The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
You want your co-workers, students and parents to say that they care about you and you are doing the best to facilitate the learning of all your students.. Our #YouMatter page Thanks @AngelaMaiers for promoting this. #edchat#bfc530
Gm that I’m a good neighbor, a unflinching supporter , not a hater, stayed in my lane, always professional and led with the assumption that everyone was at work for the betterment of the Ss until I was shown otherwise. #BFC530
To be honest, I would love for my colleagues to keep recognizing each other for the amazing things they do to raise our students up every’s not about me! It’s truly about US, as a committed community! 😊 #bfc530
That I push/encourage colleagues to branch out beyond the typical norms of the school. My passion is sometimes perceived more as a push than as an encouragement, so I must work on a happy medium to be fully understood by all. #bfc530
That I am helpful and encouraging. That I've given them ideas on different ways to use technology or new teaching strategies .
That I'm approachable.
That I'm a good friend.
Also that I can be trusted, confided in and relied on. That I won't judge but will help when needed but also just listen if that's what's helpful. #bfc530
#BFC530 a hard worker who is willing to take risks to do what’s best for kids, someone they can bounce ideas off of and get honest straight forward feedback
She is honest, hardworking, collaborative, invested and someone I can rely on. I also hope they feel like they can reach out to me if they need anything #bfc530
What I want my coworkers to think about me ... that I am professional rule following ... wait ... who am I kidding the ... they're probably thinking "that is one crazy mutha - f___a" #bfc530
I want them to think that I’m an advocate for them, someone who will support them, listen to them and be willing to have the tough conversations when needed. I want them to see me as helpful and willing to jump in and do what it takes to make a difference. #bfc530
I hope that they would say that I like and care for my students and that the quirkiness they hear about my classroom is just part of my madness to reach that end. I really do enjoy going to work b/c the people I get to work with are great #bfc530
I also want them to know I am passionate about education and committed to helping make sure all students get what they need. So now in this leadership role, that means protecting the members of my team and helping them succeed. #bfc530
I have a select few co-worker whom I value their opinion. There is so much vitriol and jealousy in this business, though, that you really can't give other peoples words power. #bfc530
Good morning #bfc530 I hope coworkers don’t spend much time thinking about me but when/if they do, it’s to say that I care about my Ss and our community.
Reality is, we are all working so hard, at the end of the day I don’t even know if I spoke to another adult other than my para. My room is in the corner of the school. #bfc530
I was true to my beliefs and they always knew where I stood. That every decision I made was with the best intention for the benefit of students, their futures and the teaching profession.
I hope to be known for sharing important research & info, in a way that helps folks!
Curious to know... is there a buzz about reading instruction in your school communities, on the back of this wave?
I wonder how much my colleagues really know about what happens in my classroom. I know some about my colleagues' teaching from what they & Ss tell me + me passing by. But how much do I really know? #bfc530
This one was written with this Sunday in mind. In Australia it is Remembrance Day. This year is the Centenary Anniversary of the end of WWI. It begs the question: What legacy as educators do we leave behind? #bfc530
I also hope they realize that just b/c I don’t smile much, it doesn’t mean I’m not happy. I’m almost always happy, how can I not be, I love my job and the people I work with daily. #bfc530
I gave a retirement speech for a woman who was my inclass support teacher for years. She shared w/another teacher that my speech was a glimpse into what she saw in my classroom daily (a lot of humor leading to deeper thoughts) #bfc530
I find this so perplexing. We all have the same job. It’s not like anyone is vying for a promotion over anyone else. It’s not the Hunger Games, people. It’s school. #BetterTogether#bfc530
This is hard. I wish and hope they see positivity, level-headed, honesty, trustworthy, and supportive. It’s hard to stay all of these things on bad days. I wonder if my good days outweigh the bad days enough so that my coworkers label me like I hope. #bfc530