An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
I’m Faith. I teach technology in AL. I am excited about this topic because I’ve been surveying teachers all weekend on PD, and the need for it to change. You can scroll through my tweets to find the link. I learn from everybody on Twitter. It’s hard to narrow down. #TXeduchat
Hello Tosh! Would not miss this chat and the amazing Jen! She's an inspirational voice and I am glad to connect with #EduHeroes like you for #txeduchat!
A1: Is it relevant to my students and what’s happening in the world? For example, would I attend PD on worksheets when we are a 1:1 district?
Does it inspire me? Will it inspire my students? #txeduchat
A1: Learning about the learners so that the PD will meet their needs. Suspending our own egos. Time and support to practice and implement new strategies. Eliminating the "F" word (Fidelity) from existence #txeduchat
A1: Strong PD must be fresh, not be something we've all seen and done before and include choices, meaningful movement, a reflection or technology break, be relevant to what we're doing and it offer a chance to connect and Buddy Buzz w/others! A lot!! #txeduchat
A1: Quality PD should be #PersonalizedPD. One size fits all doesn't work. Quality PD should offer opportunities to try something new & then be able to collaborate about successes/failures with other participants. It also should be self-paced. #txeduchat
Hi Everyone! I'm Stephanie, a literacy teacher educator from NY. I love chatting about teacher PD, so I thought I would stop by and join in! #txeduchat
Any way that I can connect with old and new friends in real time. Love any way that I can take #Pause to learn, reflect and grow with kindred spirits. #txeduchat
Yes! That's why follow-up is important as well. After the PD, Ts/Admins should discuss how they used it and if it worked within a short amount of time. Most of the time its PD and forget it! #txeduchat
A1 quality pd, will have attendees have time to apply new knowledge to their needs, allow for reflection, and some element of follow up that allows to insure it can really stick. #txeduchat
A2: The ability to listen and post on Twitter at the same time. It is great to hear what others are thinking and to tweet out ideas as you learn them. #txeduchat
A2: Google Wave was first innovation of this variety that changed my life. Self-paced, opt-in, collaborative. It truly has informed everything that came after for me. #txeduchat
I began @makermeetup2017 to gather Makers f2f and Virtually to #hack maker movement and #libraries. Learning from others FAILs(first attempt at learning) #txeduchat
A2: Twitter, edcamps, voxer, google hangouts, Instagram stories, pinterest. I spend a lot of time collaborating, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. #txeduchat
A2: I love the thought that PD doesn’t have to take place only with members of your school or district. It is exciting to learn with others who share your goals and passions in the ways that break the limits! #TXeduchat
A2: This summer I hosted Poolside PD w/alternative seating options for my counseling colleagues. We did role plays, made sensory bottles and shared our SMART goals. Fresh fruit added a fun twist; it was the BEST learning around. #txeduchat
I curate to #trythisonmonday so my Ta can pick and choose things to try , set up G Classroom for Ts with videos and tutorial for On Demand PD #txeduchat
A2- Twitter ed chats are wonderful as allow to connect to educators all over. I also enjoy face to face PD that allows you to connect with other great leaders! #txeduchat
Great response! It is only when we push outside our boundaries that we learn. I love Crowley's analogy about our PLN as ripples in the they reach out, they make a stronger wave! #TXeduchat
Brian, HS from Mass stopping by #txeduchat
Best PD I did last year: a FedEx Day for teachers. autonomy and innovation and a chance to present findings.
Awesome. Empowering.
Thanks @gcouros and @DanielPink!!
Sure! I used @voxer to lead a book study. Each week, I asked a question on a different day:
Sunday: Pre-read question about the theme of the chapter
Wednesday: Share fave part using @WordSwagApp or #booksnaps
Friday: Action plan based on chapter
In reply to
@jhasminesaint, @voxer, @voxer, @WordSwagApp
A2: Love being able to learn from others organically. Some of the best PD opportunities have been in Twitter Chats, conferences w/ other educators, & utilizing #edtech tools such as @Flipgrid@SlackHQ@voxer#txeduchat
I think quality PD begins with being open minded as well. As educators, we sometimes stick to what works for us, but we need to branch out, and focus on what works best for the students #txeduchat
Yes! And I am so thankful for that. I’m able to seek solutions to problems from educators from all over the world before the school day is even over! I love learning—especially on the go. #txeduchat
A2 When working with/training Ts, they always ask, "What does that look like?" Successful PD sessions for me show what it looks like in classrooms right now. Then give Ts time to plan/do/ask questions. #txeduchat
I think quality PD begins with being open minded as well. As educators, we sometimes stick to what works for us, but we need to branch out, and focus on what works best for the students #txeduchat
A2 When working with/training Ts, they always ask, "What does that look like?" Successful PD sessions for me show what it looks like in classrooms right now. Then give Ts time to plan/do/ask questions. #txeduchat
A3: A great friend of mine introduced me to @nearpod, and I love it! Ts feel like they are active participants in the PD, even when it’s virtual. #txeduchat
A2 the growing recognition that informal PD is real and effective. My fav learning activities still come from time to strike up convos with peers. Capturing it for formal "credit" is still a challenge. #TXeduchat
I was sick when I was there, but had such a great time with all the wonderful people at last year's #TCEA conf. Wanted to return. Maybe in '19! Let us know the results of that research! #txeduchat
A2 - #tcea solution circle sessions on Wed and Thur are examples of capturing chances for the room to be the expert and the conversations the key to success of sessions. #txeduchat
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A3: For most part, top tools/resources today are different today than they were 3 years ago and will be different again in another 3 years. Most impt things for me are meeting learners needs and doing my best curating so its easier to stay w changing times #txeduchat
A3 Twitter, Twitter Chats, TED Talks are all awesome. Many of my campuses have not created Google Classrooms for PD/campus communication. They invite me which allows me to track what they are learning. Allows me to provide 'just in time' resources #txeduchat
Slack is an app where you can create little subject based communities that allow you to participate in mini conversations as well as connect with your colleagues #txeduchat#JOUR4270
Wow! Thanks for all of the Flipgrid l❤ve #txeduchat! We feel it and are sending it right back at ya. Thank you ALL for being champions of 🏆 #studentvoice!
A4: A few books that have helped me: Ziglar on Selling (Ziglar), 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 26 Critical Lessons (Maxwell), Emotional Intelligence (Bradberry) #txeduchat
Thank you all for this positive experience. Unfortunately, I have to leave, because its time to grocery shop for this week! It was nice interacting with you all. Have a nice night! #txeduchat#JOUR4270
A5: Wanting to be the best for my students, and wanting them to have the best. Not only do they deserve an education, they deserve an EdVenture. #txeduchat
Hi Dave! Would you and your teachers be interested in a new twitter chat for preservice teachers and education students? Join us on Saturday morning at 9am ET! Check her for more:
A5: Let’s talk about professional development as personal development. Professional development should not be done TO teachers…it should be WITH teachers and FOR teachers. What do we need as persons? That should guide our PD… #txeduchat
Ohhh just jumping in here #txeduchat A5: I desire the PD to shake me in some way. I'm really learning to step out of my comfort and go to things that I would normally say "This means nothing to me" bc I never know what I'll get #WillSmithFaceduringPD#txeduchat
#txeduchat A5: Motivations? To learn more! To be able to share more with teachers I work with! To expand my understanding and be able to contribute/change/ improve how we all serve students
Ohhh just jumping in here #txeduchat A5: I desire the PD to shake me in some way. I'm really learning to step out of my comfort and go to things that I would normally say "This means nothing to me" bc I never know what I'll get #WillSmithFaceduringPD#txeduchat
My motivations and needs for PD is to find meaningful PD that allows me to connect with other educators/administrators that can help me grow as a leader. #TXeduchat
Traditional PD is often ineffective because it doesn't support teachers during the most difficult stage of the learning curve: implementation. Needs to be on-going & occur over time. #txeduchat
A5 PD is useful for helping teachers to keep current with the best educational practices available. I want my students to be successful and have the best education possible. #txeduchat
Traditional PD is often ineffective because it doesn't support teachers during the most difficult stage of the learning curve: implementation. Needs to be on-going & occur over time. #txeduchat
A5: I prefer PD that is supportive, collaborative, and participatory. Also, it should be implemented over the long term, not a one-and-done, spray-and-pray event. #txeduchat
A5: Taking control of my own PD has put a fire inside me. Learning from other educators, sharing, connecting at conferences - has been better than any PD I’ve ever sat in. I seek answers to what I feel I need answers. I feed on ideas & learn alongside my #PLN. #txeduchat
A5 I'm motivated to find what my Ts need for student as well as personal growth. Ts are learners just like their Ss. I like learning things that will help me coach up the Ts I serve which will boost student learning #txeduchat
A5: I have an insatiable desire to learn new things and an extreme desire for Ss to have optimal educational experiences. I seek PD that feeds that part of my soul. #txeduchat
Research shows when PD describes a skill to teachers only 10% transfer it into practice; WhenTs are coached over time through implementation, 95% typically transfer the skill. #txeduchat
Research shows when PD describes a skill to teachers only 10% transfer it into practice; WhenTs are coached over time through implementation, 95% typically transfer the skill. #txeduchat
A4: if you are looking for a podcast you need to check out @alienearbud and his Better Leaders, Better Schools podcast. #1 podcast for school leaders. Then check out episode 128! #SiglerNation#txeduchat
Q5 It's motivating to tell students when you are participating in PD. Helps build transparency & foster a sense of learning together. Share what you learned/how your are working on improving your craft. #txeduchat
A6: The best accountability is actually putting it into practice in classrooms! Get teachers into each others classrooms to learn from each other, to get new ideas, to co-teach, to foster a spirit of “we’re all in this together.” #txeduchat
A6: On a very real level, teachers need to know that you see their growth. Certificates and microbadging help, but recognizing transformation is much more powerful. #txeduchat
Great to connect with you for a few, #txeduchat friends, but I have to run. Have a fantastic week making a difference in the lives of your students and colleagues! #dontforgettobeawesome
Change happens from within. Change makes people uncomfortable. Change requires consistent support and to promote continuous implementation of new ideas and technology. #txeduchat#progressiveed#selfdirectedpath
Traditional PD is often ineffective because it doesn't support teachers during the most difficult stage of the learning curve: implementation. Needs to be on-going & occur over time. #txeduchat
A6: I think it’s time to treat educators like professionals when it comes to PD. As a professional we should want to always improve & do better. If their is a deficiency, send the educator to what they need. Beyond that, let them explore, learn, & grow intrinsically. #txeduchat
A6: I love when Ts go to PD sessions and then return to share their learning/insights with other Ts. It lets them know they are valuable and promotes Ts leadership and collaboration #txeduchat
Students can do this, too! Provide students with the tools to acquire their own knowledge, and they will! They will do it more passionately than they would with compulsory knowledge force-fed to them. #selfdirectedpath#selfdirectededucation#txeduchat
A5: Taking control of my own PD has put a fire inside me. Learning from other educators, sharing, connecting at conferences - has been better than any PD I’ve ever sat in. I seek answers to what I feel I need answers. I feed on ideas & learn alongside my #PLN. #txeduchat
A6 I agree that PD on social media should be recognized. It allows teachers to connect on their own time and with teachers from across the globe #txeduchat
A6- self accountability to know that I am truly searching for a better way to lead and am truly implementing what I learn from all of my Pd. After all we should desire to make our school the best for our teachers and students #TXeduchat
OH! OH! Can we talk?! Totally working on #PLRedesign ..because I don't like the term PD..professional/personal learning is my thhaannnggg but #defining and #identifying needs is at a FOUNDATION! #txeduchat
#txeduchat A7: finishing EDLE masters this summer, so all that work is my PD focus (though instructional coaching and ELAR best-practices will entice me to at least 3 conferences before next school year starts.)
A6 Ts LOVE it when their Ss are recognized for the learning that takes place within their 4 walls. My team spotlights these Ts and Ss on our blog.
A6: I think it’s time to treat educators like professionals when it comes to PD. As a professional we should want to always improve & do better. If there is a deficiency, send the educator to what they need. Beyond that, let them explore, learn, & grow intrinsically. #txeduchat
Q2: it’s finding ways for teachers to have voice and choice and connecting them with other Ts both inside and outside the walls of their current campus. #txeduchat
A7 I want to incorporate more technology into my classroom in meaningful ways for students to help them compete in the 21st century job market.
A6: Professionally speaking, compensation shouldn’t be limited to additional credit hours/degrees. Would be great to see PD leveraged somehow, especially if it’s effective. #txeduchat
A6: Ts put in countless hours of PD outside “work hours” Recognize PD (twitter chats, book talks, conferences personalized learning, etc) as legitimate forms of PD #TXeduchat
A7- my learning goals for the year is to start a blog and become more involved in educational twitter chats! I have gained so much knowledge from the blogs I read and the chats I participate in and I think it can only get better and will make me a better educator #TXeduchat
A7: My goal is to shine light on my own ignorance. Unfortunately, when you gather a miniature cult following on Twitter, people assume you actually know what you’re doing 😂 love seeking out #collaborativePD that flies in the face of what I thought I knew #txeduchat