've seen some books. I'm curious too!
A4: determine need/focus. Roll out procedure and norms. Model process. Talk logistics. Infuse JOY!
However specific Ts share in PLCs regularly.
A4: have a specified "problem of practice" that Ts have discussed and gone through PD on so Ts can have a focused "rehearsal"
A5. Provide ownership to them. What is the purpose? What do you needs from us or what can we learn from you?
and I started a coaching newsletter with testimonials from staff members. Trying to spread the word.
A5 Staff voice is SO important. Ideas that come from staff are more meaningful than a top-down "you must observe others."
A4: prepare observing Ts to watch students' learning and reserve judgment, ask what they will pursue in observation
Q4: establishing a culture of inquiry & growth w/staff first; have conversations about needed focus-the why; logistics/planning
Q5 Ts should be a large part of determining foci, developing tool
A5: Create a process or adapt one with the faculty. Be sensitive to values and needs. Be supportive and LISTEN!
We created our own after working w/ Cambridge's model. We reengineered to get desired outcomes.
A5: ask them what they want to get better in. Maybe round 1 is a mandatory focus where round 2 is personalized
It seems how you frame them/what words you use help prep staff for walk throughs
A5: I second this. People are more invested when they do the planning https://t.co/GwujFpdtBO
A5 Staff voice is SO important. Ideas that come from staff are more meaningful than a top-down "you must observe others."
intentionality in our actions equates to furthered growth rather than floundering
Tell us more about the Cambridge model.
A5: by asking them to be in the planning process. Let them know eh have a voice in the matter.
A5: Giving staff a voice in what they want to refine or improve upon. Their own personal PD.
There is a book called Instructional Rounds written by Elizabeth City https://t.co/PawOeHHJHD
Great question! Let's share resources! https://t.co/JIRcnvoezZ
What resources are there for defining learning walks/instructional rounds? Are they the same/different?
Looked for where student learning was best & where it could be better using evidence.
Q6: What tools have you or could you use with peer walkthroughs?
Great ownership of practice and growth. https://t.co/Am2LMVpJHX
not for us. The more discussion that ensued the more Ts wanted to share their name with feedback
A5: Staff voice a must! start with our struggles, provide resources/PD with the goal of a "showcase" in mind!
A5: valuing their feedback; asking for input into planning and focus based upon student needs
Our admin prepares and does our instructional rounds. Walk throughs are more for teachers and coaches to use
A6. I'm thinking go-pros cld be beneficial. Viewing from teacher, student & observers perspective.
Agree. Our model continuous to improve based on our practice & teacher feedback.
A5 Ts should be a large part of determining foci, developing tool
pop a SWIVL in the back of the room....start a video library...POWER in sharing our craft!
The Transparent Teacher: Taking Charge of Your Instruction with Peer-Collected Classroom Data https://t.co/WGKFA9fEIR
empowering our Ts in their growth/learning has the same impact as empowering our students in their learning
We have changed it drastically. It built walls rather than bridges.
I just had a teacher use a Swivl today for a peer observation! Great tool.
Easy and Effective Professional Development: The Power of Peer Observation to Improve Teaching https://t.co/qKVWirHPsO
A5 Ts are frontline, need their imput
Kids too. Ts and Ss are in the trenches. They know what works and what not so much.
A6: we use district eval system resources, including Marzano framework protocols
Bridges are much better than walls! https://t.co/bqFIoNZypy
We have changed it drastically. It built walls rather than bridges.
I'm really trying to find grant money to snag a BAD....I'd love to have one on loan to share with T's.
In year 2 with great success -small groups of 6, mixed content areas/same focus: academic discussion
A6: Premade observation form
Ask teachers in PLC or depart or team what info they'd like to gain from walkthroughs of their classrooms https://t.co/aKQ2L5MkPc
Q5: How can we ensure staff has a voice in the development of peer walkthroughs?
I always believe "When there is a WILL there is a WAY!" I've had good luck w/a small local yearly grant. https://t.co/gcP2iEDN0g
I'm really trying to find grant money to snag a BAD....I'd love to have one on loan to share with T's.
A6:Use in observations to organize pics, text, audio into notebooks
Would Donor's Choose be an option? https://t.co/gcP2iEDN0g
I'm really trying to find grant money to snag a BAD....I'd love to have one on loan to share with T's.
Yes. Connected. Things get stronger whoever you start https://t.co/NJ6eufJR3R
It can be both the destination and the way to get there!
A6 I love Evernote for sharing resources and Google Forms for data collection. https://t.co/1FdCChFj22
A6:Use in observations to organize pics, text, audio into notebooks
Would have to look closely. We kept what worked, tied it to our mission, & pitched what didn't work.
Q7: How can we measure the impact of peer walkthroughs?
Great idea for using Google Forms to collect data over agreed upon area of focus!
I'll have to give it a try. I haven't had too much luck w/ it yet.
A7:Measure impact by looking for change in teaching practices
A6 create a Google doc of goals/objectives/lesson plan and share with each other to make notes.
Have to leave... first time back in a long time. Thank you all! Will check the archive. Hope to learn from you again soon.
Could/Should data be anonymous or shared with others?
Glad you could join us tonight!
A7: set measurable goals for growth. Ex. engaged - plot school numbers, set goals, create a plan, celebrate growth
A7: Follow up with observer to see if they use ideas they observed.
q7 that is a GREAT question!
A7 More peer planning, co-teaching, similar trends in assessment data due to shared practices
couldn't agree more: our customers must be satisfied!
A7: follow up with more observations, discussions during PLC/planning times
A7: Ts seeking con't growth in best teaching practices; implementing or taking risks with something they've seen
Yes, always looking for celebrations. https://t.co/0I0AmtfBD3
A7: set measurable goals for growth. Ex. engaged - plot school numbers, set goals, create a plan, celebrate growth
A7: measure peer obs success through participant surveys, continued observations for spread of best practices, incr. collaboration
First look for change in teachers conversations and questions then behaviors https://t.co/BjofGRxglb
Q7: How can we measure the impact of peer walkthroughs?
A7 Just as it is important to include Ts in planning, it is important that they help determine the measurable data sources!
A7: by number of goals/objectives met. Amount of feedback incorporated into future plans. The dialogue that you have as well.
a7: I'd look for increased peer convo/collaboration. Leads to improved pedagogy (not immediate, but fruitful!)
Interesting! Had not seen this before!
Practiced with observation tools - Ts discussed nonjudgmental evidence, practiced with videos from TChannel first.
Q8: What is something you will take away from tonight’s chat and try in your own situation?
A7: Following up after a debrief. We still need each other even when walkthroughs are over.
A8: great connections and ideas!
A8: debriefing is an important part- plan questions to guide conversations
A8:Some good ideas shared for helping Ts become more comfortable w/peer walk throughs
Agreed, follow up collaboration is the key.
data I've shared has counts of particular look fors; it shows where the team/school is growing
A8 We are developing a school/classroom visit tied w/some PD. Many ideas share will help shape that experience.
Q9: What other topics would you like to discuss here at ?
A8: I need to ask more questions about our peer observation program and see how I can be part of it. Could complement my coaching.
Just a reminder: we will be discussing Chapter 2-3 of Better Conversations by on February 10.Happy Reading!
A8: debriefing and follow up to the walk through.
A8: increase focus of instructional rounds
Sharing can be a very pleasant experience just depends on how its facilitated. You all will rock it!
A8: use video and reflect on own at first if intimidated by having others come in
Was just handed this by my supervisor as well as earlier book.
Thx for the insight, sharing & collaboration
Vimeo or Periscope could be awesome resources for this https://t.co/SQzXSaUZJl
A8: use video and reflect on own at first if intimidated by having others come in
Registration open for 21 Days of Heart Centered Action for Educators on Jan. 25. FREE Starts Feb. 1 https://t.co/cuDWDeG80u
A9: Cognitive coaching. Trained in it last year, has helped me ask better questions. Anyone else using this?
Great chat tonight! Thanks for joining the community and sharing ideas so we can all learn and grow!
Thx for sharing ideas and resources. This was my first Twitter chat!
Sounds like a great topic!
Thanks for another great chat ! Enjoy learning and growing with you! Goodnight!
A9 Tips for coaching in multiple schools
Thanks, , for another great chat - as usual, you've got me thinking (and checking out a bunch of open tabs of resources).
Yes - I'd love this topic, too!
yay! You will learn so much from chats! PLNs are the best!
This was my first chat also, thanks!
Thanks. As always a great way to spend an hour. :-)
Thanks team. Back to work next week. Hope to see some of you on
A9: strategies & tips for being the only coach for a building and not going crazy being pulled in different directions