#BCEdChat Great to be in on this topic, tonight. This is where my educational heart lies: assessment in Mathematics. Bryn, Elementary Principal (and former Math teacher)
Ian - educating in BCs springish shuswap - been loving putting pbl in place of mad minutes in my math and pushing for understanding over memorizing algorithms! #BCEdChat
Love how formative assessment helps both myself, my student and our parent know what’s been done and what next steps are (works great with efolios too!) #BCEdChat
A1: Formative assessment is the assessment that takes place by the teacher during learning. It can take many forms and lets the teacher know how to proceed to meet the Ss learning needs. #bcedchat
A1: Formative assessments are tools to gather critical data on student progress. They are designed to identify opportunities for intervention and guide instructional shifts #bcedchat
A1: Typically formative should be done throughout the learning/growth process (either formal or informal). Summative should confirm the growth throughout the grading period, semester, and/or year. #bcedchat
A1: Formative assessment is a way to find out what is happening in the learning (to help inFORM the direction of the learning). Nothing about reporting out. Summative is a final exam or test of learning with no way to change plans. #bcedchat
A1: FA is assessment that provide feedback on where Ss are at and where they could improve on. SA gives the overall picture of Ss learning of a particular topic or course #bcedchat
Summative assessment is what happens at the end of the learning and enables the student to show what has been learned. Again it can take many forms. #bcedchat
#bcedchat "School should not be when young people come to watch old people and then get graded a week later on how well they watched." Unfortunately, most assessment is treated as an autopsy instead of a checkup. Formative assessment furthers learning.
While we are often “saved by the bell” - their ticket outside is showing me what they’ve learned - it’s a good strategy! #bcedchat and leads to good conversations
Hi Fred!!! Yes I'd agree that FA is a diagnostic tool too. Informs where Ss are at and where they are going. Also informs Tchrs if adjustments need to be made in our teaching #bcedchat
#BCEdChat A1 formative is my walk around the room as I check in with groups while working on problems, asking about the steps they’re taking. Summative is the whole, what they share out at the end of class.
A1 Formative is provided along the way and is a useful tool for the learner. Summative gives the final assessment. I've heard it called the "autopsy". #bcedchat
Intentional, yes. But summative is about looking back at what is learnt. Doesn't have to be exam/test, but something that shows what has been learnt. Formative is about finding out gaps to help move the learning forward. #bcedchat
Man I'm tired after the three days of the Zoomer Show. I meant to say "watch old people WORK"
I'm sorry, adrenaline needs to kick in like it always does during a #bcedchat
#bcedchat "School should not be when young people come to watch old people and then get graded a week later on how well they watched." Unfortunately, most assessment is treated as an autopsy instead of a checkup. Formative assessment furthers learning.
Definitely to provide a direction. Exit slips are the window into the student brain answering my question: did they understand what I think they did? #bcedchat
In reply to
@allison_burt, @nathan_stevens, @ChristineYH, @stellafleming23
A2: Formative is really a 'test' of the lesson plan and the learning. It is not for the gradebook, it is for the teacher and students. Summative is the test of the students' learning to report out where they are. #bcedchat
I know tonight's #bcedchat is on formative but too often summative is not thought of a 'cross-section' of learning at one point. It seldom gives us the 'whole picture' due to the bias of the tests, the taker's physical, mental and emotional health etc. Also why FA is so big!
I like this way of looking at FA and SA! We often think of FA and SA in the forms of quizzes, exit slips, tests, projects, portfolios, etc, but really we are doing FA & SA everyday! :) #bcedchat
Although, I would prefer the standards based learning/grading where it isn't about age levels, but the continuum of learning. Formative would let us know how we are doing and summative would tell us what we've learnt. #bcedchat
I know tonight's #bcedchat is on formative but too often summative is not thought of a 'cross-section' of learning at one point. It seldom gives us the 'whole picture' due to the bias of the tests, the taker's physical, mental and emotional health etc. Also why FA is so big!
It is pretty powerful. I am trying to provide opportunities, especially in math, for students to show their growth past the "unit". So often the unit ends and they think the skill is done... Trying to keep them developing throughout the term/year. #bcedchat
A2: Students need to have the opportunity to showcase their learning without feeling the high stakes pressure of a summative assessment. Formative assessments are a perfect opportunity to gather data without adding stress #bcedchat
A2: #bcedchat Students need to be able to try & stumble without worrying that there will be a mark. Formative allows Ss to better comprehend & digest what they've done right, wrong. Putting a mark literally dismisses all the formative feedback that truly mattered
Well... This tweet was in response to @msyehuang who said it much better. Sadly, we mistake summative assessment as formative. Getting a 6/10 tells me nothing as a learner except I got a 6. Yet, the hidden message is IMPROVE. What are your thoughts on this Fred. #bcedchat
Formative & Summative should be S focused -nothing about them with out them -formative should give a snapshot of knowledge & skills / understanding & provide direction 4 next steps -Summative gives a level of understanding demonstrated at the predetermined end of a unit #bcedchat
#bcedchat And what did I as teacher learn about this student, where they are at, how they are learning, what should we be doing next and why, what might I do next time to improve their learning and many more questions that emerge.
Formative assessment tells where are kid are at and where we need to help them next for them to meet the learning goals. Backward design check ins so to speak. It allows for adjustments to teaching. #bcedchat
Hi Iram... Good to see you at #bcedchat. Agreed. Love that. Formative assessments help tell you where you need to go. That goes for students and teachers. #bcedchat
A2: I like to think that even summative can become formative b/c learning always continues. Whenever Ts or Ss take results & analyze them for growth, a summative can become formative. Also, formative can help me make a strong summative professional judgement. Connected #bcedchat
continual learning, finding and making visible connections, should transferable use of skills helps students to make meaning in a wider sense - not just to 'finish the unit' and move on #bcedchat
So, that makes me wonder what is a quiz? is it about seeing if students understand the concepts? Is it to prepare (ie, teach to) the test? Just wondering....#bcedchat
Great point! I know I have used summative results to plan forward into the next year, or to help with big data when looking at cohorts of students. #BCEdChat
#bcedchat I believe there is some research showing the most powerful indicator of success in university is the principal's recommendation based on the informed contributions of the student's teachers, not on a summative exam like a provincial.
Agreed. the summative can become formative if it is used as an opportunity to learn and it provides information for the student and teacher on where to improve. Furthermore, that summative can NO LONGER COUNT as part of the final grade because it became formative. #bcedchat
We have a lot of chat time too - group and solo reflection and shared as well - not everything is based strictly on the rubrics! Not everything is efolio-worthy either😜 #bcedchat
Thinking, now, about standards based grading. Does it mean that we assess with homework, quiz, test on same outcome? test on chapter, unit, midterm, final? How many times should we test a standard? #bcedchat
In reply to
@dramaqueen4, @jfprovencher27, @msyehuang
A3: these Qs are coming fast and furious. My wonder to this so what to do when formatively you feel trapped in this "I don't think the kids get it" loop. #bcedchat
That's a good point. Thanks, Fred! IMO, really unit tests should be considered formative too, if we allow re-tests for Ss to demonstrate that they improved their learning of a particular PLO. #bcedchat
Or even catapult us into the next unit. What do I need to revisit? Where are our strengths. All assessment data can help us with those decisions. #bcedchat
A3: As a way of encouraging students and complimenting them on the journey. Of making teaching personal to them so that differentiated learning can take place. Of enabling students to be their own advocate in the math learning process. #bcedchat
Agreed. the summative can become formative if it is used as an opportunity to learn and it provides information for the student and teacher on where to improve. Furthermore, that summative can NO LONGER COUNT as part of the final grade because it became formative. #bcedchat
I have thrown away the quiz and test concept in my classes. We do checkins and see where we are at with the topics. They can correct them and they highlight in yellow what they want to spend more time on #bcedchat
Depending on viewpoint, T and S, it could be anywhere.
I do think math lends itself more to this, simply because of the seeming finality of a unit. It is SO amazing when Ss see their development a month or two later. LOVE it. Addictive for all of us. :) #bcedchat
I would stop and find out - use different engagements to find out what they know and where the gaps are - no point going on if you don't know the baseline #bcedchat
Well #bcedchat if I had 8 different assessments out of 10, I could lay them all out & do a forensic analysis of what's the same & what is different to determine why marks were taken off, . . . or I could tell students what they did well & what they could do to improve each time
Well... This tweet was in response to @msyehuang who said it much better. Sadly, we mistake summative assessment as formative. Getting a 6/10 tells me nothing as a learner except I got a 6. Yet, the hidden message is IMPROVE. What are your thoughts on this Fred. #bcedchat
A3: I can’t speak to math, but my S do checklists: “not yet, yes with help, yes on my own” next to concrete competency descriptions, & give examples. It helps me gauge where they’re at, individually & as a class. My peer support consultant helped me create them. #bcedchat
Totally, which is why I appreciate summative check ins combined with formative assessment. If there’s trends it most certainly allows me to retrace steps and research in a timely manner. I’ve been really enjoying “high yield Math routines” this year. #BCEdChat
A2 Formative assessment is like the design process, we see where we are at and rework the areas we need to so that we can continue the learning or change how we are doing the work. #bcedchat
A3 #bcedchat Well, not a Math teacher but since we are all accountable for numeracy & literacy....I teach scale (mapping) & charts/graphs in both non-fiction & Socials so I avoid ✅ & incorrect. I ask questions, steer them on correct path, note what did well. No "atta boy/girl"
The portfolio conferences changed the underlying message students were getting in my classroom, from “guess what the teacher is thinking” to “let’s work through this together.” - Love this brave post, almost a cautionary tale about the complexity of gradeless teaching. #tg2chat
Q3- I am not a math teacher- but I podded with an amazing teacher who would pose an open ended quick question and ask students to use prior knowledge and to provide a reason as to why they got that answer! #bcedchat
I may disagree in this one. I think it is important for students to understanding their assessment. It's, as you say, part of that feedback loop. They need to learn how to 'formatively assess' themselves as part of the learner process. #bcedchat
But you don't need to put a mark down to tell students what they need to do to get better. The student should be able to do the "forensic science" as well. Most can't from 6/10 or an X. #bcedchat
A3: I build instructional videos to replace my lectures. Using #edtech to embedd questions in my videos is a powerful way to implement formative assessments #bcedchat
This yr I am trying the cumulative assessment approach so that I'm assessing Ss on PLOs they've learned so far and break boundaries of units on summative assessments (tests and projects). #bcedchat
In reply to
@brynmw, @dramaqueen4, @jfprovencher27
Yes. but if they demonstrate that understanding, how many times should we assess? And, in many cases, we need to assess multiple times to make sure that there is deeper understanding. #bcedchat
In reply to
@msyehuang, @dramaqueen4, @jfprovencher27
Yesss I love using traffic light highlighter strategies! Helps them focus on their self-identified goals. Builds ownership of learning, awareness of ‘place’ and of journey in growth. They feel so proud of themselves when they can recognize their own growth! #bcedchat
Making concepts & skills visible and creating a web of connections makes it more naturally embedded in what is happening in lessons - over time Ss will make the connections & question links #bcedchat
She would then provide them feedback and ask questions as to how they formulated that answer and if their learning process could work for another question #bcedchat (which was conceptional) to what they were doing.
I like some way to communicate, to the teacher, the "not yet" "yes with help" "yes on my own" thing. Embeds self evaluation in every class. AND if someone is saying "yes" but it is really "no", then the teacher has more information about the student. #bcedchat
A3: I can’t speak to math, but my S do checklists: “not yet, yes with help, yes on my own” next to concrete competency descriptions, & give examples. It helps me gauge where they’re at, individually & as a class. My peer support consultant helped me create them. #bcedchat
Any teacher can choose what and how they assess in their classroom. There is an understanding that the teacher in the classroom has autonomy around how best to assess their students, authentically. Unless.....#bcedchat
In reply to
@jfprovencher27, @dramaqueen4, @msyehuang
I think that if students were cognitive that formative assessment were happening and actively part of the process, then maybe they can see it as it's happening. But most students still talk like this... 67%... B... pass/fail. All summative. #bcedchat
a quiz is just to check Ss understanding. i told Ss that if they don't do well on the quiz they still have an opportunity to demonstrate their learning on the test or project. The grade is updated if they can demonstrate learning. #bcedchat
Q4: What is the most effective formative assessment strategy do you use that you believe is most effective for students to learn math? How do you know? #bcedchat
With curriculum driven outcomes people have to introduce multiple concepts however when we build language capacity & create visuals so Ss can connect past & new learning they can see layers #bcedchat
#bcedchat I've even used final cross-grade summative tests as formative by informing students (& parents) of the student's strengths & weaknesses leading to what they could work at over summer to be better prepared for the next level.
That's a good point. Thanks, Fred! IMO, really unit tests should be considered formative too, if we allow re-tests for Ss to demonstrate that they improved their learning of a particular PLO. #bcedchat
A1 #bcedchat Formative assessment is the ongoing process of evaluating student progress on given set of goals. It is flexible, and assesses learning over on a continuum, over a given period of time, with evolving expectations and experiences.
I agree, but it's about how we report out on the assessment. If we write a 67% or B or p/f, then that's what they see. But if we communicate the learning cycle (as in 'try this?' or "why did you do it this way?'. It might be better, perhaps? #bcedchat
Yup. You gain insight into the student’s level of understanding *about their own understanding.* Then we’re better able to help reframe the student’s understanding & better empower them 4 growth. My favourite part is helping a struggling kid have an ‘aha’ & feel proud. #bcedchat
I like some way to communicate, to the teacher, the "not yet" "yes with help" "yes on my own" thing. Embeds self evaluation in every class. AND if someone is saying "yes" but it is really "no", then the teacher has more information about the student. #bcedchat
A3: I can’t speak to math, but my S do checklists: “not yet, yes with help, yes on my own” next to concrete competency descriptions, & give examples. It helps me gauge where they’re at, individually & as a class. My peer support consultant helped me create them. #bcedchat
I can’t help but wonder if we might be able to do a better job of connecting formative assessment to students’ experiences while learning. What if they came to see that FA leads to different groupings, practice, questions...FA serves a purpose beyond “results” #bcedchat
I don’t know about other elementary schools, but in Surrey we are moving away from this. Movement from many teachers to not give out grades and percentages. Students at my school are really comfortable with this. #bcedchat
It is about mindset If we think it will B challenging then it will be. Think about the way u use provocations & how u collect data. If we really think about what we want 2 know & how that will inform our teaching then it is not any more challenging regardless of subject #bcedchat
I know I am not a math TEACHER (but I do teach & teach beside a math teacher ;) ). What I am noticing in my classes is that the students are NOT talking about grades and percentages and ARE talking more about learning. Report cards make this convo go back to grades. #bcedchat
I think that if students were cognitive that formative assessment were happening and actively part of the process, then maybe they can see it as it's happening. But most students still talk like this... 67%... B... pass/fail. All summative. #bcedchat
#bcedchat This is such an important part of the FA process since we can involve the students in giving feedback by understanding success criteria, looking for key indicators, peer reviews, assessment talks with each other (I like teams here to improve the talk)
I have thrown away the quiz and test concept in my classes. We do checkins and see where we are at with the topics. They can correct them and they highlight in yellow what they want to spend more time on #bcedchat
Yes - 'language capacity' - is totally a component of math. Important we are working to *name, notice, nuture* with vocabulary, concepts, reasons why we do what we do. #bcedchat
A4: My most affective formative assessment was the use of proficiency scales. Ss start at the lowest level and advance until they are no longer successful. Both S and T know exactly where they are. No grades needed. #bcedchat
Yes. Being explicit with formative assessment will help students become aware that we are helping them to become better selves. It reminds me of sport, music or dance. Competency based... all feedback is formative, especially at practice. the W/L is summative. #bcedchat
I had my intermediate teachers come to me and ask not to give out percentages/grades on report cards. They wanted more commentary on each learner. Loved it. #bcedchat
In reply to
@teachermrskhan, @ChristineYH, @ajgadd
We do open ended questions near the end of a group of units for a SA but as with all checkins they can correct and see what needs work before the next concept.They get to show me how their brains see the answers and how they can use what they have learnt #bcedchat
A4: I’m still figuring this one out. I’m brand new to teaching science but my language ‘lens’ is actually making it super exciting. I think ultimately allowing students to really ‘show’ understanding & skill (according to their strengths) is key. #bcedchat
Q4: What is the most effective formative assessment strategy do you use that you believe is most effective for students to learn math? How do you know? #bcedchat
Q2 the purpose of formative assessment is interesting as it is interpreted many different ways. I see at as benchmarking students against where they were initially, to where they are later in their learning. It shows their growth over a period of time, their learning #bcedchat
I had my intermediate teachers come to me and ask not to give out percentages/grades on report cards. They wanted more commentary on each learner. Loved it. #bcedchat
In reply to
@teachermrskhan, @ChristineYH, @ajgadd
A4: hands down, using small group instruction embedded in a guided math rotations for my grade 8s this year has yielded so many rewarding moments of seeing where my students are but also where they can be challenged and supported with manipulatives and mentoring #BCEdChat
Putting a grade on even negates the comments that are also there as students see it as summative & stop looking to improve. No grade, just feedback is clearly shown as superior for improving learning. Research strongly supports this, #bcedchat
But you don't need to put a mark down to tell students what they need to do to get better. The student should be able to do the "forensic science" as well. Most can't from 6/10 or an X. #bcedchat
Putting a grade on even negates the comments that are also there as students see it as summative & stop looking to improve. No grade, just feedback is clearly shown as superior for improving learning. Research strongly supports this, #bcedchat
But you don't need to put a mark down to tell students what they need to do to get better. The student should be able to do the "forensic science" as well. Most can't from 6/10 or an X. #bcedchat
I can’t help but wonder if we might be able to do a better job of connecting formative assessment to students’ experiences while learning. What if they came to see that FA leads to different groupings, practice, questions...FA serves a purpose beyond “results” #bcedchat
Yes yes yes. My question for you: what do you do when you are teaching skills and concepts that span months (and reporting periods), allowing for practice, but needing to report formally along the way? #bcedchat
I love using a table square where there are four questions and one S starts the question and we rotate the paper and the next fixes and continues to solve. Great math discussions come from this and I can see what each has been able to do #bcedchat
That's a good point. Formative assessment allows us to break down the learning and connect "experts" in specific learning areas to provide the best opportunities for growth in all learners. #bcedchat
I love using a table square where there are four questions and one S starts the question and we rotate the paper and the next fixes and continues to solve. Great math discussions come from this and I can see what each has been able to do #bcedchat
It’s exciting to witness. I was shocked how quickly students “got it” I thought they’d fight it. Same with parents. If you are transparent and invite everyone along for the journey it can happen! #bcedchat
A3: FA can take many forms: observations, exit slips, quizzes, etc. For quizzes, I don't give grades, but where they are at instead: Novice, Intermediate or Expert. Here's a sample rubric: https://t.co/862YnhTJWO#bcedchat
#bcedchat Excellent! I also like to look at the same assessment criteria on 5 questions, then going back and doing another criteria on those 5, back to do another on the 5 instead of 'assessing the whole multi-criteria' on each Q. Builds S understanding of assessment.
I love using a table square where there are four questions and one S starts the question and we rotate the paper and the next fixes and continues to solve. Great math discussions come from this and I can see what each has been able to do #bcedchat
Isn't collaboration cheating? Shouldn't you be showing your OWN work?
Oh wait, using the communication core competency, collaboration and shared learning through communication is necessary. #bcedchat
Growth mindsets lend well to formative assessment... especially in math. Math is not something you are born with. It is something that can be groomed... but we have to believe it's possible. #efficacy#bcedchat
But also notice in your write up "to show me". #bcedchat we need to do a paradigm shift to the 'me' being the student, not the teacher. FA should be to inform S of learning (as well as T of teaching/learning)
We do open ended questions near the end of a group of units for a SA but as with all checkins they can correct and see what needs work before the next concept.They get to show me how their brains see the answers and how they can use what they have learnt #bcedchat
I can't help but think about the layer of 'math trauma' (@joboaler term) that fits into our FA work with Ss.
In being explicit in the "why" and giving Ss voice in how they are feeling about their learning, hopefully we are making positive difference. #bcedchat
A5: Ss are typically not ‘wrong.’ Often times, Ss are told they are wrong but they are on the right path and need to be encouraged to push their thinking a bit deeper. Mindset is key to Ss pushing & not shutting down. #bcedchat
General comment here, I think when teaching math with more formative assessments you’d have more students enjoy it??? Maybe? This def. would have worked for me. Summative assessments made me hate math and I still have a difficult time with it. #bcedchat
A5: Ss are typically not ‘wrong.’ Often times, Ss are told they are wrong but they are on the right path and need to be encouraged to push their thinking a bit deeper. Mindset is key to Ss pushing & not shutting down. #bcedchat
A5: I learned about Carol Dweck via @Lamond_J & “Drive” by @DanielPink (audiobook = great for the commute). “Drive” really helped make me feel more determined to lean into S ownership, real-world connection, goal-setting /intrinsic motivation to fuel achievement #bcedchat
A4: I have participated in @pgliljedahls Thinking Classroom Math lessons and I have gained so much as a math learner. Random groups (working with others) makes a huge difference. Sharing learning between groups makes a huge difference. Low floor high ceiling tasks #bcedchat
I keep thinking that the more students drive assessment and learning, the more independence, efficacy and risk-taking they show. I wrote a blog on self-assessment as a strong form of formative assessment. Feedback welcomed. https://t.co/siGn4RaBJU#bcedchat
The only down-side is I usually need 3 periods for a mini-conference. Can't do it as often as I would like to. Right now I do it twice a semester. #bcedchat
In reply to
@brynmw, @jfprovencher27, @dramaqueen4
Love this- its funny how at the highest level pushes for creativity but at the lower formative aspect has always been based in memorization #bcedchat Be curious and learn to take chances!
It is a well know phrase in my class to say how does your brain see solving this. Mine sees this lets see how you can solve it. There is no right or wrong.
A4: To continue: @pgliljedahl is whipping around watching watching watching to ensure that everyone is engaged and everyone gets the "just right support". Trust me, I have been in the struggling group and he knew it :) #bcedchat
I keep thinking that the more students drive assessment and learning, the more independence, efficacy and risk-taking they show. I wrote a blog on self-assessment as a strong form of formative assessment. Feedback welcomed. https://t.co/siGn4RaBJU#bcedchat
This exposed for me that I was a trigger-based learner. I have tons of things learned that are stored in memory with triggers that recall these areas...just like most paper/pencil math tests do so I was successful in school. Other learners are fantastic at blank paper #bcedchat
A6 because math is linear, you must understand the parts to make sure you get the whole idea. For example, why do we have Pie in the formula of a circle #bcedchat
#bcedchat A5 I’ve seen such a difference in my class once grades were removed and I’ve been working on acceptance and collaboration skills. Everyone brings something to their math group. It’s been slow but attitudes are changing.
What about problems that are open & have multiple answers #bcedchat
Do questions need to have a number score - can they be EG: no understanding, limited, developing, sound, extended
We all have natural talent... but we all can learn math too. I believe that. Formative assessment helps. Believing in Growth Mindset helps as well. The struggle is the learning process. In math, I find that we can easily give up. #bcedchat
A6: (Mom perspective) Because tests (ugh!) are big, ugly, anxiety-creating, scary monsters for kids. So I would like to say to Math folks -- lean on formative and don't push kids to do the summative until they are ready. And how about summative that arent always tests! #bcedchat
#bcedchat If I believe "all assessments should improve learning", I will look to how even summative assessments can be reviewed formatively in preparation for re-writing a diff. form of test or to show later in year, their improved mastery on concept
I think it can be in the grad programme, but you still need to have percentages on hand if asked. Especially for universties in the states. (which also ask for grade 9 percentages...) #bcedchat
In reply to
@ajgadd, @19apples99, @teachermrskhan, @ChristineYH
I think there are many ways we can summatively assess that are not the summative assessments I had to complete (and likely you too) - the multi page, by yourself paper test. #bcedchat
General comment here, I think when teaching math with more formative assessments you’d have more students enjoy it??? Maybe? This def. would have worked for me. Summative assessments made me hate math and I still have a difficult time with it. #bcedchat
A3. Formative assessment important in teaching science (esp higher grades). Helps me see concepts not understood since u need those concepts to move up to higher ones. #bcedchat
When it is a culture that supports #agency Ss are empowered to discuss & ask questions at their point of need and understanding - removing the score and replace with level of understanding is a great start - student language #bcedchat
A6: Formative assessment tells me what I need to do next to help my Ss reach the outcome. It is my responsibility as a professional to respond to the formative assessment in my classroom. #bcedchat
Q7: Based on tonight’s conversation, is there something you have learned about formative assessment in mathematics that you would like to embed into your practice or investigate further? If so, what? #bcedchat
Took a LOT for me to build up a student’s self confidence & buy-in. I almost had an anxiety attack knowing I needed to send home a C- on gr.8 report card. I just hoped that my ultra-encouraging comments alongside could mitigate what I knew he’d perceive as a blow. 😔 #bcedchat
#bcedchat A5 I’ve seen such a difference in my class once grades were removed and I’ve been working on acceptance and collaboration skills. Everyone brings something to their math group. It’s been slow but attitudes are changing.
I think it can be in the grad programme, but you still need to have percentages on hand if asked. Especially for universties in the states. (which also ask for grade 9 percentages...) #bcedchat
In reply to
@ajgadd, @19apples99, @teachermrskhan, @ChristineYH
A6: The short answer is - it just is! You can't build in Math without it. It is important to use various strategies depending on your students in the how we implement formative assessment. #bcedchat
SFU math researchers showed Ss thought formative assignments were for their professors and not for their own learning so were bombing their summative testing. Once they shifted the paradigm, grades went way up as Ss sought to see how work was helping them grow, not showing T.
I bet! It sure is a wonderful time to authentically view through the learner lens! Perfect time with all the core competency work and things such as tonight's #bcedchat topic to consider.
How is the program going? :)
That is so true. Our self-talk. Math efficacy. "I can't do math" has got to stop. I teach pre-service (non-math specialist) teachers who believe this. MATH IS EVERYWHERE. Math is fun too. Let's embrace Math. Formative assessment helps. #bcedchat
I focus a lot on language use in the class... I'm not good in math, I hate math... change the language to I am learning math... I am getting better at.... i am working on....
A7: how'd we get to Q7? There is so much I would love to ask about math assessment. I wonder how teachers create a classroom community in math classrooms. I want to know if @pgliljedahl's group learning for math is common or novel.
A6: The beauty of working as an interventionist is the privilege of only having a small group at literally responding to them in the moment as I observe their learning. #bcedchat
By changing to check ins my students have lost that anxiety. One S told another "don't worry its a check in so we and ms mcknight can see where we are in our learning. No stress cuz we can fix it later. " I loved this #bcedchat
Q4. E.g. of formative. Qu of the day. HW ck or quiz. Grps of std white boarding problems. Predict ObserveExplain. Exit tickets. Lab conclusion. #bcedchat
A7: I would actually really appreciate it if you could share resources (like books, or district resource webpages, exemplars) that have helped you work towards better formative/summative ‘skills & thinking’ assessments. I get anxiety without examples to guide me. #bcedchat
Q7: Based on tonight’s conversation, is there something you have learned about formative assessment in mathematics that you would like to embed into your practice or investigate further? If so, what? #bcedchat
I loved giving non-test summative when I taught 8th grade math. Way more application based and less anxiety. More chance for mastery and deep understanding #bcedchat
#bcedchat I've got a phone call I need to take so thank you all for 'triggering' much recall on the power of FA! Thank you #bcedchat moderators and the community again for such help in improving our learning!
A7: I would actually really appreciate it if you could share resources (like books, or district resource webpages, exemplars) that have helped you work towards better formative/summative ‘skills & thinking’ assessments. I get anxiety without examples to guide me. #bcedchat
Q7: Based on tonight’s conversation, is there something you have learned about formative assessment in mathematics that you would like to embed into your practice or investigate further? If so, what? #bcedchat
On Tuesday, the #atAssess chat is asking for your questions about assessment. BC teachers have a unique perspective and we would love to hear your ideas. Join us Tues. at 6PT. #bcedchat
Just popping in. Math builds so much unit to unit that it seems cruel to base assessments only on a summative unit test. I bet most students could retake a test from a couple months ago and ace it #mastery#bcedchat
Yes, summative assessments don't have to be tests! I like doing projects and math fairs (though I cannot do projects for all units b/c the marking load would increase by a lot). #bcedchat
On Tuesday, the #atAssess chat is asking for your questions about assessment. BC teachers have a unique perspective and we would love to hear your ideas. Join us Tues. at 6PT. #bcedchat
A7: I would like to learn more about Ss engaging in self-assessment of their learning (not necessarily the outcome or standard but rather their process of learning). #bcedchat
A1: (Jumping in late) Here’s how we define formative assessment in our math curriculum project: https://t.co/g748ZSDCXf
We focus on formative assessment as a process not a product. #BCedchat
We do this in French when we play verb relays and do peer conferencing. I also tell my students that I see some mistakes that I don’t want them to fix because the grade 8 stuff is perfect & beyond that=messy extensions! Messy french is beautiful for grade eight 😊 #bcedchat
I am working on first formal reports this week with my class...and have to assign a grade. :( Breaks my heart when we have worked so diligently for 3 months to build confidence and break away from negative feelings so that growth and self-view are starting to skyrocket! #bcedchat