#edcamp Take away #4 HyperDocs helps provide personalized learning experiences by giving students choices in how they want to learn the standard/lesson/goal/target skill. @gfedcamp#gfedchat#TrailBlazeOn
The “law of two feet”—the freedom to roam from room to room—applies to any #edcamp, #ParentCamp, etc. Here at #edcampct, what was once called a “smackdown” at the end of the day is now going to be more of a share-out (we’ve made the change with @ParentCamp, too).
Thank you @SplendoraISD for using an #EdCamp model for our professional learning day! It’s awesome to see other teachers facilitating discussions that we as a district decided on this morning. Each session is meaningful to everyone in the room. #WeSeeRED
🗣️ De què parlen les famílies en un #edcamp?
👨👩👧 Què passa quan les famílies es troben per parlar d’educació?
📰 Llegeix aquest interessantíssim article del blog d'@edcampCAT: https://t.co/OvbqrhA0aN
Thanks to everyone at #edcampct - this was my first #edcamp but definitely not my last! What an awesome and enthusiastic community! Can't wait for next year 🤙🤙🤙🤙
David, it was a great to have an extended opportunity to learn with Ramona and Heidi this week. An #EdCamp provides a super opportunity to meet with people, but @otf_pd allows for a much greater depth #OTFConnect
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@dcarruthersedu, @jlay02, @otf_pd, @otffeo, @RamonaMeharg, @HSolway, @socialjusticete, @otf_pd