#IEedchat Archive
#IEedchat is a great way for Inland Empire (California) educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday February 8, 2016
10:30 PM EST
Welcome to . Tonight's topic is "Promoting the lost art of discussion in the classroom."
Introduce yourself & comment on whether or not you have observed a decline in conversational competence w/youth in recent years.
Robert Guzman Tech Coach , a slight decrease but we need to bring it back up
Tech Integration Specialist at SJCA in West Covina, serving K-8. The decline in conversational incompetence is real.
a0: Jon Brubaker, English teacher, Beaumont, I think things have been pretty constant. Always hard to have a good discussion.
Julia from Conversation is on the decline. I work hard to bring it out of them. Even harder for ELs
A0: Mark Synnott. Coach for . My talks with kids have remained the same. Just have to tell them to put their phone down now.
Josh Lewis, I have seen more Ss conversation but still not where it should be
Q1 coming up, get those intros in
Q1 coming up, get those intros in
nice to see you again, J Bru.
yeah. It was a great event. I really benefitted from attending.
Q1: Are Ss’ reliance on screens for communication detracting, and distracting, from their engagement in real-time talk.
Jed - math+tech geek
A0: It’s all about the quick and the now. Ss/ppl are “connected” but feels less human.
Chad from Perris checking in. Since when have teens ever been brilliant conversationalists?
I still work hard to get them to talk. Hate having to ask the talkative ones to remain silent.
You too. It appears we attend the same events, online or in person. :)
I can see where you’re going.
How did we measure conversation quality prior?
Has it really changed?
Good questions.
A1 Not if you ask them to talk about what's on the screen, i.e. Explain what you wrote.
a1: I think it is hard for students to not talk over each other. Also, well thought out responses are hard. They take time.
A1: Reliance on screens can be utilized to our benefit, but Ss must be coached in the art of discussion either way.
A1: They are in the habit of continuously looking at them, but we can pull them away from it and take them to the good side
a1: Discussion requires listening and thought. Even silence. Not so popular.
but SO important to talk in math. Major need for SMP3 and it’s counterparts in CCSSELA & NGSS.
We must work hard at pulling conversation out of them. That's always been part of the Ts challenge: shut up and listen!
Was that you in the red shirt at Edcamp Perris I helped out when you first arrived
Q1b: Provide an example of how this "screen reliance" manifests itself (or doesn't) in your classroom during discussions?
A1: The obvious is yes.
We see it, we know it. Can we blame it?
What if a conversation/activity were more enticing than a screen?
A1: This is a really good Q, I will answer w/observation: Some Ss are purposeful in ignoring tech, but as you look around all use
good point here
Try to get some brain activation with the keys.
Multi modal is always good.
Great point, it's a tool, how Ss use the tool is our job to teach explicitly in our classrooms
Say more.
What benefits have you noticed from reliance on screens.
I am wondering if you might explain more here
A1: Short answer...yes. No one is as good at multitasking than they think they are. You'll always miss something.
A1b Last Friday told my Ss to close their chrome books because we were going to talk. Dead silence. Blank stares. Really??
Jed, I hope this knowledge of other camps doesn't mean you're jumping our math geek ship
taking turns does seem challenging, especially when tech removes a lot of the delay
I love it when they give that reaction
I like that...if you are referring to me as the T, I've notice I say I hate the sound of my V, but I never shut up
Q2: How can we focus on sharpening Ss’ ability to move back and forth between the digital and real world?
Been there, Ss need explicit instruction these days to conduct intelligent discussion. It takes practice https://t.co/LnG3I3kMTU
A1b Last Friday told my Ss to close their chrome books because we were going to talk. Dead silence. Blank stares. Really??
then they do it and MAGIC HAPPENS!!
I think we all hate the sound of our voices
A1b: 8th graders have ipads, biggest battle this year is having Ss act responsible w/tech, constant battle
a1: It requires active listening. Thinking about what the other person is saying. Activity. Screens are passive.
LOL, you're probably right there Robert (:
Referrig to us all, my friend. To us all!!
Ahh, very good point. Are there ways in which screens could enable this skill?
A2: build opportunities for structured discussion in class, have deliberate no device time, employ socratic seminars
Well, I know it is true for me...
Soeak for yourself, Guz. I'm lovely to listen to 😏
There is screen time and no screen time, find the balance https://t.co/2NyEAUMyy0
A2: build opportunities for structured discussion in class, have deliberate no device time, employ socratic seminars
a1: So hard to convince stud. that conver. should build. It is the "Yes, and" not an echo where I say the same but dif. words.
Yeah, that's an awesome diagram.
A2: Require devices to be put away. I have to ask my friends to put their phone away sometimes just to have a conversation.
A2 Starting to wonder if they can separate both or if Ss adult world will not have both.
Probably not since my Q is define what that would look like for you?
Plan: break up the activity into hi/lo tech.
Practice: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Ohh ok, let's calm down...listen to my horrible voice (;
Sorry I missed this...guess what I was doing
a2: I think writing is the key. Writing brings clarity to fuzzy thoughts. Then share face-to-face. Receive feedback.
Q2b: Is this a digital citizenship issue or an issue of changing cultural norms that we need to accept/reject?
I follow on the anonymity. I think Ss will go further with thought w/o judgement.
I personally find depth in vocal.
A2 another T mentioned her cue: 45s. Ss know to close comp to 45 degrees-they lose sight of screen w/o logout
A2: That's just a manner of lesson design. A cheap answer is 1 device 2 Ss. More elaborate requires intention, desmos has some ex.
a2: Face-to-face is critical. It is personal. Real time. Our discussion about writing at Edcamp needed F2F.
A2: Discussion of some kind should be part of the class/school culture. Explaining is the expectation now. They need opportunities
A2b: one aspect of digital citizenship is using good judgement on appropriate time/place for tech use
I’d imagine others out there similar to me, but I like your comment on the lowering fear so Ss will take more risk.
A2b: Little of both, Ss need to be taught proper use, digital citiznshp, newness will ware off, and new tech & cult take time
A2B: Not necesseraly it is more of a class management isssue and class norms
I am always a bigger fan of direct human interaction. Devices are not always around.
a2: Also, discussions must be planned. They look effortless, but require a bit of structure. Like the flow of a river.
Electricity can take the wifi down
A2b Classroom management and effort by Ts to interact and to engage. Some rely solely on tech as easy way out.
I definitely agree that f2f is a necessity odd how in an age of connected we are solitary islands
If I didn't want tech used, I put this picture up with a line that read "No Chromebooks!". It worked. https://t.co/4c6YqWUZr9
Digital Citizenship is not a direct relation, just some overlap.
Classroom mgmt needs to evolve with culture.
Happened 3 weeks ago. Kids looked like they were going down on Titanic. Hilarious.
Students have trouble writing formally online. They see it as only an informal medium.
That's exactly what I said. Great minds! https://t.co/kZvOcEKmcp
A2B: Not necesseraly it is more of a class management isssue and class norms
The kids got a laugh out of it too.
What might it look like as a formal online writing piece?
Q3: Since Ss have recording devices (phones/Chromebooks), could recording conversations for assignments/assessments be effective?
I don’t think it needs the label though.
Almost makes it feel less attainable than simple classroom mgmt.
A2b: Digital Cit seems to be evolving. Cultural norms can be defined within classroom, but hard if conflict with outside.
A3: I often record voices doing demo lessons, gives me great opportunity to review what I did...Ss could do similar
A3: Yes, you get a better feel of assessing their learning and what they have connected to
Works great! Gives me attention (or to peers for discussion) and then back to screen for analysis or writing.
A3: Yes. It would be good to post recordings of your own lessons on a LMS as well.
It could be an online discussion on any LMS. Students have trouble addressing ideas. Either adding or disagreeing.
I like the thinking here, even have different classes respond to each other...so many standards addressed there
A3 would live to have Ss record their discussions so they could listen back. Issue would be close quarters and background noise.
It works great for concepts you have to repeat constantly. For me, it was the Plot Diagram.
When I worked at Choice 2000 I use to listen to my lessons to see what I did and did not do
A3: definitely!
Tech allows for easier transmission/reception of recordings.
Great opportunity to connect and build empathy.
So would the recording be at home then?
a3: Interesting idea. I think this would take planning and a lot of practice. Not the first step. But it could be cool.
Q3b: StoryCorpsU is one example of teaching the art of conversation to Ss. What other ideas resources can you list?
A3:I can see 4 class lectures & giving Ss ability to play/pause, but F2F discussions need to be live, spontaneous, unable to judge
I remember did some neat stuff with having Ss record solving a problem, then formatively peer review.
A3-Could be ESPECIALLY effective for practicing speech world languages, recitation of sonnets, practicing presentations, lyrics
I was thinking of how they could collab and record. Home would be an issue. Too many wouldn't bother.
That's a great point...LOL that sounds about right (:
A3: Seems like a neat idea. Ss seems to love video. Not sure about sound. Many middle schoolers hate their voices.
A3B: I like the socratic seminar idea I heard about in
what about breakouts in quad?
I know not every T could do this same time. Limited resources. But maybe.
Any final thoughts on building academic converasational skills for students?
I like this. I know it would work with practice. I could let them go outside if I needed to.
FT your ability to communicate effectively and intelligently will have a direct effect on your professional success
FT: This is a difficult task to do, we have a lot of really great ideas here, but w/all it's about consistency and Ss find purpose
Join every Mon at 7:30pm PST. Next week's topic: Blogging for teachers.
FT Ask them what they think. Pause. Wait for answer. LISTEN!! Do this often until they believe in their own voices.